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Topics - coolzeldad

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Community News & Announcements / Check out our Chatz!
« on: December 20, 2009, 09:09:21 AM »
"Well Hai Every body!"

Click the chat link on the forum button strip or the main page to open a new window to chatz wif ur friendz!! ;o

Comments or suggestions can go in this thread.


Hello everyone!

I'd like to inform you .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. is now hosting a contest server-wide!

To start playing, just switch to the snowball in your inventory! :D!!

Here are the rules and prize information for reference:

Enter the Snowball!

We're running a server-wide contest to see who can score the highest!

Yes, where there's a contest, there's sure to be prizes, but alas, rules also...

1st Place: Temporary Administrative position for a month of your choice, in the year 2010 (abuse will result in termination).
Top 3: Receive a life-size trophy in-game model with their name/alias and a phrase up to 15 characters!
Top 10: The ability to use the Snowball after the contest has expired, while others may not.

1. You may only hit a different person each time for the score to count.
2. No aimbot / wallhack / speedhack / anything else that will give you a unfair advantage is allowed.
3. Use common sense, if you feel your actions may be questionable. Do NOT do it, you might be disqualified.
4. Existing Administrators are not eligible for first place prize, it will be awarded to the runner up.
5. Failure to comply with the rules will result in disqualification from the contest.

This contest will run until Saturday, the 2nd of January at 00:00 (GMT-8)!! *CONTEST HAS ENDED*

We hope you enjoy this during the winter season!
Have fun,

As you all know it's almost New Years and that means the contest is almost over!

                      TOP 10!
-- Name                                                -- Points
SabbathFreak911                                    28836
Aqua-Holic                                               25881
.sf|SMasters9106(NewYears)                  21579
.:RND`=-DUC                                           21165
Carp                                                        15185
Pyrokinesis                                              11751
women-tiger<thai                                     7531
iarenoti-dutch                                           6746
.:RND`BoatSinker                                     6537
ParanoidAndroid                                       6170

It'll be a day or so while I organize the prizes.

Thanks for playing everyone! =D

Here's the trophies =P

They'll be on the build server after tonight's/morning's maintenance!

Programming / Information
« on: December 08, 2009, 01:03:21 AM »
Keep on topic and respect the forum rules!

Hello everyone,

I would like to let this group expand to other countries.

This would allow better localization for players in other countries and continue to keep communication with the 'main' station here in the West Coast - USA.

That said, if anyone feels like hosting a server for their local country/province/anything to help expand playability - please contact me either directly or mention it here in the thread.

Hopefully players will continue to collaborate and keep communication a lot better while keeping low pings for users and a better experience for distanced players!

Please don't hesitate to contact me, we can set up communication and other things in no time!

Thanks for reading and your interest!

Just a note: There are no restrictions on type of server! Any server will work!

Community News & Announcements / Information About Forum Attachments
« on: October 08, 2009, 01:30:07 AM »
Sorry folks but I disabled all forum attachments and removed all previous ones..

There were a couple of issues with them and unfortunately, our host didn't take to kindly to them. :[

They are a great host though in many ways and I thank them personally for their hard work! :P

From now on you can upload to free hosts like or Maybe even take a look at tomcat's service!

Hope you all aren't to dissapointed.. go have fun :D

Sled Build Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:56:52 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. No malicious/disruptive activity allowed.

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Zombie Survival Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:55:19 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. No malicious/disruptive activity.
2. No abuse of game mechanics.

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Flood Mod Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:53:31 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. Abuse of game mechanics or other malicious/disruptive behavior is NOT allowed.
2. No holding up the game rounds.

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Plain Build Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:51:19 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. No malicious or disruptive behavior.

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Role Play Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:50:55 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. No malicious activity and/or disruptive behavior.
2. Role Play

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Winter Survival - Settlement Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:48:54 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. No malicious abuse or disruptive behavior allowed.
2. The game can be played however suits the players as long as rule #1 is intact. (This includes building communities instead of killing or visa-versa, etc)

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Fretta Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:45:56 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. No abusing the game mechanics/being disruptive or attempting to do either.

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Wire Build Server / Rules
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:44:10 PM »
The rules are as follows..

