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Messages - Ruben

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Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: FloodMod [Server Suggestions]
« on: October 15, 2009, 09:01:38 PM »
May i please ask. Get rid of ar2 and para they are too powerful. Keep the mp5 its perfect. And there is a glitch. The ar2 says 70k but when you buy it, it only charges 30k

Ty, Fixed. ;)

oh yeah any ruben you need to just outlaw money rounds. People think there aare to many exceptions. It needs to just be outlawed. There is no point. Cause if you ask nicely someone will let you on and then they can money  collect that way. But money rounds arent the purpose of flood. But everyday its like one continuos money round because there are so many minges in the server.

;) Adding Rulz

csn i halps and ill make some maps

for the rope tool btw this is the lua wit the ridged option if you need to edit it

Code: [Select]
TOOL.Category = "Constraints"
TOOL.Name = "#Rope"
TOOL.Command = nil
TOOL.ConfigName = nil

TOOL.ClientConVar[ "forcelimit" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "addlength" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "material" ] = "cable/rope"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "width" ] = "2"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "rigid" ] = "0"

function TOOL:LeftClick( trace )

if ( trace.Entity:IsValid() && trace.Entity:IsPlayer() ) then return end

// If there's no physics object then we can't constraint it!
if ( SERVER && !util.IsValidPhysicsObject( trace.Entity, trace.PhysicsBone ) ) then return false end

local iNum = self:NumObjects()

local Phys = trace.Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum( trace.PhysicsBone )
self:SetObject( iNum + 1, trace.Entity, trace.HitPos, Phys, trace.PhysicsBone, trace.HitNormal )

if ( iNum > 0 ) then

if ( CLIENT ) then

return true


// Get client's CVars
local forcelimit = self:GetClientNumber( "forcelimit" )
local addlength = self:GetClientNumber( "addlength" )
local material = self:GetClientInfo( "material" )
local width = self:GetClientNumber( "width" )
local rigid = self:GetClientNumber( "rigid" ) == 1

// Get information we're about to use
local Ent1,  Ent2  = self:GetEnt(1), self:GetEnt(2)
local Bone1, Bone2 = self:GetBone(1), self:GetBone(2)
local WPos1, WPos2 = self:GetPos(1), self:GetPos(2)
local LPos1, LPos2 = self:GetLocalPos(1),self:GetLocalPos(2)
local length = ( WPos1 - WPos2):Length()

local constraint, rope = constraint.Rope( Ent1, Ent2, Bone1, Bone2, LPos1, LPos2, length, addlength, forcelimit, width, material, rigid )

// Clear the objects so we're ready to go again

// Add The constraint to the players undo table

undo.AddEntity( constraint )
undo.AddEntity( rope )
undo.SetPlayer( self:GetOwner() )

self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", constraint )
self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", rope )


self:SetStage( iNum+1 )


return true


function TOOL:RightClick( trace )

if ( trace.Entity:IsValid() && trace.Entity:IsPlayer() ) then return end

local iNum = self:NumObjects()

local Phys = trace.Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum( trace.PhysicsBone )
self:SetObject( iNum + 1, trace.Entity, trace.HitPos, Phys, trace.PhysicsBone, trace.HitNormal )

if ( iNum > 0 ) then

if ( CLIENT ) then

return true


// Get client's CVars
local forcelimit = self:GetClientNumber( "forcelimit" )
local addlength = self:GetClientNumber( "addlength" )
local material = self:GetClientInfo( "material" )
local width = self:GetClientNumber( "width" )
local rigid = self:GetClientNumber( "rigid" ) == 1

// Get information we're about to use
local Ent1,  Ent2  = self:GetEnt(1), self:GetEnt(2)
local Bone1, Bone2 = self:GetBone(1), self:GetBone(2)
local WPos1, WPos2 = self:GetPos(1),self:GetPos(2)
local LPos1, LPos2 = self:GetLocalPos(1),self:GetLocalPos(2)
local length = ( WPos1 - WPos2 ):Length()

local constraint, rope = constraint.Rope( Ent1, Ent2, Bone1, Bone2, LPos1, LPos2, length, addlength, forcelimit, width, material, rigid )

// Clear the objects and set the last object as object 1
iNum = self:NumObjects()
self:SetObject( iNum + 1, Ent2, trace.HitPos, Phys, Bone2, trace.HitNormal )
self:SetStage( iNum+1 )

// Add The constraint to the players undo table

undo.AddEntity( constraint )
if rope then undo.AddEntity( rope ) end
undo.SetPlayer( self:GetOwner() )

self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", constraint )
self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", rope )


self:SetStage( iNum+1 )


return true


function TOOL:Reload( trace )

if (!trace.Entity:IsValid() || trace.Entity:IsPlayer() ) then return false end
if ( CLIENT ) then return true end

local  bool = constraint.RemoveConstraints( trace.Entity, "Rope" )
return bool


i did my own antihax ty anyway ;D
And O: supa if u make mapz ;P =D

How about make a vote, if the vote votes yes, then the crowbar damage to people is enabled, and they can kill off the rest of the people quickly lol!!

Just Think ( You are alone in the server with 6 minges, They Rush Your boat and get on "OMG" they cant do dmg lololololol, a few moments they vote, YUUUUUUUUUUZ INSANE PANIC ENJOY EET ;D)

I dun rly think that its a good idea xD

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Wassup! Teh Cookie(V)onster! :O
« on: October 11, 2009, 05:37:31 PM »
Lol ur in a School to learn to program stuff in gmod?

