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Messages - Unit

Pages: [1]
Funny Stuffz / IT WAS A FRIDAY
« on: August 06, 2010, 05:46:36 PM »
:| "Oh it's all in good fun, stop whining!"

I kinda Disregard it now, but I feel like sharing the Hilarious events I endure about almost ever dai.  :)

The Quality is shit, but that's what I get for using fraps.

Boneyard / Re: Hells assasin abusing respected
« on: July 31, 2010, 03:37:50 PM »
You are: TRAITOR

(Just Banned) Xenian Raptor: oh no texture bug
(Just Banned) Xenian Raptor: i retry conection
.:RND=-CookieMonster- FOUND THE BODY OF .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™. HE WAS A TRAITOR! [at this point Hells had yelled out it was me, due to my 'mic' cutting out, and yet again I just so happen to be traitor. He did/does this alot :| Countless times has he Accused me within 60 seconds into the round and someone has a heavy trigger finger... sometimes in a Seemingly Joking but Solid tone...]

THIS TOOK ONLY 2 SECONDSPlayer Xenian Raptor left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Player Xenian Raptor has joined the game
Xenian Raptor (Country: Romania) connected.
(Guest) Want a Bash!?: i kield traitor
(Respected) .:RND=-CookieMonster-: HEY BASH P
(Respected) .:RND=-CookieMonster-: BASH YOU PROP KILLED A TRAITOR
Hotgreensoldier FOUND THE BODY OF .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin. HE WAS INNOCENT. [Green killed Hells due to me dying so quick suddenly and actually being traitor, me realizing that not only did I die, I was propped... not by Hells]
(Guest) Want a Bash!?: its aloud
(Respected) .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin: lol
Player Xenian Raptor left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Player Xenian Raptor has joined the game
Xenian Raptor (Country: Romania) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: WTf guys, Hells, again? I really want you to stop. I feel as if Your using an unfair Advantage :\
TheGreatGuy (Mental) FOUND THE BODY OF .:RND=-CookieMonster-. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: every time I happen upon traitor
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Respected) .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin: well u stoped ur music i just guess
Kerrigan's Pet Hydralisk FOUND THE BODY OF Hotgreensoldier. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(Respected) .:RND=-CookieMonster-: KICK HIM UNIT
(Respected) .:RND=-CookieMonster-: HE PROPPED YOU
Want a Bash!? FOUND THE BODY OF TheGreatGuy (Mental). HE WAS INNOCENT.
(Respected) TheGreatGuy (Mental): who?
(Just Banned) Xenian Raptor: ok brb 20 min
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I was proped?
(Respected) TheGreatGuy (Mental): bash right?
(Respected) .:RND=-CookieMonster-: Bash
(Respected) .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin: i didn't prop kill anuone
Player Xenian Raptor left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I though I got shot
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I was proped tho
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: but by who?

