Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Null's appeal to anybody concerned

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This Toast:

--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on September 24, 2011, 09:03:44 PM ---Waitwat

I thought this was that snow map....Whitehouse can't even be spammed...Lol.

If it WAS whitehouse, you have a very big window for jumping off of it.

As for the snow one, you have about 1-2 seconds to get out.

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--- Quote from: This Toast on September 24, 2011, 09:07:02 PM ---YES YES YES.

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...Toast, please try to make something I can understand Dx

Which map was it exactly? Don't think there's a map called YES YES YES


--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on September 24, 2011, 09:08:17 PM ---Don't think there's a map called YES YES YES

--- End quote ---
Not yet anyways

This Toast:

--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on September 24, 2011, 09:08:17 PM ---...Toast, please try to make something I can understand Dx

Which map was it exactly? Don't think there's a map called YES YES YES

--- End quote ---

I too was confused here. How could have they not get off that elevator? Why did the traitors not get away since T's can see C4's at the map and how long 'till it explodes; Instead they decide to play within C4 range.


--- Quote from: Goat on September 24, 2011, 09:10:09 PM ---Not yet anyways

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Could you PLEASe keep this on-topic?

This is serious guys, and I swear if one of you puts a pic of "*** IS SRS BUISNESS" I will shove a sock down your throat  :nu:

Null, please respond.

--- Quote from: This Toast on September 24, 2011, 09:12:09 PM ---I too was confused here. How could have they not get off that elevator? Why did the traitors not get away since T's can see C4's at the map and how long 'till it explodes; Instead they decide to play within C4 range.

--- End quote ---

So it WAS Whitehouse? Also, I would like to know too. Traitors have a good minute to get away from where c4 is before it goes off.


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