Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: FloodMod [Server Suggestions]
« on: October 15, 2009, 09:01:38 PM »May i please ask. Get rid of ar2 and para they are too powerful. Keep the mp5 its perfect. And there is a glitch. The ar2 says 70k but when you buy it, it only charges 30k
Ty, Fixed.

oh yeah any ruben you need to just outlaw money rounds. People think there aare to many exceptions. It needs to just be outlawed. There is no point. Cause if you ask nicely someone will let you on and then they can money collect that way. But money rounds arent the purpose of flood. But everyday its like one continuos money round because there are so many minges in the server.

csn i halps and ill make some maps
for the rope tool btw this is the lua wit the ridged option if you need to edit itCode: [Select]TOOL.Category = "Constraints"
TOOL.Name = "#Rope"
TOOL.Command = nil
TOOL.ConfigName = nil
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "forcelimit" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "addlength" ] = "0"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "material" ] = "cable/rope"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "width" ] = "2"
TOOL.ClientConVar[ "rigid" ] = "0"
function TOOL:LeftClick( trace )
if ( trace.Entity:IsValid() && trace.Entity:IsPlayer() ) then return end
// If there's no physics object then we can't constraint it!
if ( SERVER && !util.IsValidPhysicsObject( trace.Entity, trace.PhysicsBone ) ) then return false end
local iNum = self:NumObjects()
local Phys = trace.Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum( trace.PhysicsBone )
self:SetObject( iNum + 1, trace.Entity, trace.HitPos, Phys, trace.PhysicsBone, trace.HitNormal )
if ( iNum > 0 ) then
if ( CLIENT ) then
return true
// Get client's CVars
local forcelimit = self:GetClientNumber( "forcelimit" )
local addlength = self:GetClientNumber( "addlength" )
local material = self:GetClientInfo( "material" )
local width = self:GetClientNumber( "width" )
local rigid = self:GetClientNumber( "rigid" ) == 1
// Get information we're about to use
local Ent1, Ent2 = self:GetEnt(1), self:GetEnt(2)
local Bone1, Bone2 = self:GetBone(1), self:GetBone(2)
local WPos1, WPos2 = self:GetPos(1), self:GetPos(2)
local LPos1, LPos2 = self:GetLocalPos(1),self:GetLocalPos(2)
local length = ( WPos1 - WPos2):Length()
local constraint, rope = constraint.Rope( Ent1, Ent2, Bone1, Bone2, LPos1, LPos2, length, addlength, forcelimit, width, material, rigid )
// Clear the objects so we're ready to go again
// Add The constraint to the players undo table
undo.AddEntity( constraint )
undo.AddEntity( rope )
undo.SetPlayer( self:GetOwner() )
self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", constraint )
self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", rope )
self:SetStage( iNum+1 )
return true
function TOOL:RightClick( trace )
if ( trace.Entity:IsValid() && trace.Entity:IsPlayer() ) then return end
local iNum = self:NumObjects()
local Phys = trace.Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum( trace.PhysicsBone )
self:SetObject( iNum + 1, trace.Entity, trace.HitPos, Phys, trace.PhysicsBone, trace.HitNormal )
if ( iNum > 0 ) then
if ( CLIENT ) then
return true
// Get client's CVars
local forcelimit = self:GetClientNumber( "forcelimit" )
local addlength = self:GetClientNumber( "addlength" )
local material = self:GetClientInfo( "material" )
local width = self:GetClientNumber( "width" )
local rigid = self:GetClientNumber( "rigid" ) == 1
// Get information we're about to use
local Ent1, Ent2 = self:GetEnt(1), self:GetEnt(2)
local Bone1, Bone2 = self:GetBone(1), self:GetBone(2)
local WPos1, WPos2 = self:GetPos(1),self:GetPos(2)
local LPos1, LPos2 = self:GetLocalPos(1),self:GetLocalPos(2)
local length = ( WPos1 - WPos2 ):Length()
local constraint, rope = constraint.Rope( Ent1, Ent2, Bone1, Bone2, LPos1, LPos2, length, addlength, forcelimit, width, material, rigid )
// Clear the objects and set the last object as object 1
iNum = self:NumObjects()
self:SetObject( iNum + 1, Ent2, trace.HitPos, Phys, Bone2, trace.HitNormal )
self:SetStage( iNum+1 )
// Add The constraint to the players undo table
undo.AddEntity( constraint )
if rope then undo.AddEntity( rope ) end
undo.SetPlayer( self:GetOwner() )
self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", constraint )
self:GetOwner():AddCleanup( "ropeconstraints", rope )
self:SetStage( iNum+1 )
return true
function TOOL:Reload( trace )
if (!trace.Entity:IsValid() || trace.Entity:IsPlayer() ) then return false end
if ( CLIENT ) then return true end
local bool = constraint.RemoveConstraints( trace.Entity, "Rope" )
return bool
i did my own antihax ty anyway

And O: supa if u make mapz ;P =D
How about make a vote, if the vote votes yes, then the crowbar damage to people is enabled, and they can kill off the rest of the people quickly lol!!
Just Think ( You are alone in the server with 6 minges, They Rush Your boat and get on "OMG" they cant do dmg lololololol, a few moments they vote, YUUUUUUUUUUZ INSANE PANIC ENJOY EET

I dun rly think that its a good idea xD