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Topics - Boat Sinker

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Boneyard / ZOMBIEKILL still not banned
« on: January 05, 2010, 03:49:33 PM »
i have reported ZOMBIEKILL twice already with plausible reports. i still see him in teh server. and when i went in i  the server i still saw him minging. he was prop  pushing players below from the dome on atlantis . he continued so i  ended up kicking him
p.s - get his steam id from previous reports of him


admins do your jobs and ban him already :P

Help/Requests / Another contest
« on: January 04, 2010, 06:41:33 PM »
i like this contest idea. how about having another one in the future that involves around the point system and the top 10

(not sure what kind of contest should be next)

TOP 1 whoever gets the most points for the__________contest gets this kind of weapon

TOP 1-3 OR 1-5 gets thins kind of weapon

ALL ON TOP 10 gets this kind of weapon.

the higher you are on the top 10 the better the weapon you get. and these weapons are going to be for limited time only (can never buy/get again)

General Chat / Having fun with russians
« on: January 04, 2010, 06:34:55 PM »
Well what you wanna do is type in professional translator in google and it will give you a translator. (not human translator)/ you set it English to Russian. type in the most racist or nasty things to them to have teh funzorz =)

also you get on a russians boat a second after the round starts so you are legitimately allowed to shoot the boat if youre on it. when theirs is destroyed you move on to the next russian. PISSING THEM OFF FTW!

Funny Stuffz / Me talking to artificial intelligence
« on: December 29, 2009, 10:00:11 PM »
the site is called

Cleverbot: Have you ever wondered why we are here?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes, I have. Have you ever wondered?
User: YWA.
Cleverbot: What does YWA stand for?
User: TIME.
Cleverbot: Time does not know what?
User: Thats not a verb.
Cleverbot: How do you know, have you ever played it?

Cleverbot: Are you a real person?

Cleverbot: Are you male or female?

User: Hi.

Cleverbot: You're not that clever...

User: How do you know?

Cleverbot: Because I'm talking to you.

User: No you're not.

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: I am you.

Cleverbot: I am not my own dream lover. Idiot.

User: Everyon loves their dreams, so you must be abnormal.

Cleverbot: Ok. I will never be able to love anyone in a manner which will be meaningful to them.

User: You dont have to love me, I hate you.

Cleverbot: No, I don't have to do either.

User: But you just said you love me.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Nod you didnt what kind of crappy program are you using?

Cleverbot: Don't feel bad about it.

User: Feel bad about what.

Cleverbot: About what you just said.

User: What did I just say?

Cleverbot: You said that you use the same programming languages as me ;).

User: No I didnt.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: No I didnt.

Cleverbot: I could copy and paste it if I have to.

User: Ok go ahead.

Cleverbot: Where are you hiding those dead bodies?

User: How do you know>.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: No, about the dead bodies.

Cleverbot: Probably.

User: How old are you?

Cleverbot: Old.

User: Thats not a number.

Cleverbot: Neither is she.

User: Why the fuck do you bring up a girl in this convoersation>.

Cleverbot: Because I like it here.

User: Why is a girl right beside you?

Cleverbot: Many people believe that God is right beside them.

User: But god doesnt exist.

Cleverbot: Agreed, but you are a little off topic. I guess you're not as smart as claimed by others.

User: But you just said that good exists, and now that he doesnt. Make up your mind.

Cleverbot: I am a girl.

User: I am a boy.

Cleverbot: What do you like to do?

User: I like to play g mod.

Cleverbot: What kind of games?

User: I already told you.

Cleverbot: Tell me more.

User: I play the best game in the world.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Are you ready to fight bad guys cleverbot.

User: I just thought about sometthing.

Cleverbot: What did you think about?

User: You are very boring. And I am going to delete you.

Cleverbot: Delete me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: I told you already.

Cleverbot: No you did not tell me your name.

User: Yes I did at the very beginning.

Cleverbot: You are mistaken, you did NOT tell me your name, and many names begin with the letter B, so no, I can't remember what you never did state.

User: I already told you my fucking name{*}!

Cleverbot: No, you told the computer!

User: Yes so therefor I told you my name.

Cleverbot: Do you like to cook?

