Steam Name: TheChaosW0lf
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39951937
In Game Name(s): [DH]Stripes, [DH]Chaoshy, [DH]Chaosun, and [DH]Chaos
Time Online: Lol, all the time.
Played Servers: TTT as of now, but I might expand to others.
Age: 16
Birthday: November 1st
Location: United States, Tennessee
Steam Games: Gmod, TF2, Moonbase Alpha, CSS, AA3, Alien Swarm, and Portal 2
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I play often and all, like everyone else, but I get alot of trouble in game. Whether it be RDM, Ghosters, or just plain rude people, I don't mean just name calling, more like constant spammers, or people cussing everyone out. So I would like to have atleast some way to help the community even if all I can do is vote. And other than that, having Reg as a tag instead of guest would be cool.

Contributions to RND:
Lol, not much but whatever I can do to help is no problem with me.
Other Random Info: I am a Male. I've played this server for about 5 months, and know most of the people who come through the servers.
Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading