« on: July 31, 2010, 01:54:20 PM »
Ever since Garry fucked up something along time ago with the proper 3rd person animations update, that broke our beloved server. The animations are horrid and for zombies...they dont even have animations. Just at the idle frame. Other servers fixed that shit up right away and carry on happly ever after. But us....nope.avi
That project was abandoned. It seemed pretty kewl to. Unless he is secretly still working on it. That would be epic.
To share what could really update and get our community a fresher headstart.
* The 3rd Person zombie animation fix. Should be the top priority.
* A 1337er voting system. Instead of people screaming in the mic saying "EVERYONE CHOOSE ______ NOW DAMMIT!", we could go by a recently played voting system. So you dont pick teh same god damn map every other round.
* EP2 fix on the wraith. As you all know, you can see wraiths due to the ep2 lighting engine if you turn on your flashlight and have shadow quality to high. Gives an unfair advantage. People say this is feature is a balance and other's say its a glitch. And it is a glitch. No rly, go into singleplayer and shine your flashlight at an invisible prop. Its a glitch, plain and simple.
* The ammo regeneration. 10 bullets every minute for pistols, 30 for rifles and smg's, 12 for shotguns. It should really be increased since 10 bullets will go by fast. For every wave, 80 bullets for pistols, 120 for rifles and smg's, and 25 for shotguns. That way humans aren't fucked within the first 30 seconds of the round. Ammo regen goes for ALL weapons. Not just the weapon your holding.
* With the ammo on the human side, zombies need a balance too. Normal zombies should move faster and attack a bit quicker, at the expense of damage.
* Lets make it more interesting with poisons, they could carry NPC controlled poisons on they're backs. Thus providing additional poison attacks to the humans. At the expense of damage AND maps with NPC nodes.
* Health upgrades. First off, the small health vial doesn't even work. If it does, then it only gives you 2 or 3 hp. Not good enough. It should give you up to 15 additional HP. While the full health kit should restore a good 50-70 health. Depending on how much you need. Same with zombie gibs. I'd say 30-40 more health, dependent on zombie class.
* Ability to have players drop ammo. If those ammo regens were not enough for you, or you have bad aim, then if a player is nice enough, he can choose to drop 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, or a full clip of ammo.
* A Zombine class. Zombies are a faster, stronger version of fast zombies. Unlocked at wave 8 after the chem. Zombies have up to 400 health, slow hit rate but can hit while moving, faster walk AND ability to sprint for a limited time. When right clicking, you can pull out a grenade and you have 5 seconds to run up to your target and do a decent amount of damage.
* Additional Weapons.
Mikahl's AK: (CS:S AK47 model)
Damage: 30
Firerate: Medium
Recoil: Large
Clip capacity: 30 rounds
Unlock tier: 30 kills
Commanders Colt: (Custom colt 1911 model)
Damage: 35-50
Firerate: Slow
Recoil: Medium
Clip Capacity: 7 rounds
Unlock tier: 5 kills
Pingaz Weapon of Destruction: (CS:S Para model)
Damage: 20
Firerate: Holy batshit fast
Recoil: Large
Clip Capacity: 120 rounds
Unlock tier: 60 kills
* 2 Custom playermodels:
Father Grigori (Dunno if its possible)
Onemanshow's Gordan Freeman
Other shiz
Mapping standards. Since the map list is overcrowded with maps good and bad, we need to organize it.
The minimum standards:
Light Environments
Up to 2 Health stations and 3 ammo crates scattered around in certain area's
Overall a non-same blocky brick textured room with the same patterns
Reasonable trigger_hurt's
I'd be happy to provide some of the swep's fix some values to make everything fair like this. Post your responses pl0x.