Deacon: If I remember correctly, this isn't the first time you've been a dick around here.
Goat is now Online.
Goat: hmm?
Deacon: Your griefing days are over.
Deacon: Get out, stay out. asdf1.
Goat: could have been worse
Goat: LOL
Goat: minecraft is a game when im bored
Goat: still not banned from gmod
Deacon: And this is the second time you have chosen to fuck with me.
Goat: and i dont plan to be
Deacon: We'll see what the future holds for you
Goat: Axule was the one who raped your server
Deacon: I don't remember what it was
Deacon: but i do remember you have done something like this before
Goat: not on minecraft
Deacon: either way it is a huge dick move
Goat: i spammed the forum a bit
Deacon: and fuck you.
Goat: but served that ban
Goat: but i have a clean record for gmod
Goat: and it will stay that way
Deacon: We'll see how clean you will stay. I hope for your sake you are right.
Goat: deacon when i get my desktop back
Goat: let us make a rollercoaster on wirebuild
Deacon: No.
Goat: like the old daays in april
Goat: that was fun
Goat: i still have some of those dupes
Deacon: I truly regret ever convincing you to join.
Goat: you didn't
Goat: you did +1 my reg app though
Goat: oh well
Goat: point being
Goat: i didn't even dmage anything
Goat: snivy rolled everything back
Deacon: We have logs. We know what you did. That doesn't mean you don't have enemies now. Good luck.
Goat is now Offline.