Player [คς] Nel has joined the game
[SolidVote] TheGreatGuy (Mental) initiated vote 'Kick player Want a Bash!??' <<<< Propped me with the Seesaw on Rich Apts. Ask Cookie, he knows about that.
[SolidVote] Reason: PROP KEELING FGT
[คς] Nel (Country: Argentina) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I dunno, I just don't like how every time you say my name clearly I'm traitor.
[SolidVote] .:RND=-CookieMonster- voted yes.
mOjO FOUND THE BODY OF WinterSurvivalist-ness. HE WAS INNOCENT.
[SolidVote] Want a Bash!? voted no.
(Guest) Zergling: i shoot anybody that comes inside my room
[SolidVote] .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin voted yes.
[SolidVote] TheGreatGuy (Mental) voted yes.
[SolidVote] Kerrigan's Pet Hydralisk voted yes.
[SolidVote] WinterSurvivalist-ness voted yes.
[SolidVote] H.H.E.H.H.E voted no.
[SolidVote] LiL John ♫ voted yes.
[SolidVote] Hotgreensoldier voted yes.
[SolidVote] Zergling voted yes.
(Guest) Want a Bash!?: its actually aloud NO.
[SolidVote] CarbonKarma voted yes.
[SolidVote] mOjO voted yes.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Every time Hells wants so say I'm traitor it just so happens I am
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Why.
[more complaining]
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Trouble in Terrorist Town|Tick66|Fast DL- You're the traitor! !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rulez in chat!
[SourceBans] ADMIN: Banned player "Want a Bash!?" for 5 minutes (reason: TheGreatGuy (Mental) Votekicked 'Want a Bash!?' - normal: PROP KEELING FGT).
(Respected) .:RND=-CookieMonster-: dude Lol.. it is aloud but ...
Player Want a Bash!? has joined the game
Want a Bash!? (Country: Italy) connected.
Failed to load sound "maps\dm_richs_apt2\guiltybyassociation-vegas.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Guest) LiL John ♫: SOMEONE OPEN DOOR!
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: and to kill/prop me at the start of the round :\
(Guest) [คς] Nel: Hi
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: without anyoen dead
(Respected) .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin: lol idk thats wat great did to me everytime he guessed he was rite and i always get kiled.. [SO WHY DO IT TO ME COUNTLESS TIMES]
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: also
Kerrigan's Pet Hydralisk FOUND THE BODY OF Mrrpivot. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: O hai
Kerrigan's Pet Hydralisk FOUND THE BODY OF mOjO. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Hells, why do it to me then
(Guest) [คς] Nel: Unit who are the other traitors?
Failed to load sound "maps\dm_richs_apt2\guiltybyassociation-vegas.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "maps\dm_richs_apt2\guiltybyassociation-vegas.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Respected) .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin: but unit u never accepted me..
(Guest) ZliAle: back
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: because you keeps doing that...
(Guest) mOjO: Winter survival sorry for killing you.
Failed to load sound "maps\dm_richs_apt2\unytednaytionz-racism.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Do I really want to be friends with someone who potentially exploits me :[

You even promised you'd stop on Canyon, Hells, but here you do it again.

(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Hells seems to Target RDM me alot :\
While a round is in progress, spectators cannot speak to living players. Use team chat to speak with fellow spectators.
(Guest) LiL John ♫: ouch
(Respected) TheGreatGuy (Mental): i target RDM hells

(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: But hells, why do it to me? What have I ever done to you? Why?
(Respected) .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin: lol i just get bored i wanna try to be friends with u
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: And I do believe that on this map or Trains you promised you'd stop.
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
[คς] Nel FOUND THE BODY OF .:RND`=-  Hell's Assassin. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(Guest) vallidbullithead: get zilale
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) [คς] Nel: kill nick!
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Well now I feel as if I *don't* want to be friends with you :|

 :-[ Which side should I be on?  IM CONFUSED
Oh god Now everything's gonna go to shit And I have no idea or concept of why D:

Everything I thought I knew doesn't exist D:

Especially the space potatoes.


I should be here more often but now I don't think there's going to be much here anyways If I'm reading this right, cause this managed to trickle into a place where I don't even dabble
...left a comment on my facebook...
Also, so, We hate Devie cause She got admins for teh bewbs or cuz she gots it really fast? And on the other side, do we hate everyone else cause "haters gonna hate" and, well, that?

I'm Going to be neutral on this cause I dunno. Just, don't Dismantle this Place and leave me with like, 2 sides hating each other...again  :(

General Chat / Re: Favorite Weather?
« on: July 28, 2010, 09:24:03 AM »
Thundersnow. The sky is just so awesome when it happens, especially at night when it's completely dark up there, things are just swirling about, lightning flashes and the streetlights make the sky a awesome dark-orange/paleorangeyellowcopper/streetlight flashlight colour that gets darker as it goes up.

And I like how in winter, the same effect where the snow looks so much darker and noticeable to you from the clouds in the Grey sky, and they just swirl about and go nuts, then land on your window and melt. Maybe I also like snow because Bus Cancellations FTW  every time it happened as a kid but now they make us go if our bus driver likes to speed and may have been a former New York Taxi Driver... cause we almost crashed on a 2-lane road many times. Many times I was able to touch the roof of the vehicle and go lol.

Help/Requests / Re: TTT random insta-ban
« on: July 28, 2010, 03:15:09 AM »
Well that's just great  :(

Can someone please Fix this, judging from what happened I doubt we're (mostly I'm) going to think anything that stupid ever again...
In fact, maybe if I was Banned for a week and you guys let Rofl go that would be cool too  :'(

General Chat / Re: Time Machine doesn't exist even in the future.
« on: July 27, 2010, 11:35:12 PM »
I've been thinking about this for sometime when I am going to sleep or in my free time.
Let's just get on to it,
I kept promising myself that when I have a Time Machine, I would go to this specific time(RIGHT NOW) and give the Time Machine to my past self(which is now).
Wouldn't that makes my future self to go back in the past, which is now, and give the time machine to me?
Well thats just my theory.

