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Messages - crazed gunner

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Community Admin Apps / Re: Crazed Gunner For Admin | I am FTW
« on: November 21, 2009, 11:09:43 PM »
sorry i havent been on lately. i was out of town. on the carnival cruse

Community Admin Apps / Crazed Gunner For Admin | I am FTW
« on: November 07, 2009, 10:06:57 AM »
Hello This is   .:RND `=- Crazed Gunner

I am applying for admin. Yes im FTW lol  :D

In-game Name: .:RND `=- Crazed Gunner
How Long On Flood: 5 months (active)
RND Status: I am currently Respected
Current Flood Money: Around $150000
Boat Mastery: I am best in building good pole boats
Age: 15
Name: Oscar
Likes: Ethnic Foods, gaming, gmod flood, movies, gmod, killing floor, tf2, red orchestra, freindly people, fun, etc.
Dislikes: Minges, shit, gross foods, etc.

Why Admin: I have been playing on this server for almost half a year, i promise to stick with this server for at least another year. I am very fun, i joke around alot, but i am also serious at times. I follow rules, but sometimes i may accidently break them. Many people know me, as i am always online in flood. I thought it would be good to take it one step higher and be an admin. i am also admin and moderator in 5 servers, and i am currently respected in RND. i also have a sticky post. thanks

to see if i am loved or hated click on this link below,838.0.html

i hope i get admin status, and i promise to be with you.  :)

General Chat / Re: RND's Quotes (updated reguaraly)
« on: October 21, 2009, 03:33:02 PM »
you forgot mines, mines is

"crusin down the street with my 64, slappin the bitches, fuckin the hos

General Chat / Re: I AM ADDICTED TO L4D!!!
« on: October 16, 2009, 06:15:33 PM »
I am now addicted to l4d and no longer playing gmod. If anyone else plays l4d with garena then tell me your name and ill add you
lol stupid. why would u buy l4d when l4d2 is was about to come out anyways.

General Chat / Re: Funny Raging Kid On RND FLOOD {RECORDED}
« on: October 16, 2009, 06:12:00 PM »
Parts where i Loled:
and ure probably like omg i saw i girl and i slapped her and i jized in my pants
*screaming Retardedly* Errr Ahh Ahhhhhh AH!
yes my cupnoddles are with semen but thats yummy!

General Chat / Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
« on: October 16, 2009, 06:40:32 AM »
ZOMFG Is this true? It's stopped? Damn... well anyways Crazed can me and you now stop fighting also? Lmao. I haven't been insulting you lately or anything so I'm hoping we can just end this and pretend it didn't hapen.
ya ill stop,
just dont spam gay stuff too much, maybe just once in a while, dont do it everytime u come in the server.., ya thats the only standard

General Chat / Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
« on: October 15, 2009, 02:26:37 PM »
yesh. and the anoying kid on the video isnt meh.
it is some random 5 year old who came into the server.
i love how it says IM POOPIN.

General Chat / Funny Raging Kid On RND FLOOD {RECORDED}
« on: October 15, 2009, 05:50:45 AM »
Lol, the witnesses of this video in-game were Muffinpimp, boatsinker, maybe pryvisee?, and some other new noobs.


I Hoped You Smiled or Laughed, Also please leave comment on what u think.

Also: my youtube account is "ragnoko" and the annoying kid is manpearbig and this is not fake.  8)

General Chat / Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
« on: October 15, 2009, 05:46:58 AM »
yesh, i know were getting to know where.
lets end this.

My Standards:

Lighten Up A Bit, even if you are a respected, you aren't suppose to be a moderator, its a game, have fun, don't worry about kicking too much.

No verbal disrespect against ea other. [etc.faggot,bitch,homo,asshole,cunt] that means neither I or you can say shit about ea other.

