Author Topic: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)  (Read 780 times)

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Offline sledog

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #45 on: October 30, 2011, 01:40:25 AM »
Now I'd hate to play the devil's advocate to this witch hunt, but I see nothing that is "100%" conclusive proof that Russian is ghosting. Now before you condemn me as someone who isn't a "regular" on these forums (admittedly I've only done a single PM for the ZM server) I'm certainly a regular in the TTT server, and I pop into the stronghold and ZM server often as well (one could argue I'm more of a regular than some of the posters here).

Now I have a few closing questions, Is Trouble in Terrorist town a game mode that relies on a player's perception of other players, and their actions ? is it a 100% certainty to know what a player is thinking ? My ten cents to this issue is to have an admin spec him,  have less "cut" footage. For every minute of footage that was presented there was an additional 5 minutes minimum that was missing, and less witch hunting, we need more fact finding !

A whole bunch of "I think X is hacking because he is having a lucky streak and managed to guess who was who" is not grounds for persecution, something like "This person is totally ghosting because he called out all four traitors right when the round starts" on the other hand should get the dragnet going.

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #46 on: October 30, 2011, 02:09:48 AM »
There's no place for people like Russian in this community.


It should be self-explanatory.

Well that sounds a bit harsh and some what racist.  ???

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #47 on: October 30, 2011, 02:15:45 AM »

Now I have a few closing questions, Is Trouble in Terrorist town a game mode that relies on a player's perception of other players, and their actions ? is it a 100% certainty to know what a player is thinking ? My ten cents to this issue is to have an admin spec him,  have less "cut" footage. For every minute of footage that was presented there was an additional 5 minutes minimum that was missing, and less witch hunting, we need more fact finding !

I actually want the full recording too that shows some of those people that I shot and called out doing T things or following me around for couple minutes. But.... apparently people are witch hunting my ass, I ask for it cause if the whole recordings were shown it would make more sense as to why I called them out. Instead of edited version that Tezuni made which no doubt would make it look like ghosting cause there is a butt load missing.

Anyone care to provide full videos?
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 02:19:14 AM by F.P.S Russian »

Offline Tezuni

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #48 on: October 30, 2011, 04:23:04 AM »
Many segments in the video start from pre-round and are continuous until the ghosting takes place; the ones that aren't are whole clips taken from mid-end phase of the round.
The video is 600mb after being formatted for online uploading: 10 full round clips would be like 20 gigabytes.

The [Pre-Round] --> [Ghosting] segments are proof enough.
On top of all this you admitted in in chat that you ghosted with multiple people.
Playing it off as trolling is a weak excuse.

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #49 on: October 30, 2011, 07:29:14 AM »
Many segments in the video start from pre-round and are continuous until the ghosting takes place; the ones that aren't are whole clips taken from mid-end phase of the round.
The video is 600mb after being formatted for online uploading: 10 full round clips would be like 20 gigabytes.

The [Pre-Round] --> [Ghosting] segments are proof enough.
On top of all this you admitted in in chat that you ghosted with multiple people.
Playing it off as trolling is a weak excuse.

no the weak excuse is that the videos are edited. So find a way to post all the videos because there is a shit load missing that proves that I didn't ghost.

Offline Deacon

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #50 on: October 30, 2011, 11:46:12 AM »
Tezuni i know you have the .dems

put them here, zip them up.

Offline Dark Pacifist

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2011, 12:58:42 PM »
Real mature russian dropping a friend because he just states that the proof seems valid and laughed at your universal excuses that you whip out everytime something like this comes up. I know 2 things for a fact my friend 1 you help enforce the rules 2 that you're typically a good player. If you didn't wig out I'd be supporting you and helping debunk tez's evidence right now. >:(
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 01:53:51 PM by Dark Pacifist »
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Offline sledog

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2011, 01:20:50 PM »
Sarcasm my dear Tezuni, Sarcasm is perhaps Russian's fault today. I would personally admit that if someone accused me of ghosting, I'd do something similar. (Oh yea I'm totally ghosting with x and y too, and why not Obama while we're at it :trollface:) as for pre round to start ghosting - calling out people the second the round starts certainly isn't "ghosting" additionally if that isn't the case and you're aiming at people who have died 3 to 4 minutes into the round ( which... I don't think there's a single map in your video that was covered for that long) wouldn't it be easy to discover who, and who isn't part of his highly elaborate network of moles.

