These are some prop requests that would make the server a lot better in terms of having a wider variety of props, boats, and stronger boats. most of these, you should program them no float by using physical properties paper. float and should have pretty high hp.
the hp given is just my suggestion of what it think suites best with it
im not sure if this should float or not. 150-250 hp

this should float for sure. should have 500 hp

not sure if should float or not. should have 750 hp

a single prop of this makes a half decent boat if it floats. should have 600 hp, but costs 800$ due do its bigger size

make it float. 300 hp

not sure if u should make these float or not. 150 hp for the half and 300hp for the double

not suer about this at all. just here for lols maybeh

UBER PROPSmake it float. also make the hp around 1000. cost 1800 for its large size

this here, is such an amazing prop! its like a premade boat. i can also add accessories or other stuff on it to. its just amazing when you make it buoyant. this should be the ubberest prop if it get put on the server.
this should have 4000hp and 5500 cost due to its awesomeness.