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Messages - Carline

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Re: Applying for respected :)
« on: June 10, 2010, 06:45:56 PM »
Copy paste much? Lol fix your op it still says Admin Lmao

Much copy and paste. Thanks for pointing that. It's late :')

Approved Respected Apps / Applying for respected :)
« on: June 10, 2010, 04:41:47 PM »
Applying for Respected -

My In-game name: Car-line or Carlineee! (I change)

Steam ID: Killercarline - STEAM_0:0:16581373

My age is 17.

Birth date:  22nd September 1992.

I mainly play TTT and sometimes Zombie Survival

Being respected would be a nice privilage to have when playing, as i see many greifers and players breaking rules on the TTT server.
I respect the RND servers as there is some genuinely nice people running them and would love to be apart of it.
So i hope you take a look at my application and approve it.
Thanks :)

Also i would not mind an invite to the steam group :P

Community Admin Apps / Re: Carline For Admin
« on: June 10, 2010, 04:38:11 PM »
Dear Carline,

          Apply for respected here. After doing that, Stay respected for about 3 - 6 months (unless you are "feeling it" :P) and put in an admin app if you please, and admin apps require (a-lot) more info about your experience and playing habits, and how you could better the community. You will need to have shown that you play fairly and report/vote(kick, ban) people for good reasons, and not just because they killed you. This current application has enough info in it to be a respected application, but not an admin application. Just keep your slate clean and try your best and I can see an admin application in the future :P.


Thanks krasher, someone giving a straight answer of what i need to do.

Will do that aswell.

I shall see you around the servers guys :D

Community Admin Apps / Re: Carline For Admin
« on: June 09, 2010, 02:08:38 PM »
Also, you should atleast play the Zombie Survival Server a bit more before actually applying Carline, I know that you've only just started playing and got recommended by Tomcat or Cloud, but it's up to the people that accept admin applications, you can't just expect to play a popular community once and then apply for admin because you spend a few rounds on the ZS server and thought it was cool, not being mean, but that's how I see it at this time.

I said i played Zombie Survival a bit. I play TTT more than ZS. Personally i dont like the zombie survival that much. Also i aint been recommended by anyone.

Ahhhh yes. Respected. Shit i forgot about that. Yeah respected sounds cool for me. Ill apply for admins when im more social on the forum and more 'Known'.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Carline For Admin
« on: June 09, 2010, 10:59:03 AM »
Yeah i may have one post, i did not think that would really matter to be honest. Also my name changed all the time thats why no one has seen me probably.

More info? Like what? I put the basics down.

I been admin on a sandbox server if that counts?

Community Admin Apps / Carline For Admin
« on: June 09, 2010, 07:59:20 AM »
Applying for admin - Was gunna to apply back in 2009 when Coolzeldad made a film server for me. (Btw thanks for that coolz if you read) Anyway on to information.

My In-game name: Car-line or Carlineee! (I change)

Steam ID: Killercarline - STEAM_0:0:16581373

My age is 17.

Birth date:  22nd September 1992.

I mainly play TTT and sometimes Zombie Survival

Being an admin would be a nice privilage to have when playing, as i see many greifers and players breaking rules on the TTT server.
I respect the RND servers as there is some genuinely nice people running them and would love to be apart of it.
So i hope you take a look at my application and approve it.
Thanks :)

Pages: [1]