Offline Tezuni

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2011, 03:17:54 PM »
Tezuni i know you have the .dems

put them here, zip them up.
No i used fraps; the raw videos files that thing makes are several gigabytes in size per couple minutes.  My hard drive is very small.  I have just the clips left. 
If you read my other post I said some of the recordings are from pre-round continuous to ghosting.
Also, he confessed!  Obviously he wasn't trolling if you read it; we were both serious.

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2011, 04:52:19 PM »
No i used fraps; the raw videos files that thing makes are several gigabytes in size per couple minutes.  My hard drive is very small.  I have just the clips left. 
If you read my other post I said some of the recordings are from pre-round continuous to ghosting.
Also, he confessed!  Obviously he wasn't trolling if you read it; we were both serious.

1. I was trolling anyone would because clearly everyone knows your habits, but I rather not talk about them here cause I am not a complete asshole.

2. Your video shows some clear bullshit that was edited that makes it look like ghosting.

3. Parts of the video do not even show the person following me around for a long time after clear warning done by me.

4. Parts of the video do not show me later after I kill the person as to why I killed them. For example after I killed Rice I explained as to why I killed him then led a group of people to the body that I found.  Ofcourse you could make it like ghosting if you cut out the main parts of the video.

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2011, 04:58:11 PM »
Real mature russian dropping a friend because he just states that the proof seems valid and laughed at your universal excuses that you whip out everytime something like this comes up. I know 2 things for a fact my friend 1 you help enforce the rules 2 that you're typically a good player. If you didn't wig out I'd be supporting you and helping debunk tez's evidence right now. >:(

I didn't drop you I am working on recovering my whole account after my brother was allowed to play on it. Thanks to him half of my games are now deleted at least 6 of them which will require me installing them again bloody 15-20 gig reinstallation process truly FML!!! and now a gruelling task of brining people back to my list which half the god dam names I do not remember fully. If it seemed like dropping a friend I am sorry but not in a good mood right now I am not a happy camper at the moment.

Anyway I got at least 5-10 people back so far and 1 game installed jesus christ it will be a long day.

Now I go under a name of  A Sweet Pineapple  -_-   FML!!! can you add me cause I can't seem to find Dark Pacifist in the search or give me your proper name.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 05:00:41 PM by F.P.S Russian »

Offline Dark Pacifist

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2011, 05:03:57 PM »
Ok anyhow untill tez gives a spec recording proving beyond a doubt I'll give you a chance. Don't waste it.  :thumbsdown:
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Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2011, 06:03:40 PM »
Ok anyhow untill tez gives a spec recording proving beyond a doubt I'll give you a chance. Don't waste it.  :thumbsdown:

Well that is what I been trying to ask him to post the whole video of spectator mode instead of the edited crapola he made. Cause him following me around did miss out quiet a few key factors as well. Now if he were spectating that be a whole new story to the side of this edited video.

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2011, 06:06:11 PM »
I've successfully called out the traitor in TTT 5 times in a row before, on pure luck.

It's possible, but it's just a dick move to call people out anyway. I'll just throw that out there.

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: F.P.S. Russian: Ghosting? (Yes) T Hacks? (Maybe)
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2011, 06:12:24 PM »
I've successfully called out the traitor in TTT 5 times in a row before, on pure luck.

It's possible, but it's just a dick move to call people out anyway. I'll just throw that out there.

Well if it is a DICK MOVE!!! then the whole server is full of dicks lol  :D