Mic-Spammer: Talk on Mic for a total of 50 hours
Over 9,000: Crush a scouter
Too damn much: Use an ammo box more than 3 times
Tired of these god damn snakes, on this god damn plane: On zs_zombiesonaplane, Find the snakes
What is this I don't even: Find a weapon not meant to be in the game (Ex. HL2 SMG)
Cool Story, Bro: Stay alive the longest 10 times
H4x I tell you, H4x...: See Ruben in-game
LOLpwnt: Die by the lava in zs_cave
An Hero to all of us: Type "kill" in console while human. (Must be after wave 3.

So close: Be in a game where the humans lose with under 5 seconds left
Fuck me sideways: Start as zombie 3 rounds in a row
Killed in First Round, Noob: Die within the first round as human
I made this shit: Be Krasher or Tomcat
Owned: Meet coolzeldad in game
Admin Abuse: Get exploded by admins
I would have lived if it wasn't for those meddling kids, and those damn chem zombies: Die by chem explosion
Wasting time: Go 9 rounds without 1 human death (Zombie Achievement)
Not this shit again: Play any of the death maps
Damn, thats gonna hurt in the morning: Survive a chem explosion
Worldpwnd: Get world spawned during pre-round time
Life Stretcher: Be the last human with 1 hp left
Hauling Ass: Use the elites to run full speed while only having >= 25 hp
I deserve a medal: Unlock the Photon Cannon as Human
Whole team is babies: Unlock the Mini-gun as Human
Samurai Master: Cut 20 zombie heads with the Kata-Katana
Arsonist: Unlock the Flamethrower as Human
Shit just got real, Explosive: Unlock the Grenade Launcher as a Human
Terrorism!: Unlock the AK-47 as a Human
Slugging Around: Unlock the SPAS as a Human
Shop Hound: Buy everything in the Shop
1UP: Use an extra life token
I'm back bitches: Redeem as a Zombie
Not using the Hammer: Have 25 Nails
Seekwut Frase: Say the secret phrase
It made me like the smile: Type "

" 100 times in 1 game of Zombie Survival
Know the truth: Type "Krasher rules"
Take Down Notes: You are the last of two survivors, sf.|Smasters9106 is the other survivor
WTF BOOM: JetBoom joins the game
Hacking, gtfo: Get caught by hacking from the anti-cheat
Can't play without Hacks: Be banned 3 times from the anti-cheat within 24 hours
Didn't we just play th-: Play the same map after one alternation
Bonk: Kill 10 zombies with the Bat
Achievement Hunter: Get 5 Achievements in one game
Just some ideas