Author Topic: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.  (Read 742 times)

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2011, 12:08:09 PM »
YoBi, you don't even play RND, you only made a forum account because RND got SH, well, this isn't your buddy's server, if you don't like that things may be changed to this game mode for our server, leave. If we feel like it, the game mode may be tweaked here and there if it's what the majority wants.

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2011, 01:12:15 PM »
YoBi, you don't even play RND, you only made a forum account because RND got SH, well, this isn't your buddy's server, if you don't like that things may be changed to this game mode for our server, leave. If we feel like it, the game mode may be tweaked here and there if it's what the majority wants.

Not only this, but the coding was made available to the public. Which means that anyone in the world can now take it and do whatever they wish with it.

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2011, 01:20:59 PM »
Am I the only one that agrees with Yobi ._.?

Offline Sabb

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2011, 01:24:33 PM »
Am I the only one that agrees with Yobi ._.?
You're saying nothing should be changed?
That awp, deagle, auto are fair?

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2011, 01:32:09 PM »
You're saying nothing should be changed?
That awp, deagle, auto are fair?
It all depends on different situations from what I've seen. Each gun has its advantage and disadvantage depending on whats going on. Someone trying to hold off a group of raiders with an AWP while the raiders all have automatics would be pretty difficult if you ask me, or even one raider with an auto. Although you probably have played more than me but this is just from my experience.

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2011, 02:26:18 PM »
Am I the only one that agrees with Yobi ._.?

I also agree the guns are fine.

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #51 on: October 19, 2011, 02:48:28 PM »
YoBi, you don't even play RND, you only made a forum account because RND got SH, well, this isn't your buddy's server, if you don't like that things may be changed to this game mode for our server, leave. If we feel like it, the game mode may be tweaked here and there if it's what the majority wants.

So you want to curb public debate because I'm not on the RND server much?
There are others who agree with me that you seem to want to pretend don't exist.

A majority's consensus isn't necessarily right, plenty of the people posting in this thread are very narrowly focused on the one or two guns they hate instead of the bigger picture of game balance.
This is why changes to the game should be carefully considered and tested before implementation to ensure balance.
And you would want to shut up anyone who disagrees instead of having a discussion?

I want the Stronghold to grow as a community, and that means not arbitrarily labeling players as "Riot" or "RDN" and then telling them to go away.
Oh and please don't project your hatred of me for constantly owning you into unrelated topics.

Offline Sabb

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2011, 03:18:19 PM »
So you want to curb public debate because I'm not on the RND server much?
There are others who agree with me that you seem to want to pretend don't exist.

A majority's consensus isn't necessarily right, plenty of the people posting in this thread are very narrowly focused on the one or two guns they hate instead of the bigger picture of game balance.
This is why changes to the game should be carefully considered and tested before implementation to ensure balance.
And you would want to shut up anyone who disagrees instead of having a discussion?

I want the Stronghold to grow as a community, and that means not arbitrarily labeling players as "Riot" or "RDN" and then telling them to go away.
Oh and please don't project your hatred of me for constantly owning you into unrelated topics.
>last line
Yea, because that's completely why I dislike you. I dislike you due to your arrogant douchey attitude, you belittle every single person you see that isn't one of your buttbuddies. No respect for that. And no, I'm not just trying to shut anyone up who has an opposite opinion to me, I like having a discussion, just not with you. Also, RND is geared around just allowing everyone to have fun, so often, the majority of votes gets what they suggest, assuming that it's something completely fair and realistic. (I don't literally mean realistic as in guns being realistic or not, I mean that as in the suggestion being something considerable, not something like "make awp shoot like auto with same damage, and have it as default weapon kthnx".)

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Offline Rocket50

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2011, 03:29:15 PM »
So you want to curb public debate because I'm not on the RND server much?
There are others who agree with me that you seem to want to pretend don't exist.

A majority's consensus isn't necessarily right, plenty of the people posting in this thread are very narrowly focused on the one or two guns they hate instead of the bigger picture of game balance.
This is why changes to the game should be carefully considered and tested before implementation to ensure balance.
And you would want to shut up anyone who disagrees instead of having a discussion?

I want the Stronghold to grow as a community, and that means not arbitrarily labeling players as "Riot" or "RDN" and then telling them to go away.
Oh and please don't project your hatred of me for constantly owning you into unrelated topics.

It's odd how you think we hate you just because you make a counter-point to the majority.


Shutting anyone up who disagrees? Where the fuck did you get that from? This is an open discussion, no one is attacking one another at the personal level and all the arguements are centered around gun balance. And the fact that apparently the whole community doesnt know better than just you just proves what sabb said, you're douchey and arrogant.

As for stronghold to grow as a community? Oh please. People will always consider RND SH as RND SH an Riot SH as Riot SHwhether the config files are carbon copies of each other or not.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 03:34:30 PM by Rocket50 »

Offline Dale Feles

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2011, 03:35:42 PM »
I know other persons stated before, but I think the damage is fine, just the accuracy that needs tweaking. As to Yobi, no need to flip out just because we provide one counter argument.

Thank you Marie for the sprite.

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #55 on: October 19, 2011, 04:32:28 PM »
>last line
Yea, because that's completely why I dislike you. I dislike you due to your arrogant douchey attitude, you belittle every single person you see that isn't one of your buttbuddies. No respect for that. And no, I'm not just trying to shut anyone up who has an opposite opinion to me, I like having a discussion, just not with you. Also, RND is geared around just allowing everyone to have fun, so often, the majority of votes gets what they suggest, assuming that it's something completely fair and realistic. (I don't literally mean realistic as in guns being realistic or not, I mean that as in the suggestion being something considerable, not something like "make awp shoot like auto with same damage, and have it as default weapon kthnx".)

When people whine and bitch as I raid them, like you have several times, I mock them. I don't see anything wrong with this.
I don't "belittle every single person I see that isn't one of my buttbuddies," but I guess a lot of people do rage when their base is raided.
Mostly this just entails people telling me to go away and my response of "no," but people like you decide to call me a faggot, pussy etc. for destroying your base and killing you.
Of course that is irrelevant since how I deal with babies has nothing to do with balancing weapons, try to make the distinction.

What the majority wants may change on a whim, and shortsightedness will cause the game to end up being less fun.
That is why discussing these things is important, and why people who don't even know how many shots the MP-5 takes to kill someone shouldn't be making the final decisions.

It's odd how you think we hate you just because you make a counter-point to the majority.

I don't.

Shutting anyone up who disagrees? Where the fuck did you get that from? This is an open discussion, no one is attacking one another at the personal level and all the arguements are centered around gun balance. And the fact that apparently the whole community doesnt know better than you just proves what sabb said, you're douchey and arrogant.

Well, I was told to leave because I disagreed.
When SMasters asked if he was the only one who agreed with me he was definitively told yes 8 minutes later, despite the fact that he wasn't.
And again, you said the whole community disagrees with me.

People who don't even know the recoil or damage of the most commonly used guns shouldn't debate balance based on pure speculation.
If anything it's arrogant for you to assume that you know better than me, someone who tested all of the weapons for months when you don't know shit about them.
I'm not saying you should all agree with me or that if you disagree with me you're wrong, but at least inform yourselves before deciding to change the game.

As for stronghold to grow as a community? Oh please. People will always consider RND SH as RND SH an Riot SH as Riot SHwhether the config files are carbon copies of each other or not.

I find that baseless considering how many people I've seen who play on both servers and just call it "Stronghold."

