« on: January 01, 2010, 02:57:58 PM »
I am applying for respected...
Age 14
Grade 8th
Location Greenbow, Alabama... just kidding, South Carolina
SpecialtiesRecruiting in NCAA Football 10 (American Football), CS:S, GMod(ZS)
Difficulties Getting Women, Building and Wire in GMod, and making Sigs
Hobbies Watching American College Football, Playing PS3(PSN:Starwar341(The gayist name in the history of the world)), and Getting Cats attention
Why do I want to be respected I want to be respceted for many reasons. One of them is to kick noobs that mic spam repectlly even after half of the other players tell she/he to take a chill pill. I also want to take justice to the rnd servers. I've seen a lot of shiz in my short time in the rnd servers that wasn't right with me. I will not abuse my powers. I am fun if I can get along with you, but if you are being a minge, your fuckin' with the wrong reason, I'll bring the kick, then the ban hamma! I'll warn first though.
Please vote in the poll I've made.
P.S. Damnit! I can't make a poll... Just put -1,0, or 1!. And explain why you think that.
P.S.S. I can make a poll!! Okay!