What if you (between the timespan of 0.0001 seconds and the point at which you TIEMTRAVUL) decide (THEN) that there's some sort of... Appropriate timing or something? Thus you don't "immediately" (like, in a week or something so you won't sound crazy if you rant to others like us that you are going to come back in a time machine, and it happens 3 minutes later) visit yourself? Or, what if the machine is too big or inadvertently Sticks out like someone from 1993 in 2004? Or, Maybe something happened to you... Too Old/young (to "drive" a time machine [DELOREAN FTW even though... like... space ohshi], or just to old to time travel without getting lost in 2000, or even 1450), maybe you've changed so much you'd scare yourself? Maybe your a cyborg. Too Cold-hearted (if you even still use that) to care for lost human goals. What if you die/are injured/anything really before you can do said thing? Maybe you just wanted to "test-out" this Bad assery that is time travel, and fuck up the timeline so bad that the events that will lead to the Time-travel Inventor to never be inspired to build, or even be born to build the time machine? Small things like Nikola Tesla and his Infinite energy proposition. Maybe you kill that. Maybe Abe Lincoln wasn't supposed to be assassinated originally, him probably funding this inventors GREAT GREAT grandfather's obsession to invent small but innovative machines for, let's say Abe. I dunno, roll with me here. That could have became a Hobby, a Passion throughout his family's history, him maybe being born into a rich estate or something, that allowing him to fuck with whatever he wants with infinite money and infinite materials, thus the TIEM MACSHIN is born. That one theory here I made up on the spot is based upon this:
It states that:

1. There is a single fixed history, which is self-consistent and unchangeable. In this version, everything happens on a single timeline which doesn't contradict itself and can't interact with anything potentially existing outside of it.

A man travelling a few seconds into the past in a single self-consistent timeline.

        1.1 This can be simply achieved by applying the Novikov self-consistency principle, named after Dr. Igor Dmitrievich Novikov, Professor of Astrophysics at Copenhagen University. The principle states that the timeline is totally fixed, and any actions taken by a time traveler were part of history all along, so it is impossible for the time traveler to "change" history in any way. The time traveler's actions may be the cause of events in their own past though, which leads to the potential for circular causation and the predestination paradox; for examples of circular causation, see Robert A. Heinlein's story "By His Bootstraps". The Novikov self-consistency principle proposes that the local laws of physics in a region of spacetime containing time travelers cannot be any different from the local laws of physics in any other region of spacetime.[penis]

        1.2 Alternatively, new physical laws take effect regarding time travel that thwarts attempts to change the past (contradicting the assumption mentioned in 1.1 above that the laws that apply to time travelers are the same ones that apply to everyone else). These new physical laws can be as unsubtle as to reject time travelers who travel to the past to change it by pulling them back to the point from when they came as Michael Moorcock's The Dancers at the End of Time or where the traveler is rendered an noncorporeal phantom unable to physically interact with the past such as in some Pre-Crisis Superman stories and Michael Garrett's "Brief Encounter" in Twilight Zone Magazine May 1981.

    2. History is flexible and is subject to change (Plastic Time)

        2.1 Changes to history are easy and can impact the traveler, the world, or both

            Examples include Doctor Who and the Back to the Future trilogy. In some cases, any resulting paradoxes can be devastating, threatening the very existence of the universe. In other cases the traveler simply cannot return home. The extreme version of this (Chaotic Time) is that history is very sensitive to changes with even small changes having large impacts such as in Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder".

        2.2 History is change resistant in direct relationship to the importance of the event ie. small trivial events can be readily changed but large ones take great effort.

