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Topics - Tabitha

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Sorry guys I'm more active lately but uh I haven't been invited to the steam group so I have my request here! read on!!!:

My names Tabitha My second names Orego

My In game name is Tabitha De La Valliere

I am respected,I have a admin app here's the link in case you wanna read it:,4871.0.html .

I am 18, I am so used to 17 cuz I turned 18 this year XD.

As you should know I am awesome when it comes to building,I sometimes get depressed and think everyone is so much better then me but when I learn something else I feel awesome! I am awesome when it come's to sled build, Sometimes I sorta screw my sled up and I weld it to the ground and it fly's away and dissapears.....FOREVER!  :'(.
oh and the cake is ready! be right back!

back. in TTT I'm okay but could be better,I always seem to team up with the traitor,Is very annoying.  :-[

I am VERYactive on the server's forums not as much but I am active.

I am still learning about forums cuz when I joined on the day (I would have joined earlier but I didn't know much about internet and forums then :( ) I was all WHOA WTF!!!

I just learned how to use the images thing XD so I hope you understand why all my recent posts have images right?

I hardly rage anymore I used to I admit but not as bad as SOME PEOPLE I know >_> (stares over THERE)

I usually keep my head cool if someone is screwing around I don't type anything like "LISTEN FUCKING ARSEHOLE LISTEN TO ME YOUR GONNA STOP WHAT YOUR DOING OR I WILL VOTE BAN/KICK YOU OKAY? NOW FUCKING STOP!"
I usually type "Dude stop please if you don't stop in 10 seconds I'm gonna take action and vote kick you if you come back and keep doing it I will vote ban you capiche?"
My response would be "Make a sandvich? bish? Bicht? please if your gonna attempt to insult me do it in better grammar otherwise it just won't work oh and by the way stop >doing whats violating the rules< and I won't vote kick you."

Get what I'm saying? COOL I'm glad were on the same page. :laugh:


Rule 1 about the pole:Don't go making tons of accounts and just do no or something.
Rule 2: Don't persuade other people to say No and Yes.
Rule 3: Only vote no if you know why and have a good reason when you have voted type it up in the topic If you think there's something I need to work on then yeah type it up and send it cuz I really want to know!

Hey everyone I'd like to be admin because I would be good, I am super admin on another server, I am good at admin once I did a vote and the answers where Q.Is Tabitha a bad super admin you won't be banned for saying no!
A1.No. A2.Yes. A3.Dunno.
Answer 2 won the vote.

What I would do In a situation:Prop pushing in any server I give a warning and allow them to have time to stop. If they don't obey then I kick them. If they come back and start again I ban them.
If people are holding up the round in flood I kick. If they come back and do it again I ban them. If people are using aim bot in TTT I ban like there's no tomorrow cuz we don't like hacker's do we? In snow sled if a arsehole is spamming those huge wheel building props so everyone is stuck I ban them kick them because we wanna have fun don't we? If he/she come's back and does it again I ban them!

What I can do: I like the colour purple I am 18 I think sci-fi movies are  ;) cool XD I love listening to Techno music I'm a girl I like netball I'm not some glossy bitch who thinks everything is about makeup. I don't abuse admin. I am currently respected I was approved by Coolzedad and got it 5 minutes after putting in a respected app so I thought the servers were really good put together admins have been pretty good to me and everyone else  :)  I can make planes boats hovercrafts lol,Houses etc... Lol um not much else to tell about me   ;D. I never minge people. I vote kick and ban fairly and give a good reason. I never abuse. If you think I have abused before It may have been someone impersonating but even though I am sorry if thats happened. I am usually on the servers so that would be useful having a admin on a lot taking away the minges. I am usually on the forums so I read as much as I can.

Little bit about me:When I was 4 my mum and dad broke up and divorced I was sad for years but every year I got more and more used to it. I always had to live with my dad but I got to visit mum too. I have had my older brother who I get along with greatly. So life really doesn't suck and I guess I just became a nerd because of my dad and brother. I still prefer being who I am then a dumb bitch that thinks life is all about makeup sure I like purple but pink would be the more girly type of colour wouldn't you agree?

Why I want admin: I want to make the servers fun and enjoyable and totally minge free strive to help make the society a better place and let others play in the....sunshine the servers!

Community Admin Apps / Not sure if I have been around long enough :\
« on: July 18, 2010, 02:38:44 AM »
Guys well People I don't know if I have been around long enough to put down a admin app Cuz I am respected and I just wanna check if I can make a app and all so I don't waste space or something can someone please tell meee   :)!!!

Community Admin Apps / Tab ADMIN VOTE!
« on: March 17, 2010, 05:03:56 AM »
Hi i wanna be admin please vote and be fair while voting okay?no egging other people and saying "Vote no! she fails!" or something like that please i want this to be a fair vote

Community Admin Apps / Tabitha's Admin Application
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:36:10 AM »
Hi I'm Tabitha just saying if you did not read my Introduction anyway to the point!

I want to be admin because:I like helping people,I have a lot of time on my hands so i go on regularly,I'm super admin on another server,i hardly ever see admins on and i go on a lot so i would be helpful,i try to make peace with my enemies,I'm currently respected  ;D,When you do vote bans and kicks its kind of annoying because if someones minging around and everyone is just dumb and says no or something and it would be easier doing my job

I like the color blue and purple,i like being helpful,i am smart i am good at my job,A lot of people like me.
I live in Australia,Ballarat if you want to add me to your friends list im swampgass  :) i will regularly check the forums so yeah vote me Admin Please!
Also! i have been playing for a year now and im 17 years old!   :police: so vote for me!

Approved Respected Apps / My Introduction for becoming respected!
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:28:48 PM »
Hello my name is Tabitha. I'm a girl ;D
My favorite subject's are Reading,Writing,Maths
I am 17 turning 18 on 19th of December.
I can build a House,Fading doors,Pub,cars and traps.
The games i play are:Half life,Half life 2,Half life 2 episode 1,Half life 2 episode 2,Modular combat,G mod
I live in Ballarat
I like The colour Purple i like netball,Reading,and creating
You can contact me by getting on steam and adding this name to your friends list to talk to me when i get online: Swampgass.

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