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Topics - Dr. Doctor

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Final post
« on: December 02, 2009, 05:07:24 PM »
Frankly, I have had enough of this server group. I have seen better coordination on a public German CSS server, since the admins actually know what they are doing.

This server group is largely based on who is in and who is out. One person will decided whether someone is in or out (in my case, mingebagger) then the rest of you cave dwellers follow the assumption like sheep, as if I am a saber-tooth and you are cavemen defending your precious fire. The admins make em sick to my stomach, especially Moo. Moo, although an admin, takes no part in the servers upkeep or well being, and is not devoted to keeping it safe. he simply plays and bans whoever he feels like. Today I witnessed 2 of these banes, one being my own. The other admins, such as Ruben, are sparsely active and when they are, ignore what is going on around them. And what is with the free ability to vote ban/kick? 90% of your respected users I would not trust with a sharp pencil. With no real structure, and what little structure that exists being more social than literary, I am suprised that the server has not collapsed. But it has not. Why? Because the people that thrive on this type of structure are the very people I see daily on it: underage users and people with mental disabilities. I have seriously had people says 'YOU CANT KICK ME I AM AUTISTIC I AM ALLOWED TO PROP PUSH BECAUSE I AM DISABLED YOU ARE RUINING MY RIGHTS". The main thing here is rights. What right does a user have on this server? Like most servers, laws do not apply to it, which is ok. This is why the proper appliance of adminship is crucial which loops this back to Moos incompetence. He is very much the ring leader in this cesspool, with whatever he says goes. The average votekick and ban here runs on the basis of threat: people threaten to initiate, rather than warn, usually for a silly reason much like "I don't like you"(sabbath) "You are new"(mingebagger) and, finally but probably most importantly, "I am respected, you are not, I am better than you"(pretty much everyone). I have demonstrated this with my own respected status. Pretty much 100% of all kicks and bans I have handed out have been on a silly basis, such as "I don't like you". yet no one complains, because is this tightly knit, inbred community that is how it works. And the sad thing is this black spot on the gaming communities face will stay, but frankly, I find that a good thing. This server group keeps all the kids out of my TF2 game, the ragers out of my L4D2 game and the mentally challenged out of my CoD: waw game.

In short, keep this server group up, please. Don't give it up for a slight second. It is like sugar, with its users being insects, keeping you off the good meat of the gaming community. Although the only person this server will ever see with a slight brain has left, I am sure your server group will continue to keep its good inflow of kids.

Boneyard / No one knows what the rules are
« on: December 02, 2009, 04:39:18 PM »
Its is official: no one knows what the rules are. I just got kicked out by sabathfreak because "I dont want you on my boat". He had convinced the whole server he is allowe dot do that. Probably butt hurt form my earlier kick of him most likely.

I propose a small MOTD (message of the day) containing the rules that can only be minimized after 10 seconds, forcing them to read it.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Servers for other games?
« on: November 25, 2009, 03:54:12 PM »
Would be fancy to see a RND brand TF2/L4D server, because although Gmod is fun, its not the only thing most of us play. Heck, we could probably just convert one of the least played servers (role play, flat grass, snowshed and prop hunt are among the least used servers) into a Tf2, CSS, HL2:DM or other server.

I would volunteer to help set up, up keep and maintain the server if you guys need help doing so.

Boneyard / Russians
« on: November 23, 2009, 11:59:52 AM »
There is a sudden surge of prop pushing, minging spamming Russians, especially on flood. If me or any other respected (such as commander eddy) initiates a vote kick, they all vote no, since they come in packs of 4 to 7, usually being half the server.

Really, we need some way to counter act this. Whenever they are on, no Admins are contactable.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Respected list
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:45:51 AM »
A sticky with a list of all respected users would be helpful.

Funny Stuffz / Frosty the snowman: SHUT THE HELL UP!
« on: November 20, 2009, 07:26:12 PM »
So, I am on the flood server and we are playing and shit, maknig boats. We are talking about l4D2 and such, its achievements, etc etc. Then some guy called Frosty the Snowman, or something like that joins the server.

He shouts out SHUT THE HELL UP on his mic the second he joins, and keeps on spamming that. Everyone starts laughing at this guy, with chat and mic being filled with LOL and such. eventually he works out that everyone thinks hes a joke, and we start prodding im so to say. I say "Hey, frosty, what should I be doing now?" I hear a sob on the mic, laughing ensures. He eventually has an emotional breakdown and we laugh our damns asses off.

Games / L4D2
« on: November 17, 2009, 12:33:38 AM »
Just played through the first campaign, all I can say is awesome. The thrill I got was much more  so than what I got with L4D1. Each campaign is different by zombies and objectives, rather than just route and scenery in L4D1. For instance, the first campaigns finale is filling up a car with gas and crashing through zombies and a glass door wtih a race car. IN SLOW MOTION!

All I can say is awesome game. If you liked L4D, you will LOVE L4D2 to pieces. If you hated L4D (like me) you will still love it.

Server Requests/Suggestions / More admins
« on: November 14, 2009, 11:11:14 AM »
I think its a bit obvious that we do, infact, need more admins. The only RND server I have been on that has decent admin activity is the flood server. Every time I go onto sled or build, its full of prop spammers and, guess what, no admins.

