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Messages - Tabitha

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I want to pet your avatar.

Lol like your sig thing it r teh funny :D

(Jetsodown :})

Lol funny pic XD
p.s probably right.

Its asshole mod.

I hope you saw the ? >_>

You do know that you replied to a guy who has left.



Community Admin Apps / Re: Kill_N-Dark Admin Application
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:46:40 AM »
Date Registered: June 09, 2010, 01:51:15 AM
I'm tired, so you're off the hook from my flaming.


asshole mod isnt hard

May I correct you magic?

If I can open the spoiler :D
[spoiler]It's Ass mod isn't it?[/spoiler]

Community Admin Apps / Re: Thrator Application
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:31:47 AM »
Put a bit more effort into your app so I vote +0- (Notice the plus and the minus?)
And I have never seen you on the server much (Except I could be wrong you might hang out in other server's but it's no one's fault)

Do a bit better some other time.[/size]

Community Admin Apps / Re: Kill_N-Dark Admin Application
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:26:00 AM »
Hi I'm Kill_N-Dark 
Games i play the most
#1Garry's Mod
#2Cod 6
#4Empire total war
And more.......

About me
i don't really have much to say
I like to build and I'm a wiremod builder i like to help people out and respect other people who will respect me, i like to be with allot of players not to be alone and i help out people who need help for making e2 stuff   I'm a very nice guy if you know me longer ,Most of the time i will stay home and play Garry's mod and build every day,its like a drug that u cant stop playing it is SO fun  i wish that more people will be able play gmod and more server will be better at making server like you guys are the best RDM.

Time i play
Most of the time is 5 or 10 hour online every day
I do have a life 

More about me
I'm a male almost 15 and i go school every day .
I'm good at math and histoy and i have a nice teacher
i always help out people and most people likes me.
and i Love gaming i will spend 80 % of life game .
i live at Beverly Hills, California, United States.

About my name
my name is Kill_N-dark first game i got was left 4 dead and when you killing zombie its going to be in night so i kill in the dark

why do i want to be a Admin?
really simple just wanted to help out and make the server a better place

question for me!
if theirs is any thing you guys wanted to ask me reply i will try my best to answer you and if u need help add me on steam it is Kill_N-Dark fell free to ask me any thing

I know this is like the last one i post but i really don't have that much to say but any ways thank you guys who support me and thank you for reading this and oh +1 pls :) thanks alot if you do i give cookies.

yes guys i am a respected  but im repected for 8 days sorry i will wait and pls dont put not nice comment

Uh seriously? 2 posts? I bet your answer will be "Oh I just registered late! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry!" well if you registered late then how would you be respected? And if that isn't the case then it shows how inactive you are on the forums. SOOOOOOOOOOO

Community Admin Apps / Re: Tiger Guy for Admin
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:24:04 AM »
nice. no -1 votes...
that ends now.

just kidding 1+
Good luck :)

LolYou really seem to like doing that XDDDDDDDDDDDD you even did it on my app heheheheheheh.

yes we do not need a JP admin because most of the population is Russian And Ameracian
i vote -1 because i just dont like you
and i think u would become a epic minge
"ohh look someone is spamming pew pew ima perm ban them"
you would probally perm ban people for a small reason like getting u angrey
if u were a admin i think you would perm ban more people in one day than ruben has since he was in rnd

Uh if you have looked up you should be able to see Yomo being awesome and not using cap's meaning he is keeping his cool which is a important thing for admins is to keep it cool and not break cuz if you use cap's it just shows your temper and how much you rage. And Yomo is pretty cool he may make error's in his grammar but for a good reason >_> you the other hand what's your explanation for why you don't use proper grammar?

Community Admin Apps / Re: DJ Silver's Admin Application
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:04:27 AM »
Fail app >_>

I think a few people said no but didn't say >_>

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol

Community Admin Apps / Re: .:RND`=- RoflCopter Adminz App
« on: July 27, 2010, 03:39:39 AM »
You kicked Frank once for exploding a barrel and killing two or three people with it.
You attempted to ban (ban! not kick!) someone for "hacking" because he planted three C4s, which is absolutely retarded.
You once kicked someone for playing a song over mic. lrn2mute.
And you put no effort at all into your admin app.

Yeah I can't remember if I said no but hmmmm I dunno I'll just agree with Eddy cuz I'm lazy to be confused.

1+ Cool app and you know when you say PLUS PLUS.I KNOW HOW TO WORK ASS MOD...were you continuing the sentence after PLUS PLUS? cuz if you were you shouldn't have put the full stop :|.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Mickeyyeung98's admin app
« on: July 26, 2010, 11:13:01 PM »

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