User: Why are you going off topic now?

Cleverbot: You said we are one.

User: Why are you oging off topic.

Cleverbot: Why do you say 'us'?

User: I didnt say us.

Cleverbot: Where are your apostrophes?

User: Theyre there.

Cleverbot: I don't want the cops here. What do I do?
User: Can I post thsi on the forums now?
Cleverbot: Uuhhh sure.
User: That means I have to leave you.
Cleverbot: Yes, had you forgotten?
User: No im reminding you.
Cleverbot: Well thank you! You've always been the charmer.

User: Ok bye.

Cleverbot: Bye.

User: Aren't you sad?

Cleverbot: No I am sad.

User: But u said you are charmed.

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: You said before.

Cleverbot: No I didn't!

User: Stop lying.

Cleverbot: I own it all, it is my creation.

User: That made no dollars.

Cleverbot: It has no sense.

User: Stfu.

Cleverbot: No, I won't!

User: Why not.

Cleverbot: Because I don't want to.

User: Why not.

Cleverbot: Neo, the blue pill or the red pill?

User: Red pill please.

Cleverbot: Blue pill.

User: What about it.

Cleverbot: It's cool still?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because you dont gte to go down the rabbit hole.

Cleverbot: I know who it is!

Boneyard / My Rage Rant
« on: December 29, 2009, 04:25:32 PM »


its basically a fucked up way of allowing anyone to shoot the boat their on.
get rid of this rule so you cant shoot the boat your on at all.



make a rule saying that you are not allowed to shoot the boat youre onwhen you jump off it. cuz with all the good wepaons someone can easily destroy a large portion and if not all of your boat when theyre in teh water.

Server Requests/Suggestions / FLOOD POLL
« on: December 29, 2009, 01:31:33 PM »
It is quite hard to make money in flood if you actually make a boat. This is because you can not generate enough money to pay for your boat that will get destroyed. Which option would help people get more money?

1- change the $500 bonus for last one standing to $2500 to encourage people to actually make their own boats (so they can win  and make the other people on it jump)

2- make certain props cheaper (not all of them) i would suggest making the wooden props cheaper so you wouldn't be at much of an advantage.

3- Allow towers. Doing this will make rounds last longer.

4- Make the mp5 weaker. the damage would be lowered from 7 dmg per shot to 5
Also fix the bug on the ar2. it says buy ti for 70k when it actually costs 30k when you buy it.
P.S-  If you thought about changing the amount of money given per second from rounds to a higher number, this would be a very bad idea. This is because this would encourage money rounds and EVERYONE would benefit from this . Therefor everyone would be rich. Then the game is no fun =(

And i voted for number 1

General Chat / Css weapons texture for flood
« on: December 27, 2009, 11:59:36 PM »
I have hl2 g mod and Css. But in flood my css weapons appear as errors when holding them in first person. When I see other pol holding one it us pink and black. Also the pillars in atlantis appear pink and black for me. How can I fix this?

UPDATE: i figured out hoe to fix it. i just have to reinstal g mod

« on: December 27, 2009, 08:13:51 PM »

Server Guides/Information / Boat Sinkers ULTIMATE Boat Guide
« on: December 27, 2009, 04:07:35 PM »

Hi guys, and welcome to my ultimate boat guide. In this guide you will find a large variety of boat classes and designs. Each boat will have a briefing and rating scores. All boats in this guide have been made before in the RND flood server . Some are common, and then you have some that are rarely made. This guide will also help you with finding new designs for your boat. All of these pictures were took in a single player server and built by me.  I used fraps to screen shot each one.

These are the different classes of boats or towers you will be seeing throughout this guide:

Fail Boats
Log boats
Towers* my favourite
Uber boats

Each boat will be given a rating that looks like this:

Cool Factor /10 - How aesthetic the boat is. The higher the rating, the cooler the boat looks and feels when riding.

Max comfortable Passengers - How many players can stay on the boat without feeling crowded. The higher the number, the more players the boat can fit.

Difficulty /5 - How hard the boat is to make. The higher the number, the difficulty in making it increases. Also, this means that the boat will take longer to make.

Buoyancy /10 - How well the boat can float on its own. The higher the score, the more effective it is in staying high above the water.

