Name: Nick
steam ID (STEAM_0:0:433775)
In-Game Name:
Time online:
1-4 Hours Per Day
Servers Where i play on RandomGS
Birthday:3 April
Games (on Steam):
Aliens vs. predator
portals 1-2
Location: United States, Oklahoma
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
Ever since i was a little lad growing up in the Austrian alps i dreamed of one day coming to America and ridding Gary's Mod of those who would ruin other peoples fun by troll, mic spamming, hacking, etc. and regular would give me the edge i need to defeat them..........................................No i'm just kidding

the main reason i want to become a regular is because i want to do my part for the server by offering my services, and i believe i am pseudo qualified for the job as i have never be banned nor threatened to be banned.
I always follow the rules and encourage others to do the same. I am fair when dealing with punishment giving the player a chance to get his stuff in order, i am also somewhat popular with the people on ZS and get along well with others. so that is really about it, i really hope you will consider my request because i believe i could be a valuable asset to the server.