1. No 'minge'-like activity. (That includes a lot of malicious or disruptive behavior)

I personally enjoy keeling anyone who refused to obey.
Have my word,

Help/Requests / Request Wire Dupes/Delete Wire Dupes *Here*!
« on: September 06, 2009, 03:05:37 AM »
Request your advanced duplicator saves here.
Also request your advanced duplicator saves DELETED!

  • 'Dupe' Name
  • *5* NAMES OF FILES IN YOUR STEAMID FOLDER(or less depending on how many you have) - This is to verify that you are the owner of the dupes.

  • Reason
  • Other Misc Info

No 'Public' requests are accepted!

Requests will be processed at earliest convienence!


Releases / .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. SVN Manager v0.9.0.0
« on: August 30, 2009, 11:06:52 PM »

Hello everyone! -Screen shots below-

Want to translate into your native language? (Or improve current translations) Check bottom of post!

REQUIRES 'Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1' <--- Click!!

I'd like to introduce you to the .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. SVN Manager, a GUI Front-end for the popular form of project distribution 'Subversion'.

This program was intended to replace the popular 'Tortoise SVN' used by many in the following ways:

  • Simplistic
  • Portable
  • Lightweight

- The program was intended to be VERY easy to use. A couple of clicks and your off installing Wire Mod or Phoenix Model Pack.

- The program was also intended to be installed on a flash-drive or something similar. Easy to bring to a friends house if internet is slow there, etc.

- The program is also very lightweight when in comparison to Tortoise SVN.

Combined with a list of 91 addons/gamemodes/modules to start, use should be no problem!

Share custsvn.dat lists with your friends or post them for others to use!

LAST UPDATED: 05/25/2010

Code: [Select]
.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Productions
--Please checkout our website at <>!

        "Nice" Release 0.9.0
-Updates/Changes in this release-

-- All Known/Reported Bugs Fixed
-- Translations now supported!
-- Highlighting of SVN logs and ability to save them.
-- Code Cleanup/Optimized for Speed


        First Public Release 0.8.3
-This release supports the following-

-- Extremely Simple
-- Lots of Diverse Functionality
-- Lightweight and Fast
-- Backwards Compatibility
-- Free

Please don't hesitate to report bugs or new ideas to the project :)

- Supports saving encrypted passwords per SVN.

- Option to automatically check SVN for updates on click, compare revisions, etc.

- Other features are planned such as automatically updating all or list of svn's and drag n drop list imports.

The program also insures that every SVN installed does not include the thousands of SVN files that could possibly conflict with whatever is using the SVN.

While this application was created with the intention of being used by Garry's Mod users, the application has no problems with any other SVN you give it.

If anything is unclear or if there are any suggestions or bugs, I would like to request them posted in this thread.

Updates will be as frequent as possible to resolve any conflicts and update list/subversion as needed.


Thanks and enjoy! -coolz
<Download> -- Installer  LAST UPDATED: 05/25/2010
<Download> -- No Installer  LAST UPDATED: 05/25/2010
<Download> -- RSM Default .dat file ( contains updated svn urls! Do not need if using setup/nosetup with newer date! ) -Updated 04/02/2010-

Note! If you install and run this program in Vista or Windows 7 with UAC enabled, the program will write to WINDOWS_DRIVE:\Users\WINDOWS_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\rANdOm.... - I cannot do anything about this without requiring administrator permission, which I will NOT do. If UAC is not enabled/the application is started with administrator permission/the application is installed where you do not need administrator permission this will not occur.

I highly recommend installing to the desktop, flashdrive, documents, etc to avoid all possible hassles.


- SVN Log Highlighting -

- RSM in Japanese! -

- Main Window -

- Installing Dark RP Game Mode SVN -

- Program Settings -

- Adding an SVN -

- Main Window with Extra Options Showing -

- Program Information Window -

Willing to translate!? Thanks! ^^
Download translation pack here! ( readme.txt included )  LAST UPDATED: 05/25/2010

-- Japanese is currently being translated by Yomogimochi
-- sagnip is currently being translated by Tech
-- German is translated by DoeniDon
-- Spanish is translated by Frank

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