Name's Regular Application!
# 23 "{MPhx} Cola" STEAM_0:0:41307538 21:15 291 0 active
In-Game Name:
Time online:
600 Hours on garrysmod.
i don't play on many but;
{MPhx} Zombie RP (i am an admin on this server)
Seth's diamond build
[Jokerice] Build server.
the 18th of January
Games (on Steam):
Montana, USA
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I Love this server. i can see myself playing this alot. The staff and people are friendly. The Map is amazing
. and with a professional organization like, why would you not want to be a part of it? why should i be a regular? I would like to be a regular to experience all the priviledges of this lovable server and group. if you decline my request, i will still play. its that awesome. Thankyou for Revising this.
Contributions to RND:
To be Honest, i Havent made any.
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:
steam: either {MPhx} Cola or Mihm406
Yet again, thankyou for revising my request and i hope to be a regular on this server.
Just to be fair, I am going to go with +0 for now.
I think you might be a bit confused as to what you are supposed to be writing in certain area, though that's quite alright, it happens.
I won't -1 for writing the servers wrong, because as said before I believe you merely misread.
And example for what to write there would be like
Servers: ZS, Wirebuild, TTT, Stronghold,
Also time online would be better written as to how much/ or when you you are usually online, for example,
Time online: At least every week, everyday usually from maybe 3pm-10pm
These are just things to help you out, you can take them or leave them.
Though I don't really see you much, I don't really play on any other servers besides Zs and TTT (And some winter survival)
I still with you the best of luck.