Well nice to have you in the Random Community :)

Haf fun and dont mingY!!!!!!! -_- or i keel joo

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Crazed Gunner As Respected? and I am FTW :)
« on: October 11, 2009, 05:24:28 PM »
Hey Good Nice to meet Joo ;O Nice post.

Gave this post to an admin. ;D

Haf funz.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Can i join the group? :D
« on: October 11, 2009, 05:14:59 PM »
Invitation Sent

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Wassup! Teh Cookie(V)onster! :O
« on: October 11, 2009, 05:12:32 PM »
Post moar information.
Name? age? shiz that u do, moar moar...
p.p :/

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Introduce of Intenso
« on: October 10, 2009, 10:30:47 AM »
ya i removed the tag.

by the way, i just reinstalled the game and now i lost everything i had on flood.
i had rocket launcher and the weapon for 4k and my other 14.5k lol i think because of the reinstall my steam id has changed??

Heyyy joo :P welcome and yea all data have an unique id, so your using another account u.u.

Anyway Welcome..

Don't Minge :D or i keel joo! >O

Give this post to an Admin to make u respected :P haf fun :p


Approved Respected Apps / Re: Rifle = Respected?...
« on: October 10, 2009, 10:27:09 AM »
Hey :D Cool i have a friend with the same name :D xD

Ur A supa calculator :D xD

Yaaa :P Welcome to Random Community O:

1 Thing Dun minge or i keel joo :D ;D H.F

Releases / Re: Butchers Random Password Generator
« on: October 10, 2009, 09:02:42 AM »
Well i preffer a SHA-384 Bit Encrypt for Steam LoL jk dood imagine that xD O: "Omg i lost the pass ;P"

Releases / Re: NEW WEAPON
« on: October 10, 2009, 09:01:06 AM »
OmG Wut o.o I work wif Rick James xD.

Ehmm the download still broken i Thinksz :( Redirected

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: FloodMod [Server Suggestions]
« on: October 10, 2009, 08:52:18 AM »
Ruben is Da Man! :p

Good work!! :D


Hey ruben i know you super uber busy but i was thinking we need a definate list on the actual server or the rules. The 2 there dont cover all the edicat and stuff. Is there anyway you can add all the stuffs? I could write it for you and pm it to you so you can edit it and stuff. Just trying to cut down on mingey!!! :)

Sure Just make a list of Rules and If Are good then i modify :). I have some in mind :D

So far I am pretty pleased with the new weapon updates on the end flood server. I have some more suggestions.
Most of the weapons are very good for short range, but are crap for long range. We need another weapon besides the crossbow that can be usefull at long ranged attacks.

For this I am considering an mp5 because it is an extrmely accurate machine gun with almost no recoil.

A css sniper can even do the trick, but you would have it as a weapon that does a lot of damage per bullet ( about 30-50). It would also have only 10 or    20 bullets because of this.

The programmers ruben and minic can add whatever else they want to add.

Now for props. When it comes to building boats builders are stuck with only using vending machines and shitty low hp props.
I know that  not many props float in garrys mod but the programmers should make non buoyant props buoyant by givign them the physical property paper or wood.
Perhaps we can have "uber" props that have 1000 hp, are a bit bigger than a vending machine, and float.
We already have so many low hp nearly useless props. Now it's time to bring in higher hp usefull floating props.

Having a large variety of props allows much more strategies, and will surely bring up more and better boat designs.

What about special event weapons? That's a very good idea. Every now and then weapons should be available only for a few days and are unique eg. Absolutely no recoil gun. These weapons should then be impossible to buy again, but the purchasers keep them forever.

Lastly, maybe speed or health boosts can be purchased
- +10 hp in battle forever, + 20, +50.
then for speed boost when you hold shift, that will toggle your purchased speed boost. The speed boost lasts forever, only when you press shift.
- slightly increase speed, moderately incease speed, greatly increase speed.

P.S this whole thing was types out on my iPod touch LOL sauce

This post is also intended to be like a main request thing for others to add other requests. Feel free to. 

Yea, well i added the mp5 :/ ill add moar weapons, next time ill focus in [Middle/Long Range] i can make weapons but, actually im being busy with the university and im getting a lot of work :(. but well

Ok the floating props... Yes i can edit phys properties, dun worry but only 1 thing im getting out of props in hl2, well "USEFULL PROPS" that can be used in flood :/, so im thinking to add content from css or another game dunno wut u think...

I like ur idea to but health boost and shiz :P i need to figure out how to merge with gamemode :/ i have an idea its ez but the truth come when i test :/.

and Sauuuuuuuce :D Ahwww ;D

lol time to make flamin baby granades lol :P

btw you want the script for the flaming baby gun luben ?

Actually i have a test prototype in the server but is not that good :/ i have to play a bit with weapons :p and omg university is eating me :/, dunno.

- maps ya we should :P

- props: Ya better ones

- Minges o ya actually the gamemode its 1 boat per user or client :/ thats why u need put walls or something in the boat, he is getting anoying and disrespecting rules just votekick or voteban :) depends on the situation.

General Chat / Re: Box factory in Gmod
« on: October 04, 2009, 06:25:48 PM »

General / Re: Lua
« on: October 04, 2009, 09:19:47 AM »
okay ill chex for u if i need :D ty

Boneyard / Re: apparent hacking on ZS server
« on: October 04, 2009, 09:14:00 AM »

- Before post u should at least put a description...

- Proof? Make a demo or pictures.

- SteamID() ? well...

- :/ i cant do nothing with that.

« on: October 04, 2009, 09:10:02 AM »
Double post...

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