            In the Twilight Zone episode "Back There" a traveler tries to prevent the assassination of President Lincoln and fails, but his actions have made subtle changes to the status quo in his own time (e.g. a man who had been the butler of his gentleman's club is now a rich tycoon).
            In the 2002 remake of The Time Machine, it is explained via a vision why Hartdegen could not save his sweetheart Emma — doing so would have resulted in his never developing the time machine he used to try and save her.
            In The Saga of Darren Shan, major events in the past cannot be changed, but their details can alter while providing the same outcome. Under this model, if a time traveler were to go back in time and kill Hitler, another Nazi would simply take his place and commit his same actions, leaving the broader course of history unchanged.
            In the Doctor Who episode The Waters of Mars, Captain Adelaide Brooke's death on Mars is the most singular catalyst of human travel outside the solar system. At first, the Doctor realizes her death is a "fixed point in time" and does not intervene, but later defies this rule and transports her and her crew to Earth. Rather than allow human history to change, Captain Brooke commits suicide on Earth, leaving history mostly unchanged.

Time travel under the parallel universe hypothesis. Notice the break of symmetry, and the possibility for one traveler to prevent his own double from using the time machine.

    3. Alternate timelines. In this version of time travel, there are multiple coexisting alternate histories, so that when the traveler goes back in time, she ends up in a new timeline where historical events can differ from the timeline she came from, but her original timeline does not cease to exist (this means the grandfather paradox can be avoided since even if the time traveler's grandfather is killed at a young age in the new timeline, he still survived to have children in the original timeline, so there is still a causal explanation for the traveler's existence). Time travel may actually create a new timeline that diverges from the original timeline at the moment the time traveler appears in the past, or the traveler may arrive in an already existing parallel universe (though unless the parallel universe's history was identical to the time traveler's history up until the point where the time traveler appeared, it is questionable whether the latter version qualifies as 'time travel').

        James P. Hogan's The Proteus Operation fully explains parallel universe time travel in chapter 20 where it has Einstein explaining that all the outcomes already exist and all time travel does is change which already existing branch you will experience.

        Though Star Trek has a long tradition of using the 2.1 mechanic, as seen in "City on the Edge of Forever", "Tomorrow is Yesterday", "Time and Again", "Future's End", "Before and After", "Endgame" and as late as Enterprise's Temporal Cold War, "Parallels" had an example of what Data called "quantum realities." His exact words on the matter were "But there is a theory in quantum physics that all possibilities that can happen do happen in alternate quantum realities," suggesting the writers were thinking of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

        Michael Crichton's novel Timeline takes the approach that all time travel really is travel to an already existing parallel universe where time passes at a slower rate than our own but actions in any of these parallel universes may have already occurred in our past. It is unclear from the novel if any sizable change in events of these parallel universe can be made.

        In the Homeline setting of GURPS Infinite Worlds there are echos — parallel universes at an early part of Homeline's history but changes to their history do not affect Homeline's history. However tampering with their history can cause them to shift quanta making access harder if not impossible.

Now, let's say that, this universe is 1 indefinitely, as it was always this, nothing else. If this is true, then everything in GREEN is true.

If this universe was primarily 2, then everything in YELLOW is True. Everything in Green may be a result of 2.1 or 2.2 .

If everything in this universe is 3, Then...well... it's most likely that you create another reality in which you did just visit yourself and many other things, but, It hasn't happened here. Basically Everything is true in the case that it does not take place here, but in a seemingly identical reality up until the point of Time Travel. So basically your Time Duplicate(s) or original is getting lucky with those Intergalactic Future babes or whatever the hell kids do these day-I mean, those days. You should be Envious that He gets to do all the cool shit and you get stuck here. You should, like, observe some quarks differently; (*pop* WOOP IM MAGIK beeeitch!)
The quantum suicide thought experiment

Unlike Schrödinger's cat-in-a-box thought experiment which used poison gas and a radioactive decay trigger, this human version involves some sort of lethal weapon and a machine which measures the spin value of a photon. Every 10 seconds, the spin value of a randomly passing photon is measured. Depending on the orientation of the spin, either the weapon is deployed and the man is killed, or it is not and he lives.

With each run of the experiment there is a 50-50 chance that the weapon will be triggered and the experimenter will die. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, the weapon will (in all likelihood) eventually be triggered and the experimenter will die. If the many-worlds interpretation is correct then at each run of the experiment, the experimenter will be split into several worlds in which he dies and a few worlds in which he survives. In the worlds where the experimenter dies, he will cease to be a conscious entity.

However, from the point of view of the non-dead copies of the experimenter, the experiment will continue running without his ceasing to exist, because at each branch, he will only be able to observe the result in the world in which he survives, and if many-worlds is correct, the surviving copies of the experimenter will notice that he never seems to die, therefore "proving" himself to be invulnerable to the killing mechanism in question, from his own point of view.

If the many-worlds interpretation is true, the measure (given in the many-worlds interpretation by the squared norm of the wavefunction) of the surviving copies of the experimenter will decrease by 50% with each run of the experiment, but will remain non-zero. So, if the surviving copies become experimenters, those copies will either die during their first attempt, or survive creating duplicates of themselves (copies of copies, that will survive finitely or die).
and basically like, STRAIN to observe that one quark identically to your copy and "become" him, swap places with him, Assimilate him, or see into his reality and kick him in the Time-Duplicate-or-original Balls. That'll teach his Alternate-reality Children to mess with you... I mean, their Father... er, what is basically their father that didn't do cool shit like their was-gonna-be-father did and in some OTHER version upon which the sperm still survived and tales were told you get your ass kicked in another reality and well, just hope your in the Chronological Cubicle that's full of post-it notes from 'who-knows-when-cause-nothing-cool-happens-here' that have collected dust, and the phone doesn't work... and there's a windows 98 screensaver on the Bulky monitor. Or, like, paper or something.

Thanks for giving me something do to for shits and giggles or whatever for a couple minutes. Colour codedness doesn't exist now cause I came back and slapped myself and created 3 different realities.

On another note:

Boneyard / Re: unit respectard
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:08:53 PM »
FUUUU- tahts huge copy paste

unit, it didnt need to be a ban, for poking your minge truck (with a shitton of explosives on it) with a block
i didnt do damage to vehicle
and i lost the plane i was making DX

You did do damage, when you tried to fork it up and I had frozen the body. You completely "crushed" it, the wheels weren't even moving. There was one explosive on there for a small moment because everyone was making pewpews, I don't exactly know how, so first I attempted to try to make it shoot eggs into the sky, but first I needed to make sure it would not just explode after spawning, so i used a canonball (one propspawner, inert), as they don't explode easily and I can undo them without effort as they would just roll around. However this was removed immediately because the forcer made everything flip.

Now maybe the ban was a bit far, but to be fair, you kept touching it even though I said stop MORE than once. And not just to you. But at that point I felt that constantly doing something monumentally destructive to something someone made, specifically after they proceed to yell stop more than once needed to stop. You did do it prominently the First, second and 4th times in plain sight... I recall the first thing happening after it being shot was a small 1X1 panel sliding under it while it was moving, flipping it.  Guess who owned said prop. Added to the fact that at least 3 or more times prior to this Krasher inadvertently  "krashed" the server  in the midst of me building without a proper save, I would have been agitated to the point where provoking me would have indeed been "prolly not best thing for me to do".
I can forget this ever happened, but please stop next time, the first time. You set me back 4 hours, now I have to re-create a number of systems, specifically Pulleys. And I'll remember to ask nicely.

Boneyard / Re: unit respectard
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:41:14 PM »
Marked, I can like, forget this ever happened; but only as long as you stop. Especially the first time.

Boneyard / Re: unit respectard
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:12:05 PM »
Once? ONCE? First time you did it: small tiled panel. I said stop. Second time: Again, a prop of small size. I said stop again. THIRD TIME you hit the wheels and they become tangled in upon themselves, I YELLED stop. Fourth time you spawn a Fairly large PHX tiled panel, and slide it under the vehicle, and lift it into it. This completely bugs it out.

Not only this but it seems he had been doing something to Cesar as well.

.:RND`=- Unit©: STOP :<
.:RND`=- Unit©: AM PISS
.:RND`=- Unit©: AM PISS
.:RND`=- Unit©: AM PISS
.:RND`=- Unit©: Your touching it wif a prop :<

César: now u
Unfroze 1 Objects
César: remove
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: both
César: now u enter on the capsule
César: remove
César: hey
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: LOL
Marked One KIA: lol
.:RND`=- Krasher -=: Gmod Physics suck balls
=(e)= kragmoor's props have been cleaned up
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: he blokczing
UnidentifiedFlyingTard: old physics
[SolidVote] César initiated vote 'Kick player Marked One KIA?'
César: blocker
[SolidVote] UnidentifiedFlyingTard voted no.
[SolidVote] César voted yes.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: nono
[SolidVote] [BVR] Peetah -=RND:. voted no.
[SolidVote] Marked One KIA voted no.
[SolidVote] yomonkey voted no.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Krasher -= voted no.

