Author Topic: Respected overhaul  (Read 292 times)

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Offline Dr. Doctor

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Respected overhaul
« on: November 07, 2009, 09:39:11 AM »
It seems that everyday I go into a server, I see many nice people that, In my opinion, are perfectly fit for the title of respected. Everyday, I also see many users that probably should not have the title. Most users with it do not initiate a votekick at the end of a flood round (if needed that is, due to waiters), usually because they are one of the parties waiting. To many a time I come in, and see a respected use and their friend, sitting on the boat waiting it out. Now, I will say no names as I can not prove, but i am sure all of you know who I mean.

Most of the respected users got the title simply by signing up and complying to a simple format of request. I believe this is outrageous. This system has let many ill needed respected users in, such as .:ScReAm:.Master chief. here is a chat log, the parts in brackets are commentary, so you know roughly whats happening in game:

Code: [Select]
nnnoobb's props have been cleaned up
(nnnoobb leaves, after proppushing alot. Chief did no votekick him)
*DEAD* .:ScReAm:.Master chief: finaly???????
*DEAD* linus371: yes
mas2458: kTO  3HAET  KAK  npEDMETbI  CKPEnJI9ITb
Insane AR2 Purchased - Supa Weapon
(I just got the AR2)
Profile saved!
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
mas2458: 4TO
dragonsoft: i got most money! :)
mas2458: kak  npeDMETbI  ckpenJI9Tb
Bull Dog: did u hear it
mas2458: 4TO
mas2458: kak  ckpenJI9Tb
(around here, people start playing spray tag, in spraytag you must try to cover over peoples sprays with your owm. We are having a good time, with my underground spray, someones cat spray, and a CSS spray. No complaints had, just fun)
Dr. Doctor: lol
mas2458: nail
king_xd: yes
king_xd: nail
Dr. Doctor: rofl
Seismo's props have been removed.
Profile saved!
king_xd: rBo3gu
???Cool: who build boat
Bull Dog: im listening to points of authority
???Cool: me aw
mas2458: y  MEH9  HE  noJIy4aeTc9
king_xd: nonpo6yu rope(BepeBka)
???Cool: zwaky
king_xd: *Rope
???Cool: zwaky
Bull Dog's props have been removed.
zwaky123: ?
???Cool: Put Effiel 65 Im blue
Player editor-news has joined the game
???Cool: im blue da bu di da bu die
zwaky123: its not that easy
Seismo's props have been cleaned up
Profile saved!
king_xd: Hago Ha cBoem nJloTe
(around here, master chief joins in on the spray tag fun)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: hahahahha
???Cool: find one in utube
zwaky123: i need to download the song, convert it, reduce the bass
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: look at my spary
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: spray*
mas2458:   a  4TO  B  naile  HACTPAUBATb
???Cool: Find one in youtube
???Cool: and thats it
(Master rages that my spray covers his, and the following ensures. Rather unsportsmanlike, hes ok with winning but not losing in the selfmade minigame)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: idiot
Dr. Doctor: lol
Dr. Doctor: just a spray, get over it boy
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
.:ScReAm:.Master chief:
Dr. Doctor: lol, just a game stop raging
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: stfu fagnub
Dr. Doctor: real mature
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: hahaah!
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: lol nub
Dr. Doctor: mhm
(around here, round starts)
mas2458: off  music
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: wut music?
Bull Dog's props have been cleaned up
???Cool: mued
Dr. Doctor: brb, copy-pasting chat log so others can laugh at you
(making this)
???Cool: muted
linus371: how do i mute?
(the following sentence is a disgrace)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: lol i dont care im respected im better than u
Profile saved!
linus371: :D
(everytime one of his props dies, he spams like this)
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: FUX
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: OMFG
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: shi
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: OH NO!!!
*DEAD* dragonsoft: adammn
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: om
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: omg
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: shit were gona die
.:ScReAm:.Master chief: OH NO!!!
*DEAD* linus371: hahaha
Profile saved!
king_xd's props have been removed.
Hybrid Kernel: jump
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
*DEAD* mas2458: DA
*DEAD* .:ScReAm:.Master chief: NO :P
Hybrid Kernel: jump...
Player viennaben has joined the game
Hybrid Kernel: ...
Hybrid Kernel: cool jump
*DEAD* linus371: yay
Player braindead has joined the game
*DEAD* linus371: :D
???Cool: :3
Player Mike321 has joined the game

Really, how on Earth did this guy get the title. I think this shows that the system is flawed. I propose the following for respected status:

1: All current respected users are to have their power revoked. Although there are many good respected users, it is matched by many bad ones. They will have to prove they are mature enough to handle the responsibility, but obviously good (and active) ones, such as Crazed Gunner, should not have to prove so.

2: All respected users should have a minimum post count of 50. After 50 posts, it should be relatively easy to see if the person is qualified.

3: Slightly off topic, but the respected status should be more noticeable. At the moment it is just a .: in their name. New users, and even some veteran users, don't know what it means. I think a respected user group, similar to the admin group, should be made. Thus, on the scoreboard, there would be 3 categories: users, respected users and admins.

4: If it comes to light that a respected user is abusing his power (with proof of said abuse) his title should be challenged, and removed if necessary.

5: Whether a user becomes respected or not should not be a community matter. If it is, people will vote based on friendships and vendettas rather on whether they are qualified. The admins should fairly review the users posts and doings, trying his best to be unbiased.

6: Respected users should have at least a basic grasp on English. Too many times have I seen a ball of gibberish come up in the chat box, then a votekick initiate. Without this, users would not properly know when they are being warned.

I believe if these steps are taken, the quantity of respected users would go down, but the quality would vastly rise. Of course, this is only a set of suggestions, and a few may be impracticable or time consuming.
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Offline Dr. Doctor

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Re: Respected overhaul
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 12:53:33 PM »
Aparently, Master was not respected, and was only posing. Admins, feel free to use this post as proof against his case. My point still stands thoguh, as there are other people like master who are respected.
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Re: Respected overhaul
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 03:17:34 PM »
post count doesent mean anything
better make a system where quality posts are reviewed by admins to make the decision
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mm.. me2

Offline Dr. Doctor

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Re: Respected overhaul
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2009, 03:49:06 PM »
If some one does 50 posts you see, on average, the ratio of good/bad posts. If you do one post, that on post is the deciding factor on your fate for the title, which is currently happening.

Your question would of been easily answered if you read the OP.
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Re: Respected overhaul
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2009, 07:48:52 AM »
wat a fag, noobish fag. not u doc. that guy should get banned, isnt one of the rules respect other players? wow. btw, my dads here wit pc, gunna get my pc out muhahahaha no internet but i can practice cpp. gj on reportin da fag doc (PS IM ON PSP)
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