"With many curses." I lol'd
Yeah I suppose some kids try to act older, but usually end up just acting like little pricks. The whole using an iPad thing though, it's just kind of a norm now days. Technology is apart of our every day lives, so kids are bound to use it. Violent video games... I wrote a paper about violent video games in 6th grade

honestly, I have been playing different types of games since I was about 4 or 5 years old, and I am sure a lot of people played games when they were younger too, violent or not. The point here is I am pretty sure we all started out as that annoying 9 year old playing a rated M game. Woo-pity do, it's going to happen, might as well get over it.
And the smoking thing, well kids make stupid choices, it's not always the parents fault, especially when they don't know what their kids are doing.
Yeah our world is corrupted, but it's sort of supposed to be. We don't live in a perfect world, son.