[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: heheeh
UnidentifiedFlyingTard: oh shit marked one
UnidentifiedFlyingTard was killed by prop_physics
Marked One KIA was killed by prop_physics
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
*DEAD* UnidentifiedFlyingTard: HA HA HA HA HA
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: holy penis!
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard: that sure was fun
.:RND`=- Unit© removed gmod_cameraprop
.:RND`=- accelleon's props have been cleaned up
César: ok
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:. was killed by prop_physics
Player {-ZRA-}Robot.Juice has joined the game
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: o.o
Marked One KIA: O_O
César: I go eat u sister
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: LOL
César: She will make blow job
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: P.p
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César: romeve
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Unfroze 2 Objects
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César: ...
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Prop undone
Marked One KIA: o.O
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Austin was killed by prop_physics
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard: did you see that shit?
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Rope undone
Rope undone
Prop undone
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
{-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: hey peetah
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: ?
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: hi
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
{-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: are you still offering tutorials on e2?
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: uhhh
Giving César a weapon_ak47
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Krasher -=: fffffffff
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: u want to learn?
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Spawner undone
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
{-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: how to use e2 to move things
Prop undone
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (0 left in queue)
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: ahh
César removed pewpew_base_cannon
César removed pewpew_base_cannon
César removed pewpew_base_cannon
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (2 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (1 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (0 left in queue)
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (6 left in queue)
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: i ahve taught many in the past
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (8 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (7 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (6 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (5 left in queue)
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (4 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (3 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (2 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (1 left in queue)
LzmaCompress returned 2
Generated Spawn Icon (0 left in queue)
Prop undone
{-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: ok
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: i will teach u
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: just not now
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: im not in the teaching mood
*DEAD* {-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: ok
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !help in chat!
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: lol
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Player Levishm Rae has joined the game
.:RND`=- Unit© was killed by prop_physics
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:. was killed by prop_physics
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Unit©: fuck
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: lol
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: Don't come close to me I'm testing somethin :s
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Austin: HEY!!!
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: LOIL
UnidentifiedFlyingTard: Marked One stop
*DEAD* Marked One KIA: owies
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard: Marked One what the hell
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: please do not shoot the vehicle
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: ii will make anti 6x6
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César: I will kick u
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: i mean
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: 32x32
Player (craz)RADE has joined the game
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César: last warning
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[SolidVote] César initiated vote 'Kick player Marked One KIA?'
[SolidVote] yomonkey voted no.
[SolidVote] Marked One KIA voted no.
[SolidVote] César voted yes.
[SolidVote] UnidentifiedFlyingTard voted no.

SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César: STOP BLOCK!!!!!!!
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:. removed prop_physics
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:. removed prop_physics
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:. removed prop_physics
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Prop undone
Rope undone
Rope undone
Rope undone
Rope undone
Rope undone
Rope undone
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Rope undone
Rope undone
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César: I will make same mark
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Unfroze 2 Objects
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard was killed by prop_physics
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
*DEAD* UnidentifiedFlyingTard: what the fuck
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: try spawning a 24x24
.:RND`=- Unit©: WTF
{-ZRA-}Robot.Juice was killed by prop_physics
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard: fucking stop it
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
yomonkey was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
Warning: killicon not found 'gmod_wire_wheel'
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
yomonkey was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: ..
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:. was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
*DEAD* {-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: where do I got to become respected?
Marked One KIA was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Austin was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Marked One KIA was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:. was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
Austin was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
*DEAD* Marked One KIA:
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
yomonkey was killed by gmod_wire_wheel
.:RND`=- Unit©: No
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: No just GFT away from it
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: I've had it, stop :<
{-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: so I just ask to be respected on a form?
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
César: WHY DON"T VOTE YES TO MARK!!!!!!?????
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: I may now cause
.:RND`=- Unit©: mingy

SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: GTFO
.:RND`=- Unit©: AUSTIN
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: 3 SECONDS (he's using that spinning thing  he had earlier upon the vehicle)
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: G TO THE T TO THE FO
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
{-ZRA-}Robot.Juice: who
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: stop proptouching my stuff
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Unit© initiated vote 'Ban player Marked One KIA for 60 minutes?' (at this point Marked spawns a very large PHX panel, putting it under the vehicle and lifting it while it was frozen, making the whole thing bug out and become tangled in itself)

SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Unit© voted yes.
[SolidVote] César voted yes.
[SolidVote] Marked One KIA voted no.
[SolidVote] UnidentifiedFlyingTard voted yes.
.:RND`=- Unit©: He's fucking with my things

SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[SolidVote] Austin voted yes.
[SolidVote] yomonkey voted no.
[Zombie Survival]=(e)= kragmoor:  wow the survivors have invaded our spawn augh
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[Trouble in Terrorist Town]☆Kakashi☆ 1337 iz meh :D:  Didnt you say dat yesterdaY?
.:RND`=- Unit©: Well I'm tired of you messing around with my things :<
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
[SolidVote] (craz)RADE voted no.
[BVR] Peetah -=RND:.: lol
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.
.:RND`=- Unit©: In fact, that's 4 times he's done it
SetRenderBounds given a very large render box, this will cause slowdowns and crashes. Ignoring.

i know. i was randomly made respected... but im not a bad respected... not best one is lol... regardless...
>_< it was a minge truck too... he was gonna get kicked/banned after he built it anyways XD (It in no way is a minge anything. It was simply a Wire vehicle. Wheels, a body, and 2 or 3 sound effects, all held together by a few constraints.) (added)

only the real ppl, and those who are active on forums shud have respected, along with people who rly do wirebuild

(I have no idea what that SetRenderBounds is, but I'd want to show you this.)

Community Admin Apps / Re: Piecejr's ADMIN APPLICATION
« on: June 09, 2010, 07:58:43 PM »

SteamID: Unknown (link to profile: , He's not going to give me his Id now due to recent events)
Name: Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]
Information: Teamkill at Traitor
Server: .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Trouble in Terrorist Town
Video: Try 3
Details: Killed fellow traitor (Me) before ending the round.
Witnesses: SabbathFreak911 ,  possibly cipo98 and .:RND`=-Schreii -=Forever Young.
When: 27/03/2010   18:38- 18:47 (around that moment)

The Log:

You are: TRAITOR
Round state: In progress...
You are: TRAITOR

SabbathFreak911: LOL!
Player FOUND THE BODY OF Prince Shabalaba Natedawg II. HE WAS INNOCENT.
SabbathFreak911: he killed himself!!!
*** Tried to load a non-VTF file as a VTF file!
Error reading texture header "materials/temp/064ca642.vtf"
SabbathFreak911: LMAO
Psychotic Unit: wtf?
Psychotic Unit: omg
cipo98 FOUND THE BODY OF SabbathFreak911. HE WAS INNOCENT.
[MH]xX-Lucido-Xx: wtf?
rANdOm Anti-Cheat V0.2 is Running on this Server
The entire population of Russia FOUND THE BODY OF [MH]xX-Lucido-Xx. HE WAS INNOCENT.
Psychotic Unit: spartan...
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND`=-Schreii -=Forever Young: dude sabbath
*DEAD* (TEAM) Psychotic Unit: BRIGHT WTF
*DEAD* (TEAM) SabbathFreak911: LMFAO

Round state: Round over

*DEAD* (TEAM) Psychotic Unit: WTF BRIGHT
*DEAD* Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: we win!
*DEAD* cipo98: FAIL

*DEAD* [MH]xX-Lucido-Xx: he prop killed himself
*DEAD* Player: imfamo

*DEAD* Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: hahaha
*DEAD* SabbathFreak911: THAT... LOL!!!!
*DEAD* [MH]xX-Lucido-Xx: and they killed me
*DEAD* (TEAM) Psychotic Unit: BRIGHT....
*DEAD* Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: yes?

Round state: Preparing...

