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Messages - HellishPanda

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Music / TF2 Musical Vocal Parody
« on: June 30, 2010, 07:30:26 PM »
Songs using vocals of tf2 characters

Kimono Soldier - Perfected Fight money

TF2 - Hudda Hudda Huh!

TF2 - WAR!

TF2 - Spy Hates You

TF2 - I'm an Engineer!

That's all for now until i can find me some good Chocolate Helicopter songs D:<
Most songs composed and formatted by DWL1993

Games / Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
« on: June 30, 2010, 12:01:42 PM »
The game isn't going to release soon but the pre-order crap of endorcement is out for GameStop, To be honest the "deadly" Harlequin model looks nothing more than the joker from batman re-vamped D:<

But all in all the fact that assassins creed is going global with their new multiplayer system is awesome, Not only that they are continuing from the previous plot from AC2, The only difference is that Etzio is older and has friends to back him up on his freakish quests to Rome,

Multiplayer footage
Assassins Creed Brotherhood E3 2010 Multiplayer Trailer [HD]

Games / Re: All Points Bulletin
« on: June 30, 2010, 11:59:02 AM »
Lol ya xD. I really want this game too, but I'm not paying shit monthly for it lol.
It's a better deal than world of warcraft 14$ per month agenst 10$ hmm hard to decide...
I'm actualy all in it for the customization I mean if you can make any decal for any model, Just think how much furry pronz i can Make :D

Games / Re: All Points Bulletin
« on: June 30, 2010, 11:49:13 AM »
I heard of it before and my brother was freaking out yesterday cause he was going to buy it. Then he found out you have to pay money per 3 months. Now he wants Gmod xD.
The best things in life are free :D
But the better things cost atleast 10$ monthly :|

Games / Re: All Points Bulletin
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:07:05 AM »
Damn, i'll have to pay for it monthly.
Pay2Play Sucks.
BTW, imma downloadin the beta.
Updating ! Holy crap can't wait.

Better than WOW mainly because your not going around hitting things with sticks

No you only have to pay 10$ monthly and you can customize....well everything :D

Games / All Points Bulletin
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:50:57 AM »
Feeding grounds for trololols, Pass me the salt and pepper munch munch

But seriously it released Today, I like the idea of me being a gang member and shooting anyone that steps on my turf

Don't tread on me D:<

But serious-serious, There's a rumor that this game is going to be the most playable thing and that new mods and dbs are being jizzed out every side. Of course they're just rumors...Ya know?

It runs on the infamous unreal engine Here'z sum gameplayz

APB - Mark Rein Direct Feed Gameplay Gamescom 09 in HD Part 1 of 2 - All Points Bulletin

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:48:59 AM »
note that entire post was about stalker/metro2033
Ya but still this thread tis nothing but a pew-pew...
Ya know Pandas scratch their bellys in anger

Scratch scratch D:<

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:40:11 AM »
hopefuly coolz will read this or something

and metro 2033 gameplay is shit compared to the TRUE stalker series. but i like the gasmask. i dont like when i go blind from the gasmask
oh an there are also nazi soldiers u have to fight
Dood tis nothing but a pew-pew

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:35:38 AM »
:/ servesr been doing fine for a very long time without me and with me, i dont think im the problem xD , night, you can msg coolz and stuff and what not if you really want ill talk to him and he can read all your stuff you posted and let him decide, gl
No I realy didn't care in the first place to be honest I've became attunted to those with flaws but

I just like a good arguement Here watch this vid and You will understand my point of view..
Successful Troll Song
I'm a successfull troll and the arguements are like candy
Munch Munch

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:33:48 AM »
:| Metro uses bullets instead of money or so i've heard havent had any conformation on it yet...and to Marked-One
I don't think we can go anywhere if there's already more than a few ways to get admin there's realy no point into argueing even though it's Delicous

Sorry bro this thread tis nothing but a pew-pew D:

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:29:50 AM »
I <3 Pripyat.
<3 the whole seriese Is it true they are going to use Bullets instead of money?
Makes sense in the seriese of apocolyptic mayhem D:<

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:23:03 AM »
this isn't about my respected status, its about you abusing your powers and banning people simply because you can, so stop saying "oh you could have asked for it back"
[off-topic] Call of pripyat is better
[On-topic] This is true if he's a Jr member it's almost as easy to abuse powers but still I would like to know

Why the fuck is there no support from the masses? I mean servers that have minge-baging admins don't last longer than a month to the best of an extent
[To Prox Sorry who are you again?]

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:18:08 AM »
Sorry my computer is acting Fritzy the power is looping and I think my graphics card is almost out

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:13:19 AM »
Also moo add me on steam so we can continue this chat I'd feel sorry If I didn't you make a worthy challenge to break,

Arguements are like candy to me

Munch Munch

Boneyard / Re: moo admin abuse >_<
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:12:14 AM »
I applaud you moo I really do, Let us see you got admin and are now acting like an overpowered figure of demented intentions

Bravo you've made a preliminary examply of a troll

But seriously...If it's just as easy for anyone to get admin and loose it What does it take to throw the high and mighty off his horse?

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