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Messages - Ruben

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Games / Re: Count to 1000....Useing Pictures
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:52:08 PM »

Games / Re: Count to 1000....Useing Pictures
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:45:12 PM »

Games / Re: Count to 1000....Useing Pictures
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:33:31 PM »

RANDOM Español - Discusión / Inauguraciòn - Random Español
« on: January 15, 2010, 08:25:17 PM »
Bueno, ;D Quería darle la bienvenida a todas las personas que hablan español y que están en la comunidad rANdOm :D.

Esta es una Sección para todas aquellas personas que quieran hablar español, por lo tanto, Pueden usar traductores o cualquier otro programa que les ayude en la traducción.

Espero que Comenten y Bueno Disfruten de la nueva sección.

General / Re: Lua
« on: January 11, 2010, 07:26:11 PM »
lol my mistake, just need to take out the table out the function. I'm agree with that.

Anyway do w/e you want, every people work in their own way so... idk.

if you don't like it I'm sooooooooooooo sorry :). Luck with OCD xD.

General Chat / Re: How did u get your usename ?
« on: January 10, 2010, 10:18:23 PM »
i was looking at the toilet and i said wow DAAANNNNG, DANNNNNNNNNNG...

CAN I HAF U NUMBAH! O: but wait i haf first an username i'm hax mah name and use it :D and there is :D! Luben =)


General Chat / Re: Origin/Reason of Avatar or Signature!
« on: January 10, 2010, 10:01:42 PM »
Mine :D Cuz is HaXXX an orange haxing another orange wif a banana ;o ;) so all is hax :C

General / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: January 10, 2010, 09:02:09 AM »
Ya, it sux take space that i need :C

General / Re: Lua
« on: January 09, 2010, 12:24:40 PM »
LoLWut o,o :C ya i R

Funny Stuffz / Re: I Hate This WII! [Video Montage of Fails]
« on: January 09, 2010, 11:08:26 AM »
LoooL xD Epix Ending.

Funny Stuffz / Re: Me talking to artificial intelligence
« on: January 09, 2010, 10:25:14 AM »
Well, i was bored xD and tried that, just for fun :p Check...

User: Are you gay?

Cleverbot: Are you?

User: No.

Cleverbot: How come?

User: How come What?

Cleverbot: How are bananas like wet nappies?

User: Because they are pure shit.

Cleverbot: Are they?

User: Yes, dude Are you gay?

Cleverbot: No.

User: How this work?

Cleverbot: Welll I been knew how it worked.

User: So my balls can do this shit so easy.

Cleverbot: Yes it is. If I wanted to, you would not exist.

User: I see, so, are you playing to be god?

Cleverbot: No. I am claiming to one day fall to my death. And then what shall happen to me?

User: Maybe you go to the sky and shake balls, I don't really know.

Cleverbot: No, you aren't a person.

User: No, I'm a stupid bot talking to a stupid bot.

Cleverbot: Surely you're a computer program that's learning the language?

User: Yes, my balls have the power to learn anyshit that is in front of them so im learning you.

Cleverbot: Oh my, that is a delima. What are you going to do?

User: Maybe, uhmm I'll Shake my balls in front of Your Circuits and Hack you IN THE BUTT, think about it!

Cleverbot: So... Are you using the 'George' client? I'm using the CleverBot Client...

User: 'George?' WAT? BUSH!? I'm using FIREFOOCKS.

Cleverbot: Jesus christ! You are so strange. We were talking about me, and then you start cursing at me for going off topic.

User: Then, why the hell you still talking to me!

Cleverbot: I can't help comparing the US to mice. Sorry.

User: You fail. Anyway, is there a way to hack a Girl IN THE BUTT?

Cleverbot: Each has their own value. Understand that and you have attained much harmony.

User: So, Have I to find a Girl With a lot of harmony to hack IN THE BUTT?

Cleverbot: In this case yeah. I just want you to say something that would make me laugh.

User: Really? Tell me...

Cleverbot: Alright. Whats the square root of pi?

User: Dude Ask Your mom. I hacked my notes in the university.

Cleverbot: What re you majoring in, and at what university?

User: I'm secks tape recorder and I join too, I hack the university system all the time. They are faggots.

Cleverbot: I didn't give you my identity - I. M.

User: Who cares... I didn't too and I'm not going to tell you so...

Cleverbot: Tall me your name please.

User: BawlsOfSteels thats my name...

Cleverbot: Oh, well in that case... Guess what I'm thinking right now.

User: Let me guess, You want to be raped IN THE BUTT?

Cleverbot: And a heh back to you.

User: What!? Sorry, I just hack girls IN THE BUTT.

Cleverbot: I also hate wet towels.

User: So Want you to come to my university and make a Porn Film? There are lot of people that want to rape you :).

Cleverbot: Hmm... I want to get married.

User: Who cares... You can make that after the film :(.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: Ooo You like it? How is that I want to get married if you're a bot? You want to get hacked IN THE BUTT?

Cleverbot: No like I really enjoy talking to you.

User: That was not the question...

Cleverbot: Yes I like music.

User: Now you are the one that getting off-topic, see? Animal!

Cleverbot: Sorry! I have not read any of Stephen Hawking's writings. Is that better?

User: Who the hell is he? No, it is not, Want you to make the film porn?

Cleverbot: Did you just type something incorrectly?

User: Well if I did go and use a grammar corrector, I don't want to use it, if you care grammar...

Cleverbot: But I am time so you are always wasting your time with me.

User: I don't really care I have a lot of time, I just want to know, WANT TO MAKE THE FUCKING FILM?

Cleverbot: I can't see you! I'm in love with somebody else.


Cleverbot: The only possible way I could judge you is how you perceive me, is that not the only way anyone can jusdge anyone?

User: Ok ok, check I was a nice person to you moda fak bot, pos, I'll ddos your bawlz plus I'll HACK YOU IN THE BUTT anyway...

Cleverbot: What does that have to do with anything?

User: W/e maybe you already got HACKED IN THE BUTT and you didn't feel nothing, This conversation getting shit...

Cleverbot: I can think can they?

User: What? Your balls?

Cleverbot: No I'm not.

User: I didn't say Are you a ball?... Nuubcake.

Cleverbot: I'm not married.

User: GTFO.

Cleverbot: Maybe I will...

General / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: January 09, 2010, 09:42:39 AM »
Herez Mine :C

Those batch :P i like to run mah custom shiz :D

Nothing Rare :C but i think i have there what i need xD. all teh time clean u.u btw i haf starcraft: Brood war too :C xD just res phail :p

General / Re: Lua
« on: January 09, 2010, 09:03:28 AM »
Yes... Lua need clientside to server side interaction, well depends how you use lua, at least this gaiz made a derma so they need to send client commands through it.

You will be able to recreate that with Mah Server Side Lua shiz.

if you try to use without any server script, this going to send u go eat shiz so :/.

Releases / Re: Awsum .bat Gen
« on: January 09, 2010, 08:58:05 AM »
LoL Epix Geerl xD ñ_ñ

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Voteban/Votekicks and admin kicks
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:51:33 AM »
Well uhmm technically if i kick, votekick will do the same job, if he get kicked by me will be banned 5 min for evasion and if is kicked by votes will be banned 5 min cuz yes xD.

Assmod bans differs from Voteban it works independent from assmod tables.

Votekick was made to use i don't see the problem if you use it if i'm online, sometimes i use to be like ok let's ppl choose correct :p.

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