Alright as some of the mappers,newbies that dont know sh__ about compile errors and how old and unsupported the sdk is. And have issues with displacesments making the map unable to compile/load/Fps issues.
First thing is that if you cant get your disp to sew together and its telling you a error with multisides then you will have to do the following correctly.
Create new displacements but only select the faces you want aka the top ones only before setting the power and use the power of 3 or 4 when making detailed stuff but 3 loads quicker.

Second error You may have a issue to where you cant run VVIS.exe at all oh and if your a mac then go die or somthing that doesnt support DLLs or Exe files. Anyways...

Select all the faces that you currently have and select them by whole and not just a face and see if it has somthing like func_breakable or func_penis or func_door or func_brush you get the point it cant be a entity and this includes func_detail. after selecting them do CTRL+SHIFT+W this will turn the entity brush into a normal pener less brush.
Third error is that your disp are not compiling corectly even without it being a func_ anything or entity. You have most likly made the brush way to small or disp and made it the power of 4 for a example.
To fix just simply lower down the power to a lower number like 3 or 2 but 3 is recommended for small things about 100by100 units or smaller.
Forth error this is one of the last ones well actally it should be the last. You are getting lighting errors on your map light full bright and you have the light entity on your map and it says ****LEAKED**** to fix you must have a light of any kind without it this wont work.
And if the line is pointing to the displacement then you need to put somthing under it like a wall of nodraw.

and this is what you need to do to stop any leaks with disp

If that doesnt help just tell me and ill get the boner to fix it :3 but include the compile log...
And this is my current second project and this is my life...

Edit: Pictures here