We should have more admins from all time zones. EG: a few form Canada/USA, some from Europe, middle east and so on. It should be built in such a way, that at all times, there is at least two or three admins on the server group, rather than the current zero to one which I usually see. I would help build this rotor: by gathering all the admins usual game times (if you could be kind enough to give me your usual online times and your timezone). With this data it would be much easier to see if my predictions that we need more admins is true.

And no: this is not a "I want admin" thread, nor is it a place for you to ask to be added to the rotor. I would only take adminship if the server owner(s, I forget which) would approach me about it.

Forum/Website Suggestions / Weapons and related section
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:59:12 PM »
Self explanatory. A section dedicated to weapons you own, made or like. Discuss hunting, knife tricks, proper throwing techniques and explosives.  Vote on whether you would contribute to such a section.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Prop protection and more weapons
« on: November 07, 2009, 04:07:13 PM »
I am sick and tired of people jumping on my boat without authorization and shooting it, and i am sure that many others are as well.

Once, I went to a flood server that had this system that if you went on someones boat without their permission, you lost 25 HP and flew off the boat. Each user had a interface in the Q menu for allowing disallowing users. You could allow them on by ticking their tickbox, and their where also options for allowing them to build with your props, allowing people to collaborate and make large boats. I am not sure if it was a different game mode altogether, a plugin or what, but it sure was good at controlling minges. The effects of it would disappear after 30 seconds of round time, so you could jump on othe rpeoples boats when yours died.

As for weapons, I find it a rather simple request. Simply make more weapons for the flood server! You could mix it up with some TF2 weapons, such as the minigun, pipe bomb launcher, jarate or add in more CSS and HL2 weapons. Either way, it could not possibly be a bad addition, everyone would welcome it.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Respected overhaul
« on: November 07, 2009, 09:39:11 AM »
It seems that everyday I go into a server, I see many nice people that, In my opinion, are perfectly fit for the title of respected. Everyday, I also see many users that probably should not have the title. Most users with it do not initiate a votekick at the end of a flood round (if needed that is, due to waiters), usually because they are one of the parties waiting. To many a time I come in, and see a respected use and their friend, sitting on the boat waiting it out. Now, I will say no names as I can not prove, but i am sure all of you know who I mean.

Most of the respected users got the title simply by signing up and complying to a simple format of request. I believe this is outrageous. This system has let many ill needed respected users in, such as .:ScReAm:.Master chief. here is a chat log, the parts in brackets are commentary, so you know roughly whats happening in game:

Code: [Select]
nnnoobb's props have been cleaned up
(nnnoobb leaves, after proppushing alot. Chief did no votekick him)
*DEAD* .:ScReAm:.Master chief: finaly???????
*DEAD* linus371: yes
mas2458: kTO  3HAET  KAK  npEDMETbI  CKPEnJI9ITb
Insane AR2 Purchased - Supa Weapon
(I just got the AR2)
Profile saved!
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
mas2458: 4TO
dragonsoft: i got most money! :)
mas2458: kak  npeDMETbI  ckpenJI9Tb
Bull Dog: did u hear it
mas2458: 4TO
mas2458: kak  ckpenJI9Tb
(around here, people start playing spray tag, in spraytag you must try to cover over peoples sprays with your owm. We are having a good time, with my underground spray, someones cat spray, and a CSS spray. No complaints had, just fun)
Dr. Doctor: lol
mas2458: nail
king_xd: yes
king_xd: nail
Dr. Doctor: rofl
Seismo's props have been removed.
Profile saved!
king_xd: rBo3gu
???Cool: who build boat
Bull Dog: im listening to points of authority
???Cool: me aw
mas2458: y  MEH9  HE  noJIy4aeTc9
king_xd: nonpo6yu rope(BepeBka)
???Cool: zwaky
king_xd: *Rope
???Cool: zwaky
Bull Dog's props have been removed.
zwaky123: ?
???Cool: Put Effiel 65 Im blue
Player editor-news has joined the game
???Cool: im blue da bu di da bu die
zwaky123: its not that easy
Seismo's props have been cleaned up
Profile saved!
king_xd: Hago Ha cBoem nJloTe
(around here, master chief joins in on the spray tag fun)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: hahahahha
???Cool: find one in utube
zwaky123: i need to download the song, convert it, reduce the bass
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: look at my spary
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: spray*
mas2458:   a  4TO  B  naile  HACTPAUBATb
???Cool: Find one in youtube
???Cool: and thats it
(Master rages that my spray covers his, and the following ensures. Rather unsportsmanlike, hes ok with winning but not losing in the selfmade minigame)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: idiot
Dr. Doctor: lol
Dr. Doctor: just a spray, get over it boy
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
Dr. Doctor: lol, just a game stop raging
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: stfu fagnub
Dr. Doctor: real mature
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: hahaah!
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: lol nub
Dr. Doctor: mhm
(around here, round starts)
mas2458: off  music
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: wut music?
Bull Dog's props have been cleaned up
???Cool: mued
Dr. Doctor: brb, copy-pasting chat log so others can laugh at you
(making this)
???Cool: muted
linus371: how do i mute?
(the following sentence is a disgrace)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: lol i dont care im respected im better than u
Profile saved!
linus371: :D
(everytime one of his props dies, he spams like this)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: FUX
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: OMFG
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: shi
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: OH NO!!!
*DEAD* dragonsoft: adammn
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: om
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: omg
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: shit were gona die
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: OH NO!!!
*DEAD* linus371: hahaha
Profile saved!
king_xd's props have been removed.
Hybrid Kernel: jump
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
*DEAD* mas2458: DA
*DEAD* .:ScReAm:.Master chief: NO :P
Hybrid Kernel: jump...
Player viennaben has joined the game
Hybrid Kernel: ...
Hybrid Kernel: cool jump
*DEAD* linus371: yay
Player braindead has joined the game
*DEAD* linus371: :D
???Cool: :3
Player Mike321 has joined the game

