Approved Respected Apps / Applying for respected :)
« on: June 10, 2010, 04:41:47 PM »
Applying for Respected -
My In-game name: Car-line or Carlineee! (I change)
Steam ID: Killercarline - STEAM_0:0:16581373
My age is 17.
Birth date: 22nd September 1992.
I mainly play TTT and sometimes Zombie Survival
Being respected would be a nice privilage to have when playing, as i see many greifers and players breaking rules on the TTT server.
I respect the RND servers as there is some genuinely nice people running them and would love to be apart of it.
So i hope you take a look at my application and approve it.
Also i would not mind an invite to the steam group
My In-game name: Car-line or Carlineee! (I change)
Steam ID: Killercarline - STEAM_0:0:16581373
My age is 17.
Birth date: 22nd September 1992.
I mainly play TTT and sometimes Zombie Survival
Being respected would be a nice privilage to have when playing, as i see many greifers and players breaking rules on the TTT server.
I respect the RND servers as there is some genuinely nice people running them and would love to be apart of it.
So i hope you take a look at my application and approve it.

Also i would not mind an invite to the steam group