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Messages - Maverick

Pages: 1 ... 9 [10] 11 ... 17
Games / Re: Count to 1000....Useing Pictures
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:12:47 PM »

Help/Requests / Re: I have a few questions.
« on: January 03, 2010, 08:26:47 PM »
Okay thank you. Cheers!

Help/Requests / I have a few questions.
« on: January 03, 2010, 08:23:05 PM »
One question is how do I chat through all the .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. servers.

The second question is if you are respected in one server are you respected in all the servers?

The third question is where are the servers located?

I'm sorry for asking such noobie questions. Thanks for whoever answers them. I'm located in California and I get about 20-50 ping on the servers.

Releases / Re: MAP release zs_fort!
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:56:32 PM »
wow, nice work. i personally love zs_uglyfort and vote for the map a majority of my playing time, while others say "nooo! not that map, i hate it!"... fucking assholes.
but i love how you've added all these new button doors. but do some of the breakable objects break too easily?
and what's this?!?! you've removed the pit >:O. oh wait, only for the top two floors. and you've solved the worldspawn problem :(, i can't push people down no moerz. but still, great job on the map.

You can shoot through all the doors. So if you have a good team you can hold off the zombies from breaking the doors. All the doors have 1000 health or more. The biggest door next to the fences has 3000 health points. I may need to do some adjusting. So this is the beta map. Yes I did make it where if you fall down the hole you don't die, however if you do fall down the zombies can easily kill you. One more thing when you shoot through the doors. They will not take bullet damage.

Releases / Re: MAP release zs_fort!
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:50:52 PM »
Looks really good! I hope it gets added to the server.

P.S I think you should add some more random props to cade with.

More items, then I will add items in the next version. Right now I'm taking a break.

Releases / Re: MAP release zs_fort!
« on: January 03, 2010, 04:08:30 PM »
Haven't seen it, and can't try it. I cheered you anyways :D

Yeah hold on I will release a download link and the video is still uploading. Sorry about that...

Releases / MAP release zs_fort!
« on: January 03, 2010, 03:30:55 PM »

Download links:

-Easy Share-

Thanks to Frank for:


-Multi Upload-

-Rapid Share-

-Deposit Files-
-Mega Upload-

-Hot File-

-Z share-

-2 Shared-


If you like it press the cheer button. Thanks everyone and enjoy.  :)

Help/Requests / Re: A ZS map problem.
« on: January 02, 2010, 01:53:57 AM »
-cough EntSpy or wordpad and oprn it up fist line delete no_decomp and save

OMFGZ you are a genius!

Help/Requests / Re: A ZS map problem.
« on: January 01, 2010, 10:57:24 PM »

already working on it but mine involes killing the person so ya can do it lol

I'm happy to hear that cause I can't seem to edit the map. It seems to be protected. I'm sure their is a bypass however I have other maps to attend to.

Mapping / Remaking old maps!
« on: January 01, 2010, 11:53:28 AM »


I know this is the only map I have remade. That's because I have a lot of school work to do.  :-\

General Chat / Re: Happy new year to everyone!
« on: January 01, 2010, 06:19:59 AM »

« on: January 01, 2010, 06:12:58 AM »
I love House!!!  :)

« on: January 01, 2010, 05:58:52 AM »
2012 is just another year like any other year. Don't get me wrong! I have researched maybe seven or eight hours on the subject. I just don't care what anyone says. Nothing is going to happen. If something does then that's just awesome. I wouldn't mind the world coming to an end. I don't care either way. Just don't think about it too much. My opinion on the subject is... please let their be zombies! I know that's just stupid, but it helps me sleep every night. "What would I do in a zombie apocalypse?"

Pick up my good friends and go steal a car with a great surround sound. Play heavy metal and kill zombies. Go to the mall. Fuck around at the local walmart. Bomb my old school. Kill all the people I don't like. Get pills, vicodin and more. That would be so awesome.

General Chat / Happy new year to everyone!
« on: January 01, 2010, 04:20:43 AM »
Happy new year to everyone!

I hope last year was a good year for everyone, but I hope this year is better then last year.

General Chat / Re: wish me luck
« on: January 01, 2010, 04:15:35 AM »
i was talking to phsycho but meh

Alright, then what ever. =\

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