Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Null's appeal to anybody concerned
First of all, that map has a teleporter in the basement which you can ALSO go through. The elevator has cooldown for pressing the button of about 4 seconds giving you a slight chance to get out or catch their name.
ALSO, I never rdm'd you.
Rdm is RANDOM DEATH MATCH, I started crow barring you because someone had shot a barrel next to us with a pistol and guess what, YOU had one out. You put it away and said "oh Hotgreen, why did you crowbar that barrel?" and tried to get people to suspect me. I had a reason to attempt to kill you and I didn't even manage to. That was thhe only time I ever even ATTEMPTED to kill you.
EDIT: LOLWAIT, THAT WAS THE OTHER GUY. LOLOL. You do realize it was wolfpac who shot the barrel...I told you that about 4 times, and you are still trying to frame me? Check the logs bud. Spoiler (click to show/hide)Staggz was the one I started crow barring.
I do not know whether This toast or what the other guy were doing but when you start accusing for something that wasn't even the truth, that's when I'll step in.
ALSO, EVEN if other people are breaking the rules doesn't mean you can too. You got caught for it, so you got banned. Simple as that. If you want the others to get punished, report them too.
You did mass RDM and revenge RDM. If this toast and those others were spamming the elevator, you're suppose to report them.
--- Quote from: Goat on September 24, 2011, 08:52:03 PM ---Yes, yes, yes.
ONTOPIC: I'm not saying the ban was unjustified but he was provoked to RDM
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Revenge RDM is not allowed, no matter what.
If you are so serious about that happening just take a break and go outside rather then bringing yourself down to their level.
--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on September 24, 2011, 08:54:33 PM ---
If you are so serious about that happening just take a break and go outside rather then bringing yourself down to their level.
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Did I ever say the ban was wrong? I said that he was provoked to RDM, not that it was the right thing to do. You think I'm comming off as defending him don't you? He was provoked to RDM the whole server, not once did I say it was the right thing to do.
--- Quote from: Goat on September 24, 2011, 09:01:11 PM ---Did I ever say the ban was wrong? I said that he was provoked to RDM, not that it was the right thing to do. You think I'm comming off as defending him don't you? He was provoked to RDM the whole server, not once did I say it was the right thing to do.
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I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying that he SHOULDN'T even be provoked to RDM, if he is, then he should just take a break and cool off.
This Toast:
--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on September 24, 2011, 08:54:33 PM ---
ALSO, EVEN if other people are breaking the rules doesn't mean you can too. You got caught for it, so you got banned. Simple as that. If you want the others to get punished, report them too.
You did mass RDM and revenge RDM. If this toast and those others were spamming the elevator, you're suppose to report them.
--- End quote ---
Exactly but I know for sure I am innocent and just playing. I know I was up there but I also know I never pressed that button during that round since I'm not a fan of the basement in whitehouse.
--- Quote from: This Toast on September 24, 2011, 09:02:30 PM ---Exactly but I know for sure I am innocent and just playing. I know I was up there but I also know I never pressed that button during that round since I'm not a fan of the basement in whitehouse.
--- End quote ---
I thought this was that snow map....Whitehouse can't even be spammed...Lol.
If it WAS whitehouse, you have a very big window for jumping off of it.
As for the snow one, you have about 1-2 seconds to get out.
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