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Messages - SabbathFreak911

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Approved Respected Apps / Re: Obadiah332 Respected App.
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:13:33 PM »
that it needs atleast 1 Admin on the servers @ all times
(some noob has got a hoverdrive thing w/ about 10 sound emitters and 10 emitters ATM)


Also, it's not spam because I was legit pointing out you spamming. It had meaning, not random BS.

Boneyard / Re: Fuckin Hell...
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:11:49 PM »
banana what map is that i will make a fix

 its called barren

Map was most likely Anchor. Darky said it himself.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Respected list
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:17:40 PM »
heres a bunch of respected ppl i know.

boat sinker

srry if i forgot you or misspelled your name

How did you not rememebr to put Tas, Pry, Magic, Mingebagger, etc? They're posted right above lul xD.

Help/Requests / Re: Flood Prop Requests (with pics)
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:14:39 PM »
Yup :P

I wish the made it.

BTW, I just can't stop watching at your signautre xD the guy eating doesn't stop getting my atention.

lmao the first time i saw that picture on photo bucket i coudnt stop laughing for a whole minute

I'm jacking it for meh avatar lul.

EDIT: How do I? lul.

now everyone will think ur a thief

Ok so? I am lul.

Server Guides/Information / Re: Boat Sinkers ULTIMATE Boat Guide
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:14:09 PM »
There's an easier way to do the last cage/tower boat. I can't really explain it here, ask me to in-game if you want.

i made it like a jenga tower design

Yea I know I'm talking about the actual cage part. You can use just two props of the same kind to trap yourself in.

i dont see your point... and hey yous tole my signature >:(

Hehe, I'm sorry it was just too epix. What I was trying to say is that at t he top part of the tower where you go inside and its a cage, instead of the gates you could use this one prop that is like a bit of a box.

i odn get ur point. and change ur avatar u thief


Server Guides/Information / Re: Boat Sinkers ULTIMATE Boat Guide
« on: December 28, 2009, 03:33:41 PM »
There's an easier way to do the last cage/tower boat. I can't really explain it here, ask me to in-game if you want.

i made it like a jenga tower design

Yea I know I'm talking about the actual cage part. You can use just two props of the same kind to trap yourself in.

i dont see your point... and hey yous tole my signature >:(

Hehe, I'm sorry it was just too epix. What I was trying to say is that at t he top part of the tower where you go inside and its a cage, instead of the gates you could use this one prop that is like a bit of a box.

General Chat / Re: How long ?
« on: December 28, 2009, 03:14:33 PM »
hey Carps also been muted too :O!!

Waitwhut... seriously? SHIT LOL!

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Obadiah332 Respected App.
« on: December 28, 2009, 03:08:32 PM »

It's not funny you whore on crack.

You're the newbie and newbies the what I say. DO YOU FUCKING GET IT?!?!?!

Just kidding. :P

Have a pleasant stay!


Server Guides/Information / Re: Boat Sinkers ULTIMATE Boat Guide
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:53:48 AM »
There's an easier way to do the last cage/tower boat. I can't really explain it here, ask me to in-game if you want.

i made it like a jenga tower design

Yea I know I'm talking about the actual cage part. You can use just two props of the same kind to trap yourself in.

General Chat / Re: Amazing idea! Flood
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:52:39 AM »
I kinda agree but the problem is... when you make towers if you don't make them COMPLETELY right- which the noobs don't- it will glitch and spaz out prop pushing EVERYONE and ruining botas, etc. It's hard on Xevon's server to keep people from making towers because no one really knows how to make them well and it glitches all the time.

NONONO the reasson why peoples towers would spaz out was becasue people would booby trap the bases so when the round starts and everything unfreezes the toer gets sabotage. its not hard to make towers. dont glitch either

Nope. I'm serious. Some noobs are juts noobs lol. They can't even make a tower. When there's NOTHING there and it unfreezes with no one minging them it sometimes glitches. This one noobs keeps doing it on Xevon's server it's annoying.

well even if its made incorectly it will still stay up lol cuz its not that difficult. or peopel make the sabotaging props invisible . mayeb they have down syndrome  :D

Lol basically they didn't weld it right or they get prop pushed by accident - happens a lot - and if they don't weld all the ones at bottom and they use lockers or something heavy - it might glitch out and prop push everything. That's how it happens.

mine have never glitched out.

Cause you're not an idiot lol. There are a lot of idiots that play on these servers though.

Help/Requests / Re: Flood Prop Requests (with pics)
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:50:16 AM »
Yup :P

I wish the made it.

BTW, I just can't stop watching at your signautre xD the guy eating doesn't stop getting my atention.

lmao the first time i saw that picture on photo bucket i coudnt stop laughing for a whole minute

I'm jacking it for meh avatar lul.

EDIT: How do I? lul.

« on: December 28, 2009, 10:30:35 AM »
Wai du iu gais buorry abaut fings laik espeling?
i noe wigt

Funny Stuffz / Re: Why did the chicken cross the road?
« on: December 28, 2009, 10:29:37 AM »
I think it won't... I'm driving drunk :D

Not just you Frank  ;)

hahaha lol

If i would be a bitch i would call you a spammer cause that isn't really a reply but I'm not a bitch so fuck that =D

Ontopic: Frank, just be careful and don't kill any humans lol =D
*Hits someone in the leg by accident with the car* whoops.... at least i didn't kill him =D

You are a bitch. If you really weren't a bitch you wouldn't have mentioned him "spamming"(idiot...) at all...

P.S LUL Frank.

You laugh, you win.

I was just doing some post today, some punk kid was accusing me of spamming. I did not see how to mute him, so I asked. A guy came back and told me how - so I got the guy sayin i am spamming muted.

Then, within seconds of muting the first kid, someone else starts playing music. I muted the second player and said "another one added to the mute list" and I'am freaking MUTED within seconds.

What is the matter with these admins? Punk kids can play their stupid rap music, disrupting the game play and the admins dont do anything. But if you mute them, you get banned. That has to be the worst thread I have ever seen!!!!!

LOL WTF that is completely irrelevant to you being muted. You got muted on here for teh spam of here.

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