1. Player's SteamID - STEAM_0:0:3982468
2. Players Nickname - CATS
3. Your in-game name - TheRoach
4. Server name - TTT/Trouble in terrorist town
5. Description of the event - A round started, I was traitor player CATS accused me being a traitor when the round started, while I was walking around CATS shot me without a reason or proof some how he knew that I was traitor and said that he can spot them and I was traitor by the way I walked, after the round he left and called null cunt for giving me the damage log, also when he accused me being a traitor every one was alive and there was no proof about me showing a knife or other traitor weapon.
6. Reason for ban - The player probably uses traitor hacks, also I'm not the only one that witnessed it.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
round state: 3
TTT: The round has begun!
You are: TRAITORTTT: Traitor, these are your allies: Alopecia, Infernal Master
(Guest) Vastined: shit happens
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
TTT: You have received your special equipment.
(Guest) CATS: It's roachTheRoach: Yes.
The traitor is now available!
Player Flingle has joined the game
Flingle (Country: Canada) connected.
[Server] ** Flingle ( STEAM_0:0:42399176 ) has joined the server! **
Alopecia: I see Sonerin.
Alopecia: I see Sonerin.
Mifelator: I'm with CATS.
(Guest) CATS: Where's roach? I'm going to kill himMifelator: I'm with CATS.
Mifelator: I'm with Orel.
(Guest) Mifelator: why
Infernal Master: I'm with Alopecia.
Alopecia: I see sarge.
Alopecia: I see Sonerin.
Player iRub'RnD has joined the game
iRub'RnD (Country: Venezuela) connected.
Orel: sarge acts suspicious.
Orel: sarge acts suspicious.
Orel: sarge acts suspicious.
Orel: I'm with Whomping Walrus.
[Server] ** iRub'RnD ( STEAM_0:1:20939079 ) has joined the server! **
(Guest) Mifelator:

Vastined: I'm with TheRoach.
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
TTT: Orel found the body of TheRoach. He was a Traitor!
Player Aleatoire Brony left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[Server] ** Aleatoire Brony ( STEAM_0:1:27733334 ) has left the server! **
(Reg) Orel: proven
(Guest) Mifelator: LOL !
(Guest) CATS: Told you(Guest) Mifelator: cats
Player iRub'RnD left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[Server] ** iRub'RnD ( STEAM_0:1:20939079 ) has left the server! **
Player iRub'RnD has joined the game
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: Nice t hax
iRub'RnD (Country: Venezuela) connected.
(Guest) CATS: yes
(Guest) Mifelator: howd u know ?
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Guest) null: yea how did he know?(Guest) CATS: The way he walked around[Server] ** iRub'RnD ( STEAM_0:1:20939079 ) has joined the server! **
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
(Guest) CATS: He was a man on a missionPlayer Apie2 ٩͡๏̯͡๏۶ has joined the game
Apie2 ٩͡๏̯͡๏۶ (Country: Netherlands) connected.
[Server] Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Trouble in Terrorist Town|Tick66|Fast DL- Troll Cubed <

-|-< !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !info in chat!
[Server] ** Apie2 ٩͡๏̯͡๏۶ ( STEAM_0:0:18289723 ) has joined the server! **
(Guest) Sonerin: Why does she have a dick.
(Guest) Mifelator: sream
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: Sup Ruben :3
(Guest) Mifelator: is that ur spray ?
(TEAM) (Reg) Apie2 ٩͡๏̯͡๏۶: its a fake ruben
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: Long time no seen
(Guest) Mifelator: whos spray is that
(Guest) Alopecia: That is suck
(Guest) Alopecia: sick*
(Guest) Mifelator: if so ull get banned !
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: I don't want to start with the banz but CATZ is possible t-hax
Player sarge left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[Server] ** sarge ( STEAM_0:1:44559882 ) has left the server! **
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: No jole
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
(Guest) Mifelator: C4
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: Joke*
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Guest) null: well he did shoot at me my first t round here 8 seconds into the round for no reasonPlayer slymansix has joined the game
slymansix (Country: United Kingdom) connected.
[Server] ** Whomping Walrus ( STEAM_0:1:37762110 ) has left the server! **
TTT: Sonerin found the body of null. He was innocent.
Alopecia: I'm with Vastined.
Alopecia: I'm with Vastined.
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: The round started and he said that I was t(Guest) Mifelator: gamer
(Guest) Mifelator: come
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: No one was deadOrel: Help!
Orel: Help!
(Guest) Alopecia: wtf
Orel: Help!
(Guest) Mifelator: come
(Guest) Alopecia: wtf dude
(Guest) Mifelator: in there
(Guest) Mifelator: gun room

(Guest) Alopecia: why are you running around with a knife
(Guest) Mifelator: free guns
(Guest) Mifelator: NOOO
(Guest) Mifelator: nooo
Orel: Vastined is innocent.
(Guest) Mifelator: they updated it
(Guest) Mifelator: go
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: That's his reasom
(Guest) Mifelator: trust me !
HINT: As spectator, use team chat to talk during an active round!
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: reason*
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: (Guest) CATS: The way he walked around
[Server] ** slymansix ( STEAM_0:1:5388189 ) has joined the server! **
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: (Guest) CATS: Where's roach? I'm going to kill himM
(Guest) Vastined: craps
Player J.Clarke has joined the game
J.Clarke (Country: United Kingdom) connected.
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Guest) CATS: I didn't kill youTTT: Mifelator found the body of Sonerin. He was innocent.
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: Really
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Guest) CATS: Yea it was another guy
sreampac: Vastined is a Traitor!
sreampac: Mifelator is a Traitor!
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: You said it was meTTT: Mifelator found the body of Infernal Master. He was a Traitor!
TTT: Mifelator confirmed the death of CATS.
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: From the start
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Guest) CATS: Yea, that's because it was youTTT: gamer856 found the body of Vastined. He was innocent.
TTT: The Traitors have been defeated!
Round state: 4
TTT: Let's look at the round report for 30 seconds.
*DEAD* (Guest) Alopecia: pffft
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: What was your reason?*DEAD* (Guest) Mifelator: hahaha
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: How did you know it was me.
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Guest) CATS: I can spot a traitor when I see one(Reg) Apie2 ٩͡๏̯͡๏۶: Yeah my karma is epic agian
*DEAD* (Guest) null: 02:12.81 - DMG: CATS [innocent] damaged TheRoach [traitor] for 36 dmg02:14.81 - DMG: CATS [innocent] damaged TheRoach [t
*DEAD* (Guest) null: before roach did anythingTTT: Your Karma is 911. As a result all damage you deal is reduced by 2%
TTT: A new round begins in 30 seconds. Prepare yourself.
Round state: 2
Server cvar 'sv_tags' changed to garrysmod126,gm
Welcome to ttt_minecraft. Enjoy you play.
Server default language is: english
Made by Finniespin. Visit
http://conjointgaming.com/(TEAM) (Reg) TheRoach: Thanks null
(Reg) TheRoach: Also what was your reason to shoot me.[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 27.
TTT: The Traitors have been selected.
Round state: 3
TTT: The round has begun!
(Reg) Apie2 ٩͡๏̯͡๏۶:

The traitor is now available!
(Reg) TheRoach: So...yeah nice t-hax bro
(Reg) Apie2 ٩͡๏̯͡๏۶: Du du du duuuuuuu
Vastined: I'm with Alopecia.