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Messages - Malek

Pages: [1]
General / Re: New Computer
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:37:47 PM »
Look Here:

That link takes you to the iBuyPower AMD page, if you go with intel it will be more expensive but you really didnt give much to go off of other than price range.

The Nice thing about iBuyPower is that you can custom build a computer and if you decide you dont want to pay extra to have them put it together for you, and you have some experience with computers, you can print out your custom built computer from their site and search sites like Newegg or amazon to buy individual parts and may save some money putting it together yourself.

Go to that site and  build a computer then post the specs here for suggestions.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:28:55 PM »

fuck the electric bill.... LOL

I have to supplement the power from the electric company with 4 hamsters running on wheels ;) (not pictured)

Boneyard / Re: RND' =- Tiger Guy Disruptive behavior ZS
« on: July 06, 2010, 02:54:13 PM »

General / Re: Clearwire and performance
« on: July 06, 2010, 02:48:06 PM »
It really varies from person to person.

I had it for about a year then switched to comcast. My probelm is that I live twords the outskirts of my town in the country. The clearwire people told me that wouldnt be a problem when I asked about it so I tried it out. The problem is that basically you have an antenna in your house about the size of a large router, so for best results it should be in a window and on the side of your house facing wherever the nearest broadcasting tower is. For some people that is difficult because where they have their computer its not near a window or close to an exterior wall.

Now these may not be problems for you depending on how close you live to the broadcasting tower. But that would be somthing to look into. The connectivity is measured like a cell signal, with 5 lights. Personally I had 2 out of 5 lights consistantly. On good days I would get 3-4 bars of signal, but never a good 5 bars.

So my signal was pretty bad, which resulted in a fairly slow internet, and because the signal varied, it was very bad for gaming.

If you live near a clearwire broadcasting tower it may be good. I have friends that live close to a broadcasting tower and they say clearwire is good, however they dont do online gaming, so im not sure if it works well for that. I would imagine it would be better than AT&T unless you pay for the top broadcasting speed of At&t. I still dont think clearwire offers speeds comparable to cable just because its sent wirelessly. If you do not live close to a broadcasting tower, you wont get a good reliable signal and may experience pretty serious lag.

Boneyard / Re: RND' =- Tiger Guy Disruptive behavior ZS
« on: July 06, 2010, 11:16:12 AM »
Ok well as I eluded to in the origional topic, I wasnt sure this guy was actually in RND, figured it may have been someone who changed their name in an effort to give RND admins and RND a bad name, but as ive seen, its an actual RND admin member giving himself/RND a bad name so I understand. Kids will be kids. Looks like it wont be a regular occurance though so im happy. Just not good to have high ranking members of a community behaving that way, could end up losing players.

Thanks to those members who took the complaint semi-seriously :)

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:24:49 PM »
umm basic math.... 1000>750

lol actually I found it online for a good price and figured why not for future upgrades.

Boneyard / RND' =- Tiger Guy Disruptive behavior ZS
« on: July 05, 2010, 08:48:50 PM »
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26777285 
Name: .:RND`=- Tiger Guy"
Information: Chat Spam Immature behavior reflecting on RND
Server: Zombie Survival

Details: Not sure if this guy is actually in RND or not, I would guess not, since I havent seen this kind of immaturity on the forums or from other RND members. Anyway the evidence kinda speaks for itself, he was mic spamming (screaming over mic incoherently) then after he was muted by much of the server he started up with the chat spam. Also you can see when one of the players on the server tried to vote kick and found out you needed to be respected to do it, he asked how to become respected and tiger told him to "GTFO". Not sure how the community mods feel about this kind of stuff, I just wanted to post because if I ran a community like this I would want to know if there were members causing a bad name for the community as a whole.

Witnesses: anyone in the status list pictured

When: around 8:30 pacific time monday night.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:07:22 PM »
My case is atx it has the same interior as his and an even more epic exterior with green and blue leds. 

Pic or it didn't happen!

My case looks a lot cooler in a dark room, it has blue and red lights. Also have the coolermaster V8

Which is cool cause when friends are bragging about their cars, I can say my computer has a V8, usually i get some confused looks.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:27:26 AM »
Thermaltake Armor MX is the case,

and as far as the GPU, I have had the PC for over a year, so whether the ATI was out or not I dont know,

I have just always used NVidia and yes it was cheaper than others, and after spending on the CPU didnt wanna go overboard with cost later on lol.

General / Re: XFire = Laggy Video Capture
« on: June 24, 2010, 09:09:11 PM »
I used to drop a lot of FPS when using xfire video recorder, till I upgraded to my new comp, now it doesnt affect me at all. So I think its more of a system thing than an xfire thing.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:43:22 PM »
[O S] Windows 7 Home Premium 64
[CPU] i7 950 4x3.07Ghz
[MEM] 6Gb
[HDD] (1) 500Gb (1) 200Gb
[GPU] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285


Thats an older pic, got 2 monitors now, but still same specs.

Winter Survival - Settlement Server / Re: Rule Question.
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:26:08 PM »
I agree with you there.

I mean if he wanted to get some frustration out or something, and go on a rampage one round fine, but I think when you start for the 2nd or 3rd consecutive round of purely DMing and not trying to survive, I think that should be reason to kick.

The reason im asking though is I dont wanna get respected taken away for votekicking someone like this.

Winter Survival - Settlement Server / Rule Question.
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:43:40 PM »
Just wanted clarification on the rules about disruptive behavior.

I understand killing is part of the game mode, but since the game mode is more about survival, is excessive killing reason for a votekick/ban?

Reason I ask is because a few times I have been on and players join, start the round beating people with sticks, and throwing rocks. Then they make a sword as soon as possible and go on a killing spree. Then when we ask them to stop, they say "well the rules say killing and defending is encouraged."

So would excessive killing, as in starting to kill as soon as the round starts and not even trying to survive normally a reason to kick/ban someone? I was tempted to do a votekick, because this particular player was causing a lot of annoyance, and making people leave, but since i wasnt sure about the rules, I dont want my respected taken away because of a misunderstanding.

Well makes a little sense, after a long day of building im not too excited to get on a game, and build some more :P

Steam Name: Malek
Age: 18

For Starters: Im not much of a builder, yea I know playing Gmod and not a builder WTF. I like zombie survival, and stranded, and winter survival, and really any fun creative game mode. By creative yes I mean I dont really like DM or anything like that. I play Gmod and other HL2 mods like NeoTokyo and Age of Chivalry. Also play the Stronghold series if anyone has ever heard of that. I like RTS games, so when once in awhile on Gmod I like playing Sassilization.

Name Origin: Name is a star wars refrence that really stuck with me when I started playing the Star Wars Galaxies game when it first came out. Dont play anymore but was addicted to it for a long time.

About Me: Nothing really too interesting, Music was mentioned in the refrence so I can go with that, I listen to country music (please dont hold it against me, its a product of my area) I live in a primarily agricultural area. I work in contruction, so basically im just a high-tec redneck. Built my own computer though so its seperates me from most of the people I work with.

Time on: I live in california, so im in the pacific timezone, usually play after work anywhere between 5-11pm.

ETC: I really enjoy playing on your winter survival server, kinda dissapointed that I missed your stranded and parasite servers, as I really enjoy both those game modes. I hope to eventually get respected on the server as minges who start killing as soon as the round starts kinda piss me off.

well thats pretty much it, hope to stick around awhile seems like you guys have a pretty solid community here.

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