« on: February 18, 2010, 02:12:34 AM »
lol at razor, he fails:
From Razor's Post:
Srsly, i like the Old one. The new one is difficult and lot to do... -Not Really -Not really? OLD: post about yourself in foruns, get the link to an admin. Ta-DA! New one: Post about yourself, get respected in foruns, use tags, tell the truth, and be watched for a week. - That is a great idea, thanks for suggesting -.-
3 1/2. User MUST Where Special Tags Throughout the Trial Period, [RND]. -Ok now ppl cant use their names normally.. - They Are Applying for respected, they will add an even bigger tag anyway, .:RND`=- -If WE want, we use tha tags "And if you care add our tag .:~RND`=- -lolwut
5. They Must Have Enough Proof/Witnesses To Be Deemed Telling the truth. -Now we dont trust anyone -We must have proof that they were minging.. -"To Be Deemed Telling the truth." - Yeah, without proof it never happened.
6. If User Does Not Break The Rules During the Trial Period (maybe 1 week?) the admins/moderators will decide if the player gets respected or not, using things taken form the users trial period and deciding if they are worthy. -User do ALL of these things, and dont get respected cuz the admin dont want? srsly man.... - Please read this again, slowly... Using the things taken from the trial period, they will decide if this user is a minge or not. -.- -I dont think admins have TIME to use the "things taken from the trial period", cuz its OVER 9000 ppl - All they do is check and see if the user has a report
I give my beautiful NO to these new requirements.
Sanders fails to xD:
From Sanders Post:
Whats with the requirements? I may be out of the loop but what problem is this solving? I didn't know a problem existed. - Minges getting respected, -.-, Haven't you heard about RUFA, Qhersal, >9hck, and others? Banning People From the server randomly? -Its 4 or 5 ppl doing this, you r nuts - Only The ones already reported numbnuts
Note: Sanders Wins