Approved Respected Apps / Re: ahh... hey - Marked One KIA
« on: June 24, 2010, 03:50:35 PM »But....but....i liek stalker too. ;'<
FU lol
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But....but....i liek stalker too. ;'<
Mic-Spammer: Talk on Mic for a total of 50 hourslets gety crackin lol
Over 9,000: Crush a scouter
Too damn much: Use an ammo box more than 3 times
Tired of these god damn snakes, on this god damn plane: On zs_zombiesonaplane, Find the snakes
What is this I don't even: Find a weapon not meant to be in the game (Ex. HL2 SMG)
Cool Story, Bro: Stay alive the longest 10 times
H4x I tell you, H4x...: See Ruben in-game
LOLpwnt: Die by the lava in zs_cave
An Hero to all of us: Type "kill" in console while human. (Must be after wave 3.)
So close: Be in a game where the humans lose with under 5 seconds left
Fuck me sideways: Start as zombie 3 rounds in a row
Killed in First Round, Noob: Die within the first round as human
I made this shit: Be Krasher or Tomcat
Owned: Meet coolzeldad in game
Admin Abuse: Get exploded by admins
I would have lived if it wasn't for those meddling kids, and those damn chem zombies: Die by chem explosion
Wasting time: Go 9 rounds without 1 human death (Zombie Achievement)
Not this shit again: Play any of the death maps
Damn, thats gonna hurt in the morning: Survive a chem explosion
Worldpwnd: Get world spawned during pre-round time
Life Stretcher: Be the last human with 1 hp left
Hauling Ass: Use the elites to run full speed while only having >= 25 hp
I deserve a medal: Unlock the Photon Cannon as Human
Whole team is babies: Unlock the Mini-gun as Human
Samurai Master: Cut 20 zombie heads with the Kata-Katana
Arsonist: Unlock the Flamethrower as Human
Shit just got real, Explosive: Unlock the Grenade Launcher as a Human
Terrorism!: Unlock the AK-47 as a Human
Slugging Around: Unlock the SPAS as a Human
Shop Hound: Buy everything in the Shop
1UP: Use an extra life token
I'm back bitches: Redeem as a Zombie
Not using the Hammer: Have 25 Nails
Seekwut Frase: Say the secret phrase
It made me like the smile: Type "" 100 times in 1 game of Zombie Survival
Know the truth: Type "Krasher rules"
Take Down Notes: You are the last of two survivors, sf.|Smasters9106 is the other survivor
WTF BOOM: JetBoom joins the game
Hacking, gtfo: Get caught by hacking from the anti-cheat
Can't play without Hacks: Be banned 3 times from the anti-cheat within 24 hours
Didn't we just play th-: Play the same map after one alternation
Bonk: Kill 10 zombies with the Bat
Achievement Hunter: Get 5 Achievements in one game
Just some ideas
Ya but is it wireless? and can you have multi ip's running for it?that was my old inter net mine now costs 40 lol but i get a higher upload speed