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Messages - Boat Sinker

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Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Admins on flood servers
« on: January 13, 2010, 06:43:03 PM »
the minge mafia started registering on the forums in fall 2009 and has respected members. more or less it's too late.
There is not a SINGLE member from the flood server that hasn't broken the rules in one way or another. This is also not their fault floods features do not support the kind of game play needed for a good experience.

This is also not their fault floods features do not support the kind of game play needed for a good experience.

well as long as you can get on your feet at the beginning by making money and buying some half decent weapons, then it's enjoyable.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: FLOOD POLL a new one
« on: January 13, 2010, 06:40:08 PM »
3 is bad, to mingey makes it perfect for money rounders etc.

same with boats too, but yeah i see where you going at. BUT I FUCKING LOVE TOWERS!

Hello My Name Is Marco, I'm 14 and I play gmod ALOT!!! I like to experament with the wiretool. I love to create sky-building's, Boats, Sign's, Tutorials, and more!

My Name:Marco                  Country:USA! (California)             Games:Gmod, HALOCE, MW2
Steam Name: |3acÔn|3oy               Time: 15:00 to 21:00 PST

The reason I wish to be respected is because:
1. I want to be a part of the community to stop people from doing bad things like: Prop Pushing, Spamming Trails, Etc.
2. I play flood daily... and i always seem to run into bad people, And want to take control.
3. Help respect's and Admins.
4. Help people that are on low cash, and show them how good respects are.

     Thank you for taking your time to read my application and please don`t forget to vote . :D

hey bacon its boat sinker! :D yeah bacon's a very nice guy i play with him in the flood server.

« on: January 13, 2010, 03:52:27 PM »
i agree with all the rules.
i hope an admin change the rules especially the "Don't shoot the boat you are on unless you did not start on it" i don't like that rule.

yes and i sometimes i follow that rule to the extreme if you know what i mean =).

« on: January 13, 2010, 12:33:53 PM »
Almost always, as soon as i enter the flood server there are people money rounding. if not that, the build faze has just started because they see that an RND member is joining  so they end the money round. and its pretty hard to kick money rounders because they vote no.

just saying...

Community Admin Apps / Re: .:RND`=- Email's Admin Application
« on: January 13, 2010, 06:12:32 AM »
ive playued with you a couple of times an i think youer a nice guy. +1

I agree but the point of VIP members is that it's only people that the admins trust, you can't just make an intro or anything for it. I think if we do get VIP members then the admins would have to be more careful with who they give it.

actually i think VIP should have an introduction page becasue why should it differe from all teh otehr ones

« on: January 13, 2010, 05:24:02 AM »
lolz you rambo ¬¬

eh sometimes,cuz i can lol. and i want it fixed so its made illigal

No Mr. Frank, You are not allowed to have a job, you must die of hunger and in the streets alone >D

y u no want VIP?

Server Requests/Suggestions / [Flood] Requests (January 13)
« on: January 12, 2010, 07:09:29 PM »
this is my opinion and can be yours too if you wish

to decrease the amount of money rounders, lower the amount of money per second from 5 to 3. if this takes effect,shooting props would have to give you money (3 dmg done = 1$)

this is totally true: the mp5 is too powerful. it destroys boats quickly and is very cheap to buy. either increase price to 100k (yes 100k, if you play the game in your mind and take out the mp5, you will see how much teh game changes for the better). myself and others own the mp5 and we can agree that we can demolish boats so fast and effectively.)
-therefor, you decrease the damage, increase the price, lower the ammo, or a combination of them.

increase amount of money you win when round starts. from $500 to $2000?
this will improve the quality of boats and people would then actually make a boat.  this way people will build boats and not smooch so they can win the round.

stronger, more useful props. VARIETY VARIETY VARIETY! more props means more boat designs. and it also means boats can be stronger. people have the money to make stronger boats but are stuck with using vending machines.