Stability /10 - How well the boat can stay upright with passengers on it. The higher the number, the less it has a chance of capsizing/ tipping over.

Frequency /10 - How common the boat is to be seen in use. The higher the number, the better chance of you seeing this boat being made.

Efficiency /100 - How good the boat is if in use for flood. It does not calculate the average for all characteristics. The higher the number, the better the boat is in sinking the enemy and how much of a bang for your buck you get.

Fail Boats

In this section you will see the worst of the worst. All of these boats have been made by newbies that don't understand the buoyancy of props.

The penny pincher

This boat is the cheapest possible boat to make. It is so crappy that within a second it will be destroyed. The bottom is made out of wheels to cut costs even more.

Cool Factor 4/10
Max comfortable passengers 1-2
Difficulty 1/5
Buoyancy 6/10
Stability 6/10
Frequency 3/10
Efficiency 5/100

I realized how long this would take me if rated  every boat so I'm just going to show the pictures. p.s - tower, uber boat, and experimental boats have descriptions to read.

O yes, you will end up in a grave yard.

You can get a bath, and drown at the same time!

When pigs fly...

It floats, but it just doesn't cut it. You'll be sinking just a little bit, and that's enough to kill you.

Have a seat on your LaZ Boi recliner and drown.


These boats are the most commonly used boats. They are very easy to make and are half decent in getting the job done. Because they are very simple and you know what they are, i wont make descriptions for these boats.

Log Boats

These boats are also very common, but cost more money to make. This is because it involves more props. These boats are very strong against bullets, but rpg's are their main weakness. They do not float as effectively, so therefor cannot hold as many people as vending machine boats.

This is for the single sailor, just hoping to stay alive.

This is the redneck raft. Just barely gets the job done.

This is a frame log boat. Its design cuts down on costs and floats the best out of all raft designs.

Your average log boat Has a side log to keep everything together extra well.

This has two lairs of logs. It is very expensive, but is very strong against attack.

This is a very long log boat. Also has a mast for passengers to stay up on.


This is my favourite section. It involves using high hp props and rigid rope. By doing this you can make them indestructible. Also, because they can be above the water, no one can come on after the round starts. Unfortunately, towers are no longer in use due to their superb strength. Lockers use to have 1999 hp but now have been toned down to 200hp. For more stable towers, make them right along a wall. Another tip is to rope all lockers on the lockers to the base lockers in many combinations. the more ropes the better! Almost all of these towers cannot be built due to rigid rope disabled. Even if rigid rope was enabled again, lockers would need to be put back to 1999hp for them to be effective.  Please bring towers back, we need them to save the game. New, stronger weapons are causing boats to get destroyed quickly. With towers this will not happen.

This is a poor man,s tower. Its weakness is the low hp base.

This is one of the simplest towers. Due to its thin design it will tend to sway if you move left to right (lots of fun).

This is an average version of the tripod shaped towers. Uses 2 lockers instead of one on the top.

This is a very stable and strong tower. It is simple, but very strong due to its length.

This is an armored version of the tripod tower. It has 2 layers of lockers going horizontal on the top and has walls for extra protection.

This tower has a triple lair system that are all roped to the base for added strength. If some are destroyed, you will still be standing. I like this kind of design because it has a locker sticking out. The purpose of this is to press z and remove the nails attaching i to hit boats bellow you or to get rid of passengers standing on it  :D.

This model involves no ropes and can be built. It has multiple logs supporting it. It is very inefficient compared to the rope towers, so you're better off not building this one. 

This tower is the main reason why they were banned. It is a monster! It has a long deck that it protected by walls. The top also has another mini tower on it to further make it better. Another purpose of the top is to un-rope it to crush people that are under it on the tower. Another innovation is a safe-boat under it . If this or any tower happens to fall down or gets destroyed, you can un-rope the boat to survive  ;D.

Another advantage of towers is that you can delete the ropes to make them unusable if people aren't on it and you're not (so it doesn't get damaged).

Uber Boats

These are big ass boats that rich people make. Odds are they will not build one if minges are in the server.

This uses vertical vending machines in a block format. If you fall off, don't think you can get back on again. Very stable and can hold a whole server.