SabbathFreak911: :O!
(TEAM) Psychotic Unit: bannable :s
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: you have no proff
Psychotic Unit: I do
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: profe
Psychotic Unit: I WAS TRAITOR
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: how?
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: and?
Psychotic Unit: Watch
Psychotic Unit: You are: TRAITOR TRAITOR, THESE ARE YOUR ALLIES: Mr.BrightSide[SA4H], Czechu

You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 280210
Round state: In progress...
SabbathFreak911: ROFL!!!
SabbathFreak911 FOUND THE BODY OF Prince Shabalaba Natedawg II. HE WAS INNOCENT.
Psychotic Unit: WAT
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: you couldve just typed that in
SabbathFreak911: he commiteed suicide again
SabbathFreak911: lmao
Psychotic Unit: I can post it... ALL OF IT
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: you could just type it in..
Psychotic Unit: SabbathFreak911: LOL! Player FOUND THE BODY OF Prince Shabalaba Natedawg II. HE WAS INNOCENT.SabbathFreak911: he killed himself.

Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: Yes.
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: and?
Psychotic Unit: SabbathFreak911: lolso SabbathFreak911: i do that to everyone lol You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 280210Y
Psychotic Unit: Y
Psychotic Unit: wait
Mr.BrightSide[SA4H]: for all i know you could just type it in..

Later on Mr.BrightSide[SA4H] dedcides to try and cover up this, then leaves. I'm quite frustrated about this. I was about to lead up to the point at which Sabbath was being followed by me, and we both stood standing around, next to Mr.BrightSide and cipo98, before they (along with me) were killed, but I did not bother.

Approved Respected Apps / 'lo, I'm Unit, And I would like Respected
« on: March 19, 2010, 07:01:24 PM »
Eh, I've been looking at all these other Respected Posts/pleads/requests... I myself am not sure what to say, but I'll try my best.

Usually, you can find me playing Trouble in Terrorist Town (hours on end), Wirebuild (occasionally) and Sledbuild (Sometimes). I've recently Come up with a "Jeep" that has the ability to Drive, "fly" and "Swim" on Wirebuild; the only problem being is that I Am not respected, therefore I cannot Adv Dupe it, and must Ask others to, as well as not being able to Spawn the Vehicle later, but instead to rebuild every time I join or get Disconnected, which is tedious due to the amount of effort (for me) it takes to build said "Jeep"  :-[
 Plus, being able to save my Creations in Wirebuild and Sledbuild, plus a array of tools at my fingertips would make building much more easier, not to mention, I could churn out a whole bunch of things, and not lose them when "lagged out".

Name origin: Ever since I got my first email, I was vastly interested in Robots (hence me liking Gmod so much >_>) and Unit was the De facto definition of Robot to me then...So basically, I named myself my email: Unit_476541, My nicknames tend to flux depending on what's going on, but they always Retain 'Unit' in some form (Inno Unit etc). Here is pretty much the same thing.

I tend to be on from morning (9:00am-12:00am weekends/holidays), evenings(3:00pm-9:00pm on weekdays) and occasionally night/dawn (10:00pm-1:00am, maybe 2:00am) By the way, all of this is EST.

____________________________________The Finer Details:______________________________________________________________

Name: Unit (Chris)
SteamID: Unit_476541
Friends: Uh, Not at the moment, no. If you would like to add me, You have to contact me first so I can make that possible :s
Favorite subject: Computers, Graphical design
Age: Practically 15 (wait one month, maybe even less than that)
Education: EDUCATED (Way more then you really want to know, albeit I make spelling errors here and there, I haven't been typing in the last few months.)
Builds: Cars, Jeeps, Clocks, Stereos, Wheelbots, Hovercraft, Learning more complex systems.
Games: Halo, Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo ODST, Fallout 3 (complete with GECK), Ghost recon, Black and White, B&W 2, Universe sandbox, ALL of the Need for Speed Games on PC and Xbox consoles(Yes NFS 1 too), GTA (all expansions included) Perfect Dark (zero as well), Project Gotham 1-3, Midtown Madness, Burnout series, Fable, Portal, Gmod... oh and I own a SNES as well :s ... Super Mario World 3, SMW 2, SMW kart, Killer Instinct, STF 2, STF 2 Turbo, Donkey Kong 1-3... I'm sure that might just be enough, I don't think I can get through them all.
Musical preference: Sometime I like to go back to 1990, mostly because some of the stuff today just doesn't feel right, save for a handful. 80's have a nice touch, a certain volume to them. Overall i could say I've grown towards Pop, Alt rock, Rock, Hip-hop, Techno, House, Rap (Remember the early 2000's?) and reggae.
Location: Ontario, Canada

(Wierd, I though I wouldn't type much, but look at the end result  :D)

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