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How To RegularWhat is Regular?Regular is a status that is earned over time with good reputation in the communityIt is not something you can demand or something you deservePlease do not BITCH or CRY or WHINE for RegularHow to get Regular * Guests can post their application * Guests+ can reply * 1/3 ACTIVE Admins approve based on personal bias - considering community opinion * 3 days until applicant is judged for 1/3's * NOTE: 1/3 is a fraction, not 1 admin.. ** If the time is expired, and the app is undecided or vacant of votes - The application should be deleted and resubmitted. *** If the applicant is not approved, the application is to be locked and not resubmitted.Abilities - Cannot start votekick or voteban - Can vote on started votekicks & voteban - Access to certain Wirebuild ToolsOrganize application however you feel necessary, remember having a better application will give you more of a chance to become RegularIf you have any questions, please feel free to send me a PM or send Coolzeldad a PMYOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR STEAM IDALL SUBMISSIONS WITHOUT A STEAM ID WILL BE DELETED OR UNAPPROVED WITHOUT NOTICE!PLEASE POST A DATE IN YOUR TITLEIF DATE IS NOT POSTED, TOPIC WILL BE REMOVEDKeep the unnecessary posts to a minimum here. -SandersThis is sometimes impression Please put in some EFFORT! -Tomcat