lets face it, a newbie can't do anything with a pistol. why not give every player a universal gun that you get no matter what. this will help newbies get on their feet.

something that has a value of around 7k. (but you get fro free)

should be between the strength of a crossbow and magnum.



i thought about teh deagle. you buy it and say to yourself "why the hell did i buy this?"
its an epic faiil so why not turn it into a better gun. increase the damage and price of the deagle by alot.

reset the deagle so no one has it. then put it back on and change price to $30k
give it 40 damage and 20 or so bullets.

the ar2 is bugged (just so you know). it says that it costs 70k to buy. but the reality is it only costs 30k. i think that should be fixed. and i do think this gun is properly priced at 70k, not 30k.


increase magnum damage to 6 (not so durastic), but it will make handguns less of a fail.

that's all for now!  ;D

Community Admin Apps / Re: Sabbath`s Admin App.
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:35:34 PM »
PWNT! I got Carp twice also.

if the rick roll video doesnt play automatically does it count as  a rick role  :D

Mapping / Re: Map making apply!
« on: January 12, 2010, 04:03:42 PM »
Wondering if this would be the place to make an apply for making maps for the servers 
I have made maps for blood servers default, and some maps for sa-gm, (or whatever cant remember been long time)

Ive made about 19 maps in total so far, only held back because im working on the facepunch Walt Disney World map with many others,
It would be an honor to donate my maps to the random community for playing :D

My best work so far has been for a blood servers defualt build map, it had 6 areas for player to build in, water, race, flatgrass, ocean, sky, and a construct area.
I have been making ALOT of revisions and it has come to be gm_freedom_v4
I would enjoy playing it on the server :D

I also plan on making my ZS map, zs_outbreak_v2 available for the random servers!, it is a very FUN map for Zombie survival, barricades are easy to make, zombie spawn in more places than one, and the players have a LARGE playing area for surviving, most of the buildings are accesible in v2, plan to make all of them, if source don't shit itself :P

New project is fl_megaflood_beta, LARGE MAP made to give players more freedom to explore the landscape i am going to provide, there are many secrets on megaflood, like the underwater submarine, and a very neat place for tah admins to chill, the grand tower above the whole map, where you can see everything thats going on below and you have control over the gate openings and lifts, these are also hidden somewhere on the main level ;P

SPOILER: One of the lifts and openings takes you to the private lake, a personal lake for you to hide in lul, but its very hard to do, being that you need to know where all the levers are, and the private spot fills up to the top every other round



« on: January 12, 2010, 02:50:13 PM »
agree with all except the prop pushing

ok but that rule has actually been considered legit by some players (including me). it only comes in handy though when people make towers and you dont want certain people on it. and they end up prop pushing u off too lol

« on: January 12, 2010, 02:26:17 PM »
EDIT: This is an old post and i have brought i t up again for others to see, and hopefully for nit to be put into teh flood server. ruben agreed to but did not carry out teh deed.
I think that these rules should be used in the flood server. they already are but are not shown in !rules and when you press q and go under the tab rules.

Some Rules You Should Consider:

-No shooting the boat you're on; regardless of owner.
-Prop pushing or prop blocking in any way will not be tolerated.
-You are not to hold up a fight round, this means no money rounding.
-When the winning boat is left, all players except owner are ordered to jump. If owner is dead the player with the least money stays on.
-Respect other players in the server.
-Don't exploit any bugs/glitches/errors with the game mode.
-No excessive vulgar language (stop before it goes too far).
-No ramboing. This means you are not allowed to shoot the boat that you are jumping off of.
Have fun :)

For respected users:
-You must warn someone at least once before you decide to initiate a vote on them.
-No kick/ban  threats are to be made for personal gain.
-You are not allowed to kick someone for money rounding if you are alive (and you are not the owner of the boat)
-If you are going to kick/ban a player that refuses to jump off a boat when they are supposed to, make sure you give them a fair amount of time to react (don't kick on impulse).

Boat Sinker Rlz

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