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Messages - Pryvisee

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General Chat / Re: Wanna get the new 3.7 Firefox Browser???
« on: March 03, 2010, 01:17:29 PM »
lol thanks for the virus

[spoiler]i lied[/spoiler]

Yes you did  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Funny Stuffz / Printer and a Mouse.
« on: March 02, 2010, 03:20:20 PM »

Caller : Hello, our printer is not working.

Customer Service: What is wrong with it?


Caller : Mouse is jammed.


Customer Service: Mouse is jammed? Printers don't have a mouse!

Caller: Mmmmm??.. Oh really?... I will send a picture.



Scroll down.






General Chat / Wanna get the new 3.7 Firefox Browser???
« on: March 02, 2010, 02:10:27 PM »
Wanna test the new 3.7 Mozilla Firefox browser?

Well now you can!  ;D

Go to This Page and download "firefox-3.7a3pre.en-US.win32.installer.exe"

It is called mindfield. Lol it sounds like a game but its not. Have FUN with the new browser!  ;)

Need a tut?
Well hereyago

Here's what the download looks like. Click to download

Here's the installation file. Click and run.

Here's what the setup looks like. Click next then standard then Upgrade.

Here's the start up page in your new broswer. ;D Have fun

Mapping / Re: Fm_Grass V2
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:20:52 PM »
are they still in the room when the round starts? or do you tele back to the main area at the start of the round? theres a button to tele you back? sry my flood gamemode is messed up so i cant test it out.

Well you can play it in sandbox also. But yes when the round starts and you were past the map boundries, you get teled to that room. Then 10 secs later you get teled to the map. There is also a button that teles you back also.

Mapping / Re: Fm_Grass V2
« on: February 25, 2010, 08:31:45 AM »
lol anti glitch?

well I am 700 miles away from my kickarse PC so I can't test :/
Meh. But the anti-glitch is a trigger_tele to a room.... You'll see when you get your "KickARSE" comp.

Mapping / Re: zs_runlikehell *Beta 6*
« on: February 24, 2010, 09:35:49 PM »
Jeez you used to many brushes in your map. there is a thing called a hollow and a cut tool... I would use it next time lol.  :D

Mapping / Fm_Grass V2
« on: February 24, 2010, 07:11:07 AM »
Official release. So that means that coolz, you can put it on the server lol.

Ok finally done. Been working on this for weeks now.
This is a map for Flood Mod.

-A anti-glitch system
-admin cave
-3D Skybox (So people can see you if your in the skybox).
-Gman is watching.
-Secret stuff that i can't tell

Please tell me if there is any exploits. Thank you!

Oh and sorry that i had to take out the militia skybox. I was using the hl2 engine on the v2. So i can have teh gman and teh security cams  ??? ??? ???

Mapping / Re: Fm_Grass
« on: February 23, 2010, 08:06:20 PM »
The map is totally done as of right now. There is alot of stuff i put in. Well alot of admin stuff to be exact :D. But anyways just posting to let the people know. And just for you admins out there in the rnd community. There is a skybox  ;D ;D ;D. Oh and a admin cave that you will enjoy.  ;D ;D

Edit: For all those people that are wanting the .vmf file. You can have it. BUT NO COPYING!!!!!! So that means no little editing and re-uploading.... lol

Mapping / Re: Fm_Grass
« on: February 20, 2010, 12:19:01 AM »
Howz? Ok if you can understand all this. But ok. I put a trigger tele around that room, and a trigger tele to the top of the map. I put some outputs and inputs so people couldent do that. So if the water IsFullyOpen then it enables the trigger tele to tele the person to the place in the map. If the water IsFullyClosed Then it disables the trigger and is Unlocked for the func_button, which also has outputs to the trigger tele around the room. If you need anymore info about the map. Just reply to this. ;D. Cause I'm really putting effort for this map for rnd. soooo. Yea.

Also somthing that is cool. I put 2 sections. Which when the water IsFullyOpen Then it opens the glass/divider and allows players to fight. Now this has place you can stand on while the glass is moving and you get kinda glitched. So i put a trigger tele to that room and the tele is delayed to 20 secs. So they can stay but its still in the water. then they can also press the button and get out of there. Its a really cool map in my opinion. Been working on the 3D Skybox right now. So admins can have alot of stuff to do.

*Whisper* There is a partly admin cave that allows you to play sounds, watch the tv/secruity cam, so they can keep aware of the players while chilin  ;D ;D ;D.

But anyways i hope the rnd community has alot of funn with the map and PLEASE report ANY glitches when released.

Map will be released soon, Have to get it perfect

Mapping / Re: Fm_Grass
« on: February 16, 2010, 05:20:11 PM »
NEIN, use trigger_hurt brush around the top of the map, thats what we did with fm_atlantis and others :)
Even better. A trigger_teleport that teles you to a place filled with grass and with a Fownie face in front where you spawn. And you press a button and you get teled to the map :D. Its done. and finished. And i dont need you help mister :(

Mapping / Re: Fm_Grass
« on: February 14, 2010, 12:19:19 AM »
Working on V2... Gonna be cool. And im gonna put a Trigger_teleport around the "glitchable areas"....

If you have ever seen fm_escape... it's going to be some what like that :D

General Chat / Re: Xbox live?!?!
« on: February 09, 2010, 09:05:29 PM »
Me = pryvisee10

Official Server Projects / Re: BETA RELEASE ON PAGE 1: gm_ultimatum_rnd
« on: February 02, 2010, 11:03:12 PM »
Jeez... Alot OF BRUSHES   ??? ??? ??? ???. I wanna add on to it  :P :P

Mapping / Re: Private Steam Group For Community Mappers
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:44:42 PM »
Let's see the fm_oceanview fm_basment and fm_orangetank :)

Mapping / Fm_Grass
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:22:16 PM »
Ok well i made another Flood mod map. It's a really cool map, and i really love it. It took about 30 minutes of planning and about 3 hours of making. Oh and coolz. Nothings in caps, except the zip name.

Heres the map....

Made for "Flood Mod".

Extract to your "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\username\garysmod\garrysmod\maps" folder.

A cool fish tank appearance, that appeals to alot of people.
Looks alot like FlatGrass but is not. At all.....
Very large map.
Water height is perfect.
A home oval in the middle of the map (where you spawn).
A good, and working flood map.
Future design.
Made for big servers.

None that i could see. Leave a comment and describe a bug!


Working on Fm_Future Now!

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