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Topics - HellishPanda

Pages: [1]
Music / I can break these cuffs
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:52:36 PM »
I can break these cuffs(longer remix)

I can break em can you?

Funny Stuffz / The truth behinde Call Of Duty
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:43:09 PM »
The truth behind Call of Duty...

I has nothing agenst the british

However I cannot play a simple gmod server without hearing a high pitched whining if you catch my drift :|

General Chat / What ever happend to
« on: July 01, 2010, 12:43:22 AM »
The golden days playing legend of zelda and geting pwned by every monster D:?

Panda says the oldies are the best all online gaming today is just kids screaming in their microphones or others being douches...However it's fun being a douche isn't it :D


Music / TF2 Musical Vocal Parody
« on: June 30, 2010, 07:30:26 PM »
Songs using vocals of tf2 characters

Kimono Soldier - Perfected Fight money

TF2 - Hudda Hudda Huh!

TF2 - WAR!

TF2 - Spy Hates You

TF2 - I'm an Engineer!

That's all for now until i can find me some good Chocolate Helicopter songs D:<
Most songs composed and formatted by DWL1993

Games / Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
« on: June 30, 2010, 12:01:42 PM »
The game isn't going to release soon but the pre-order crap of endorcement is out for GameStop, To be honest the "deadly" Harlequin model looks nothing more than the joker from batman re-vamped D:<

But all in all the fact that assassins creed is going global with their new multiplayer system is awesome, Not only that they are continuing from the previous plot from AC2, The only difference is that Etzio is older and has friends to back him up on his freakish quests to Rome,

Multiplayer footage
Assassins Creed Brotherhood E3 2010 Multiplayer Trailer [HD]

Games / All Points Bulletin
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:50:57 AM »
Feeding grounds for trololols, Pass me the salt and pepper munch munch

But seriously it released Today, I like the idea of me being a gang member and shooting anyone that steps on my turf

Don't tread on me D:<

But serious-serious, There's a rumor that this game is going to be the most playable thing and that new mods and dbs are being jizzed out every side. Of course they're just rumors...Ya know?

It runs on the infamous unreal engine Here'z sum gameplayz

APB - Mark Rein Direct Feed Gameplay Gamescom 09 in HD Part 1 of 2 - All Points Bulletin

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