Lol shit i never realized how much i missed out on my list
Short: no, 6 foot.
Musician: LOL no.
Asian Parents: fk yeah.
Carrer: Film of some sort
Black hair: yep
bowl cut: used to
glasses: used to
rice: all day err' day.
okay I'll add those too!
asian parents: yeah :/
Career: Science degree so possibilities are a lot?
Job now: (not a nail person or azn resturant) entertainer
black hair: used to. Dyed it to light brown w/e
bowl cut: have straight edged bangs but I haz azn mullet
glasses: 80% blind without them
rice: barely. I have an american boyfriend. As much as he loves asian food, we cant have it erryday
gamer: yes. First started dating proudly, we were messing around in my room and i received a text message. It was the metalgearsolid alert. He knew I was the one. lmao
good at math: yes.
ping pong: .. no .. no sports other than rollerblading.
asian food: depends. I don't eat what my mom cook anymore because idk.