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Messages - StartedBullet

Pages: 1 ... 3 [4] 5
Mapping / Re: Zs_City_streets
« on: June 09, 2010, 01:18:38 PM »

Mapping / Re: Zs_City_streets
« on: June 09, 2010, 02:58:46 AM »
V3 will remove the death machine =/, it makes the map feel kinda cheap
HEY WTF i did the img tags and put the link inbetween, but it doesnt show so heres a link to all 3 pics is the first link....hmm odd

Mapping / Zs_City_streets
« on: June 08, 2010, 10:30:01 PM »
Hello,, i have created a map called city streets, Heres the link
I honestly dk how to insert pics
Just a hint, DO NOT BREAK OPEN LOCKED DOORS, in v2 which is on its way to coolz, it will do...........something...........something that everyone will be like "WTF WAS THAT HOLY HEAD HUMPER FUCK SHIT!"
but feel free to do it alone. lol. Youll see.

Lol, i didnt ask to be. Until now.

Hello, im startedbullet, and would like to be respected. Thats pretty much all i got besides i map and play random servers like crazy, lol.
Anyways hope i get approved.

EDIT: maybe ill add some more stuff

I want to be respected becuase there never seem to be plple to kick mingez when i need em, or to kick racists, spammers etc.
Im 14 and play all of your random servers besides winter survival, but mostly just zs and ttt.

My skillz:
I make pretty kickas$ weapon models, mostly for fo3, Im a begginner coder, and i map for fo3 and zs.

And i kick ass in fps games.

Help/Requests / Removing krusty karb from zs
« on: June 07, 2010, 07:41:34 PM »
Hello, can you plz remove the map krusty krab like you did the deaths from zs? all these fucking little kid retards keep voting it.

Programming / Some Gamemode Coding qeustions
« on: June 03, 2010, 01:40:46 AM »
Hello, i have a few coding qeustions. I will start a new post should i have more.

here is 1, I have a round restart etc. func, but i want to make choosing the winner be choosing the team

timer.Create("my_timer", 300, 0, function()
for k,v in pairs( team.GetPlayers(1) ) do
v:SetFrags( 0 ) // Reset their frags for next round
for k,v in pairs( team.GetPlayers(2) ) do
v:SetFrags( 0 ) // Reset their frags for next round
player:Spawn() // Timer code here

local winner
local topscore = 0

for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
winner = v
topscore = v:Frags()
ply:ChatPrint("the winner is " .. winner:Nick())
return winner
end )

And This is not showing when i press f2, no idea why, how do i make it


function showshiz( ply ) -- This hook is called everytime F1 is pressed.
    ply.concommand( "sb_teams" )
hook.Add("ShowTeam", showshiz)


One last thing, i want to run the function sb_teams on this, wgich command should i use to run it?

function GM:PlayerSpawn( ply )  //What happens when the player spawns
     self.BaseClass:PlayerSpawn( ply )
    ply:SetGravity( 0.75 ) 
    ply:SetMaxHealth( 100, true ) 
    ply:SetWalkSpeed( 325 ) 
   ply:SetRunSpeed( 325 )
   ply:Give ( "weapon_fiveseven" )


Programming / Re: Help! Gamemode coding trouble
« on: June 02, 2010, 05:37:46 PM »
errrr ya, lol

Programming / Re: Help! Gamemode coding trouble
« on: June 02, 2010, 05:35:39 PM »
:l It helps when you first try out gamemode making
holy shit wtf

Its kinda cobbled together from tuts and my own custom stuff

Programming / Re: Help! Gamemode coding trouble
« on: June 01, 2010, 09:04:06 PM »
hmm no help so far

Programming / Help! Gamemode coding trouble
« on: June 01, 2010, 08:10:19 PM »
Ok, just a couple things left

gamemodes\engine\gamemode\init.lua:58: unexpected symbol near ')'

GM:PlayerInitialSpawn()  // When spawning after joining the sever
Spectate( ply, ent )
    ply:Spectate( OBS_MODE_CHASE )
ply:SpectateEntity( ent )
player.concommand( "sb_teams" )  ) <----------This one is the prob, i forgot to mark it

Mapping / Wipz Redoing zs_lost_base and zs_experimental_facility
« on: May 30, 2010, 12:21:16 AM »
Hello, im going to redo from scratch zs_lost_base and zs_experimental_facility like i originally planned. I will post pictures and etc starting tomorrow.

Mapping / Re: zs_Military_Complex_v3 [Better looking!]
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:24:01 PM »
    -= Military Complex [Visual-Base Mod] =-

    Current time spent on map improvements: 10 minutes


    You thief! This is my map, which i was going to update it! You dont go and fuck around with other plples maps without even asking them!!!

    Ive, got this sorted out for now, he shoulda just asked! I had a chat with him, and were both going to improve it.

    Zombie Survival Server / Why is there a password!!
    « on: May 23, 2010, 11:25:47 PM »
    Why is there a password!? Thats one of the few things i do in Gmod! ..............  :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Mapping / Re: What do you think of zs_military_complex
    « on: April 19, 2010, 04:07:12 PM »
    Thanks for the advice, ill try to fix them, also about the rooms there are 2 big enough bathroom and storage, but i plan to add a new wing.

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