REG doesnt do anything. just plays the game. thats all. REGS arnt important there just people that play it regularly.
Do you even stop to think for a second? You're teaching an ADMIN what the ranks are...
As she said, you don't know the responsibilities, it's not just a tag... It's not a huge responsibility, but regs are able to vote on votekicks and bans by VIP's. We don't want a complete disrespectful ass or someone who follows their own incorrect rules to get that responsibility, whether it's little responsibility or not.
Also, you don't think Alkaline likes you, get over it, IT'S NOT BECAUSE YOU'RE CANADIAN. Jesus, you're not the only Canadian to post on these forums. Just because you think someone doesn't like you doesn't mean that they must be racist... Alkaline has plenty of Canadian friends as far as I know, including me. So no. Just no.
From what he's shown in this app, I'm going to -1. Not like he was about to get it anyways though.