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Messages - Boat Sinker

Pages: 1 ... 17 [18] 19 ... 56
General Chat / Re: VOTE KICKING FTW!
« on: April 29, 2010, 03:10:00 PM »
lololololol was this all random or were they actually doing something?

theyre all doign something. i had like 100 of these but i deleted them all  :(

just bind screenshot to f11.

Funny Stuffz / Just an average day in plain build HAHAHA!
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:45:06 PM »
Walk into plain build, what do you see?  :)



General Chat / VOTE KICKING FTW!
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:41:57 PM »

Funny Stuffz / Re: funny stuff I found today :D April29,2010
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:38:24 PM »

Games / I thought I was in Flood lululul
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:35:42 PM »
One day i joined a server but a magical wizard made me think the sled server was flood. so i built a big boat

MAX SPEED on boat: 60 MPH

[spoiler]im lying[/spoiler]

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Coolz + Adminz/Modz please read.
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:32:20 PM »
Ok so this is just my 2 cents on what i see going on, it's kind of getting old to me and i'm hoping that you will take this one suggestion into consideration.
We talk about this 100s of times but nothing seems to change, what I am talking about is the respected. AKA respectards

My suggestion for you is to let the admins decide who gets respected and to delete the intro section as a whole, or maybe that section is just to get into the steam group.
The main issue that I have with respectards is getting randomly banned and kicked for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
I am just so tired of minges getting respected, there are better ways of dealing with this issue and i hope you look into this.

Yesterday as you may have noticed in the report section, i was banned for shooting a breakable door in fort.
Yesterday I was kicked for breaking the bridge and standing on one of the pegs in deathtrap.
I have been kicked many times on deathlab for breaking the bridge and standing on the peg so the bridge won't come across.


i dont play zs very often but it does seem by this that  it is full of respectards as you put it. i dont see respectards anywhere else.

yeah i say be more strict on respected apps. by this i mean we should wait for feedback from lets say more than 3 respected members. if this hasnt been fuffileed. no respectd. (idk how it would work but that my two cents)

General Chat / Re: fail.
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:28:35 PM »
for a second i thought the guy in teh alley got gang banged by a bunch of homeless ppl

« on: April 29, 2010, 12:09:10 PM »
They all ready have that
For like a year

you can team with people but not OFFICIAL teams. this way you can sya something like !jointeam 5 and you will b ewith them. if ne1 else comes on your boat and arent teamed with u they get hurt.

Boneyard / Re: Admin Abuse Report:Moo
« on: April 29, 2010, 12:07:48 PM »
plz lock up these reports regarding moo and choucho. its over...

« on: April 28, 2010, 04:49:40 PM »
What can you do. There will always be money rounders. What the flood server needs is a teaming system. That will give it more action. and 90% of the time there will be no money rounds.

new flood is coming out which will has team system HALLELUJAH!

Help/Requests / Re: I CANT JOIN
« on: April 28, 2010, 04:46:47 PM »
well...... if someone remember me i was memorex3300.... this is the point... the first server that i played in my life was a random server..... and i have to say.... i really like it... i rember that i played flood , zs , ws , prop hunt , and a lot of shit more....

like we all know.... RND server`s <3 pingas.... but i got a problen now.... i normally change pack because they get out of date because of steam get udpaded.... somethimes i got one pack 1 month... somethimes 3... somethimes 1 weekend......but now i cant join....WTF  :mad:  ...soo i want to propuse that .... if u can.... PLZ coolzead plz  this problen...... i really like RND servers.... and now i cant join.... i wana play soo baddly in RND servers..

-Coolzead if u dont care about this and  u dont fix it or u find a solution.... i dont care... u still have a really nice clan :D


OH HEY memo, wheer uve been all this time?

Boneyard / Re: Wtf if the point of having prop killing in TTT?
« on: April 28, 2010, 04:40:06 PM »
Lol magneto stick wasn't for prop killing. But you can think me for the idea. :D

should be made so it can ONLY lift up bodies.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: mr_spicy's respected application
« on: April 28, 2010, 04:23:02 PM »
i havnt really played with him but i remember a bit. not a trouble maker

Community Admin Apps / Re: Boat Sinker 4 teh admin
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:48:10 PM »
33 Cloverdale RD
Toronto Ontario
Come have a visit someday sir :)

um.... lol nty

rather just add u on facebook or something

Community Admin Apps / Re: pingaz for admin!! (serious)
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:46:55 PM »
i see youre getting through this with flying colours

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