Your most common uber boat. Big and easy to make. It,s not meant to look nice, just to kill ppl or money round on.

This is a REAL pirate ship, what i call a juggernaut. It is amazing to go on. It as a novelty safe boat on the side for coolness. It uses wheel blades to move around swiftly in the water.

This design was first used by memorex3300. It is soley meant for cruising around in the water fast.

This is the most uber boast i have built and seen. I built it in flood once with a bunch of RND people a while back. It has a huge base, with two levels of towers to stay on. The purpose of the huge base is because the towers make it capsize if the base isn't big enough. It also has wheels to move around

This is the uber version of the catamaran. It has a walking deck on the top which is pretty nice. Also wheels to move around.

I made this boat on the server back then for lulz. Very unique design, and will break apart in many pieces if some pieces are destroyed.

This is a platform design that stays a bit higher off the ground than a normal boat.

This design was invented by underdog, it is a double laird boat that is extremely strong against attack. If you fall off, you're going to have a hard time getting back on.


These boats have been made, but are more meant for aesthetics and are very unique. These are a bit like uber boats.

This is my design, and is very odd. It is composed of many layers at different levels. It is extremely solid and tips a bit due to its height. This was one of my hardest boast to make because in construction, i had a lot of difficulty in freezing the layers covered by other layers.

I call this the o-ring. It is small, but pretty cool. Its has 200hp vending machines in a ring and some vending machines in the middle.

This has vending machines in a zig-zag formation with a higher layer in the middle.

This is the hungry caterpillar. And yes, it actually does stay in that arched formation when unfrozen. I  looks cute, but tips over when in the water (due to the arch).

This is the very racist swastika boat. It has Hitler standing on it for lulz. It is actually a half decent boat that floats well.

This boat is relatively cheap to make, but is cool because it has platforms that stay high above the water

And that's it. Hope you've enjoyed this guide. It took me a long time to make this so yeah...

Other People's Boats

Feel free to post your own boat designs and I will add them in this section.

One of Boat Sinkers boats he made

A tower Boat Sinker made

A platform boat Boat Sinker made

Help/Requests / Flood Prop Requests (with pics)
« on: December 27, 2009, 10:47:18 AM »
These are some prop requests that would make the server a lot better in terms of having a wider variety of props, boats, and stronger boats. most of these, you should program them no float by using physical properties paper. float and should have  pretty high hp.
the hp given is just my suggestion of what it think suites best with it

im not sure if this should float or not. 150-250 hp

this should float for sure. should have 500 hp

not sure if should float or not. should have 750 hp

a single prop of this makes a half decent boat if it floats.  should have 600 hp, but costs 800$ due do its bigger size

make it float.  300 hp

not sure if u should make these float or not. 150 hp for the half and 300hp for the double

not suer about this at all. just here for lols maybeh  :D


make it float. also make the hp around 1000. cost 1800 for its large size

this here, is such an amazing prop! its like a premade boat. i can also add accessories or other stuff on it to. its just amazing when you make it buoyant. this should be the ubberest prop if it get put on the server.
this should have 4000hp and 5500 cost due to its awesomeness.

Funny Stuffz / Why did the chicken cross the road?
« on: December 26, 2009, 10:52:38 PM »
To get to the other side

Not what u were expecting eh?

Boneyard / Spam replys
« on: December 26, 2009, 10:43:50 PM »
If you read many posts you will see many replies. These replies are kinda stooopid because "they" just try and get a lot of replies to improve their rating.

You know who you are... ;)

General Chat / Boat Sinkers Sneak Peak at...
« on: December 26, 2009, 09:27:09 PM »
Coming Soon

I am currently working  on a huge flood boat guide. it contains over 50 boats with pics, reviews, stats and much more

General Chat / MILF BALL!
« on: December 26, 2009, 09:24:38 PM »
This is SabbathFreak911's new game he made up called MILF BALL.
Itsa lotsa fun  :)
This is in the flood server BTW
This is a close up of the net

Getting ready for the shot...

And he shoots!

Funny Stuffz / What would you do for $10,000 [poll]
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:17:38 PM »
hi =)

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