Offline Sabb

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #56 on: October 19, 2011, 04:40:41 PM »
When people whine and bitch as I raid them, like you have several times, I mock them. I don't see anything wrong with this.
I don't "belittle every single person I see that isn't one of my buttbuddies," but I guess a lot of people do rage when their base is raided.
Mostly this just entails people telling me to go away and my response of "no," but people like you decide to call me a faggot, pussy etc. for destroying your base and killing you.
Of course that is irrelevant since how I deal with babies has nothing to do with balancing weapons, try to make the distinction.

What the majority wants may change on a whim, and shortsightedness will cause the game to end up being less fun.
That is why discussing these things is important, and why people who don't even know how many shots the MP-5 takes to kill someone shouldn't be making the final decisions.

I don't.

Well, I was told to leave because I disagreed.
When SMasters asked if he was the only one who agreed with me he was definitively told yes 8 minutes later, despite the fact that he wasn't.
And again, you said the whole community disagrees with me.

People who don't even know the recoil or damage of the most commonly used guns shouldn't debate balance based on pure speculation.
If anything it's arrogant for you to assume that you know better than me, someone who tested all of the weapons for months when you don't know shit about them.
I'm not saying you should all agree with me or that if you disagree with me you're wrong, but at least inform yourselves before deciding to change the game.

I find that baseless considering how many people I've seen who play on both servers and just call it "Stronghold."
@First paragraph. Derp. First, I never call you "faggot, pussy", etc, but I've had arguments or debates with you plenty, which ever way you'd like to look at it. So don't make bullshit up, trying to make my sound juvenile... and people who don't even confront you at all, or speak of you in any way, you still belittle them, never forget to mention how amazing you are at everything, how everyone but you is stupid and that you're better, more educated than all, etc. Don't bullshit yourself.

People who don't even know the recoil or damage of the most commonly used guns shouldn't debate balance based on pure speculation.
If anything it's arrogant for you to assume that you know better than me, someone who tested all of the weapons for months when you don't know shit about them.
I'm not saying you should all agree with me or that if you disagree with me you're wrong, but at least inform yourselves before deciding to change the game.
Thank you for informing us all, it has truly enlightened me... So who wants the weapons tweaked?

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Offline YoBI

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #57 on: October 19, 2011, 04:53:34 PM »
@First paragraph. Derp. First, I never call you "faggot, pussy", etc, but I've had arguments or debates with you plenty, which ever way you'd like to look at it. So don't make bullshit up, trying to make my sound juvenile... and people who don't even confront you at all, or speak of you in any way, you still belittle them, never forget to mention how amazing you are at everything, how everyone but you is stupid and that you're better, more educated than all, etc. Don't bullshit yourself.

You may not have called me a faggot or a pussy, those were just very common examples, but you did rage at me for raiding you and your little team.
I don't even address people who haven't confronted me or brag unless someone says "You're shit," and even then I don't constantly proclaim how amazing I am.
How ironic that when calling me out for supposedly making up bullshit you blatantly lie about me...

Thank you for informing us all, it has truly enlightened me... So who wants the weapons tweaked?

I was telling you to inform yourselves that isn't my job, but you leap at the chance to be unnecessarily derisive instead of thinking, huh?

If you want to get back on topic, don't fill your post with insults in an attempt to get in the last word first.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 04:56:30 PM by YoBI »

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #58 on: October 19, 2011, 04:58:20 PM »
I believe the deagle should be nerfed.

Offline Rocket50

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Re: Reduce all weapon damage by 50% on stronghold.
« Reply #59 on: October 19, 2011, 04:59:25 PM »
Well, I was told to leave because I disagreed.

Taken totally out of context.

"if you don't like that things may be changed to this game mode for our server, leave. "

We never said leave for disagreeing, you just took it that way. What we said was if you don't like the things that we change, then by all means, there's the door.

When SMasters asked if he was the only one who agreed with me he was definitively told yes 8 minutes later, despite the fact that he wasn't.

Implying that has any overall importance on the discussion about weapon stats
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 05:02:40 PM by Rocket50 »