# 248 ".:RND`=- Hell's Assassin" STEAM_0:1:30915639 2:37:47 89 0 active
So I got votebanned in TTT for "RDMing as a detective".
Basically, I saw a body, identified it, and saw that he was killed with a scout. I kept my mouth shut about it because if I said "ITS SOMEONE WITH A SCOUT", obviously they'd try to switch weapons.
Anyhow, I see H.H.E.H.H.E. with a scout and running away from me, so I obviously suspect him. Kill him, find out he's a traitor. So then Hell's starts a voteban on me becuase he thought I rdm'd as a detective. The spectators voted yes, because at first, it did seem as a RDM. So then over the mic I explained what happened, and the remaining people voted no.
Anyhow, I only RDM'd one person becuase he was near death for some odd reason, and running away from me. H.H.E.H.H.E was NOT an RDM. I knew it was him, and was votebanned from it. Even though it was a "mistake" to voteban me, you can't voteban for what you think was 2 RDM's (in truth it was just one).
Edit: Even the guy who I "RDM'd" voted no.