General Chat / Re: Shen-Jii Valley
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:46:54 PM »
I am starting new tribe
"Kickasstakenames" Tribe
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"Kickasstakenames" Tribe
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Inuyasha is not fail. Either is Naruto.Inyushitface is not even close to good anime
wat duz this epix failz0r e2 doI would love to show you but coolz might ban me :I
cant kick admins biatchI didn't kick you biatch
kay updated mein postz0rlmfao
approved kthxbai, now to watch yuh to maek shure u no mingie
what did he say? :Oyuz yuz
i liek:
frank anime
coolz anime
party anime
dose pr0nz are das best :3