Watch the raging kid In RND Flood

Don't kick without warnings. if someones breaking a rule, warn them once [etc. stop or kick], if they do it again, warn them twice if it is not a big deal, or kick after one warning if the player is breaking a big rule and they are bugging others.
Only use ban when the player comes back to the server and does it continuously again.

thats all.. btw i got respected  ;D

General Chat / Re: Opinions About 2012 [IMPORTANT] [READ NOW]
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:09:54 AM »
lol i am lightened up. you know why?

cause if im dieng on 2012, then everyone else is dieng with me. so who gives a fuck  ;D

General Chat / Re: Opinions About 2012 [IMPORTANT] [READ NOW]
« on: October 13, 2009, 09:35:08 PM »
well if you seen the movie trailer 2012.
its like a big weather disaster. i don't really think anyone would survive. Like in the bible it says that the world will restart to prevent any farther movement of technology. something like that.

although if u do survive and if you run out of meat.
kill other people and canibalize them lolz, feed em to ure famly.

watch video one if u want to kno about what you have to survive through,

General Chat / Re: Opinions About 2012 [IMPORTANT] [READ NOW]
« on: October 13, 2009, 03:35:58 PM »
lol i dont think anyone would survive if this happened. and why do u need ammunition :/ its not like a zombie invasion or something lol.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Handglove becoming an admin
« on: October 13, 2009, 06:29:57 AM »
Crazed Gunnder just says that because I give everyone a warning and them kick them. Crazed Gunner breaks a lot of rules and gets a lot of warnings. He still gets kicked alot. A lo of people hate him on the flood server. The only people that hate me on there are the people who get kicked for breaking the rules. You can ask most the people that play flood. Im not abusive.

I may have kicked a few people without warnings because its common sense not to do something.

All lies exept the green one on top.

You h8 me and sabbath h8 me. only people who h8 me.. look at the poll about my statistics if you want,838.0.html

I have only been kicked once, but that was when i was new to the server and i didn't know that i cannot shoot the boat you are on.
I was only attempted to be kicked twice, one was sucessful (the one on top ) and one was unsucessful ( i prop push people off my ship [not against rules] )

So if says that i get kicked alot, and everyone hates me.  :(  thats all a lie.   :)

why i hate handglove? :

attempt to kick me [unsucessful] when i prop pushed people off my boat that I didn't want which was not against rules.

why i hate sabbath? :
Continues spam of "i like penis in my butt"
Rope Writtin props saying gay and inappropriate things. [etc. crazed suck penis] he put a board that says crazed suck penis [referring to me]
huge supporter of handglove

What is bad about me:

Well handglove never writes the bad things about him, but i will. I tend to allow very little people on my boat and i wish them all to die in the water. i am greedy for the $500. a few times i have prop pushed some boats to flip over, so i could win lol.
i tend to get on a boat even when people say they don't want me on  :(

Whats good about me:
Lover to Create creative boats, instead of all soda machine rafts. Freindly to many people exept minges. I don't mic spam. i <3 everyone exept handglove and sabbath. im good at beating the crap out of other boats ^_^. I have good money, and all the weapons exept para [ para sucks]. I am a huge pro at wintersurvival and i teach people how to play it and also show them my guides. i am like a moderator in wintersurvival. restarting if needed and i always have my own tribe with many people teaming with me. in Wintersurvival i always end up having diamond tools and a hut.  :)  :D

Thats all honesty man, compared to handgloves.

Releases / Re:
« on: October 12, 2009, 06:04:12 PM »
You guys can now try the new uploader no need for registering.
"NOTE: Its in beta so there are some bugs and guys 1 upload at a time please."

Keep Size under 50mb


-coolz i made an admin account for you on the word press and the upload service tell meh if you are interrested
kthxbye? isnt it from coolzedude lawlalwlalw

Releases / Re: Butchers Autotyper
« on: October 12, 2009, 06:02:12 PM »
T_T its rar. just make it instant. so we dont have to worry about downloadin rar loloololol

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