Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Null's appeal to anybody concerned

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--- Quote from: Goat on September 24, 2011, 08:45:53 PM ---I men't that if he is being a troll then he should screenshot or demo, I wasn't calling him anything, just saying that if he were to minge/troll then Russian should screenshot it

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not your reply, russians reply.

to make it more obvious:

--- Quote from: F.P.S Russian on September 24, 2011, 08:40:05 PM ---
so you my friend are a  :troll: 

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please try to not say this things

This Toast:

--- Quote from: F.P.S Russian on September 24, 2011, 08:40:05 PM ---
Toast I do not trust that you did not know of C4 my friend,   you were one of the people up stairs moving when me and Null were screaming C4. I saw you on elevator when it went back up  so you my friend are a  :troll: and after that you also said STFU russian and null.

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Yes I did say that because who wouldn't get annoyed?

"I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing" I'm wearing only my left headphones while you guys were mic-spamming and my TV at high volume. How will I hear it?

>Anyway, I'm sorry for the "Enjoy the ban" gag. I only got that from a dude I forgot who.
>We do know that you did RDM and really deserves a ban.
>Now that your complaining that not only you had broken the rules, you report it.

F.P.S Russian:

--- Quote from: Goat on September 24, 2011, 08:43:19 PM ---Step 1: Go in disguise
Step 2: Catch him being a minge/troll
Step 3: Screenshot or demo
Step 4: Report him and get him demoted/banned
Step 5: Be hero of the motherland and drink lots of vodka my friend

--- End quote ---

1. Aproved
2. Aproved
3. Aproved
4. Definate Aproved

5.  We go drink some vodka my friend join me  :dukenukem:


--- Quote from: F.P.S Russian on September 24, 2011, 08:50:04 PM ---1. Aproved
2. Aproved
3. Aproved
4. Definate Aproved
5.  We go drink some vodka my friend join me  :dukenukem:

--- End quote ---
Yes, yes, yes.

ONTOPIC: I'm not saying the ban was unjustified but he was provoked to RDM

This Toast:

--- Quote from: Goat on September 24, 2011, 08:43:19 PM ---Step 1: Go in disguise
Step 2: Catch him being a minge/troll
Step 3: Screenshot or demo
Step 4: Report him and get him demoted/banned
Step 5: Be hero of the motherland and drink lots of vodka my friend

--- End quote ---


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