Really, how on Earth did this guy get the title. I think this shows that the system is flawed. I propose the following for respected status:

1: All current respected users are to have their power revoked. Although there are many good respected users, it is matched by many bad ones. They will have to prove they are mature enough to handle the responsibility, but obviously good (and active) ones, such as Crazed Gunner, should not have to prove so.

2: All respected users should have a minimum post count of 50. After 50 posts, it should be relatively easy to see if the person is qualified.

3: Slightly off topic, but the respected status should be more noticeable. At the moment it is just a .: in their name. New users, and even some veteran users, don't know what it means. I think a respected user group, similar to the admin group, should be made. Thus, on the scoreboard, there would be 3 categories: users, respected users and admins.

4: If it comes to light that a respected user is abusing his power (with proof of said abuse) his title should be challenged, and removed if necessary.

5: Whether a user becomes respected or not should not be a community matter. If it is, people will vote based on friendships and vendettas rather on whether they are qualified. The admins should fairly review the users posts and doings, trying his best to be unbiased.

6: Respected users should have at least a basic grasp on English. Too many times have I seen a ball of gibberish come up in the chat box, then a votekick initiate. Without this, users would not properly know when they are being warned.

I believe if these steps are taken, the quantity of respected users would go down, but the quality would vastly rise. Of course, this is only a set of suggestions, and a few may be impracticable or time consuming.

Forum/Website Suggestions / Games section
« on: November 01, 2009, 12:08:42 PM »
I am suprised that a game server forum has no section dedicated to video games.

Should such be added?

Community News & Announcements / A slightly less exciting announcement
« on: October 31, 2009, 03:54:26 PM »
It is my birthday on november 1st, I will be enjoying cake, pizza and paintballing.


Boneyard / Chris* mingebaggery
« on: October 31, 2009, 05:39:25 AM »
Basically, this guy is a "all that" kid. I first spotted this wild minge in the wild territories of the flood server, where he was money rounding with a fellow minge, Zox. He claimed that the 5 dead people, including me, where crying about not playing, and he intended to carry on for the rest of the round, about 360 seconds. Only when threatened with contact of a admin did he finally end the round via his suicide. He then claims he is respected, and proves said title. How the shit he got respected, I will never know.

Later on, everyone is on his boat, no one is dead, thus the money round is a-ok in their eyes. I am then accused of shooting his boat, which I had mistakenly, with a 1 damage USP round. Me and some other guy where shooting each other for shits and giggles, no harm done, right? But no, that 1 damage made one of his props fall from 600 to 599 health! Oh the horror! He would lose one whole dollar at the end of the round! Oh the humanity! He then says he will vote kick me, because of course, 1 damage to his 7 prop ship is a hellish offense. Well, if I am going to get punished for something, I may as well do it, right? I then drop 3 grenades onto the boat, and empty enough MP5 ammo into a core prop of the boat to destroy it. I am then vote kicked, at a ratio of 4 kickers, 2 keepers.

Approved Respected Apps / DrDoctor
« on: October 25, 2009, 01:57:04 PM »
for starters: Im a ok guy, I usually play TF2 and COD4, but COD4 is starting tob e full of minges which sucks
name origins: my name was suggested to me by a freind, and I liked it
Time on: My time on is pretty random, sometimes I play a ahour or 2 during the night
location: Canada


i hate mingez
i have met a few admins
No pets
I ike the flood server
i usually build random contraptions but they suck ass
sometimes i do nothing

I think that concludes me in Gmod (i wish to get respected so i could use all the tools on the server
games i play:
CSS (pretty much never)
L4D (preorderd L4D2)
COD4 world at war
and more

now i rarely listen to music, no real interests in it
no codin skills
i am 14, soon to be 15

Im bad at building, if i make something good i adv dupe it super fast

Now a short brief stuff about me:
Name: Doctor Doctor
SteamID: Dr. Doctor
Friend(s): n/a
Favourite subjects: Science, English, wood shop, computers and fo shizzle
Birthday: 01.11.95
Education: two GCSE's, in biology and Home eco, else is grade 9/10
Builds: random crap
Games: see above lsit fo what i own
Location: NS,canada
How to contact me:

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