I knew it he always calling random players T's and there are 
Lights up a smoke

I do not think you understand how long I been playing with people on this server and doing psychology in University does have a good effect on telling when people are T for example:
Warning!!! I am sorry to some players for giving away your weaknesses I am just that

yes I know why you are silent during the match

Toxin: Whenever, Toxin is a traitor he looks for a m14 or a scout and you would not hear from him even once until a T dies. That is when he screams that he is confirmed and killed him even though he or his T buddies got rid of the DNA scanners. 100% of the time you see Toxin as a T when he does that.
FrostBound: Whenever, Frost is a traitor he straight away goes for a Barrett or looks for one like a mad man, if you see him with 1 and then couple minutes on with a MAC10 or a MP5. You are now certain for sure that he is a traitor and you must watch him carefully.
LOL!!! This did happen with Frost when I was like Frost I know you T and explained that reason above ^. I believe it was on the Minecraft map of TTT I got stabbed by him after that to keep me from giving him away.
I would go on listing other people but it would be too evil to give everyone away, so I apologise to you Toxin and FrostBound for giving away some of your obvious weaknesses when you are traitors.
Anyway love ya Toxin and Frost you are both great players and fantastic T's when you kill me off first not to tell everyone you are T based on your behaviour

Also Orel I do not think I would Ghost due to one fact I ban people like you,screampac,Harry and Shweaty.Also I would like to thank some of the VIPs,Admins and a Super Admin for helping me construct good reports and learn more about the rules of RND. You already know who you are and I thank you with a peace of delicious

So my skills are not illegal my skills are just purely

and psychological. I do get it wrong some times and you would see me with 500 karma or at times even 300.
Again apologies to Toxin and Frost for giving away their weaknesses.