Author Topic: Null's appeal to anybody concerned  (Read 359 times)

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Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:10:28 PM »
So I’m told the thread stays locked and I’m not even allowed to post in the thread about my ban. I have to come here and appeal. Well fine. Even though I think 3 days is quite harsh considering the circumstances, I did rdm people 1 round, 1 time since I’ve been playing on this server. 252 total hours in Gmod. Just about ALL of them in this server. It’s nice to see that people take this kind of thing seriously, but very disconcerting to see it’s taken seriously so selectively.
# 424 "null" STEAM_0:1:4939948 01:11 394 9 active

2. Players Nickname - null

3. Your in-game name - null

4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival) - .:`=~rANdOm~`-=:. –Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Description of the event(s)
I killed people one round.

6. Reason for appeal
First traitor round I get, a player named something Cat is my T buddy. He suicides. I’m screwed.
Next T round which I waited 45 minutes for, Cat is again my t buddy, and again he suicides. The other T is very low karma, double digits. They are both dead. Then someone snipes me. I am at 6 hp and everyone is assuming im the traitor. I had done nothing. The reason this person sniped me was because apparently I picked up a discombob and I was standing close to him. That’s exactly what he said. Then Russian says, “ah fuck it” and just kills me because he figures im probably a T and its worth the risk.
Another 30 minutes or so, and I have a T round again… finally. Some new player comes into the server and just straight up kills me at the start of the round, then disconnects.
I’m starting to get pretty fed up with the way people talk to me about these events. “Youmad null”? “Nobody gives a fuck its just a game”. “Rdm happens its part of the game, nobody cares”.

I’ve been playing 6 hours and 20 minutes now. We are on whitehouse, And I finally become T again.
Pretty soon Russian plants C4 below the elevator. A lot of people are downstairs and we all hear it.
Everyone is shouting on the mic “GET UPSTAIRS there is C4!!!”. At least 5 people are on the elevator going upstairs, including me and Russian. As soon as we reach the top, the elevator goes back down again. People start laughing. Others, including myself are saying “Quit hitting the button” We are going back up now. As we are approaching the top again, I see…..
This Toast (who I think, at the time was named Siht Tsaot but maybe not)
Ethan Mars
And again, the elevator goes back down and we are all trapped.
I see people lol in chat about the situation, as everyone else is screaming “QUIT SPAMMING THE FUCKING BUTTON!”.

The C4 explodes, we are killed and the traitors lose obviously.
Now Russian and I are asking who it was that was spamming the button. Everyone up top are refusing to answer.
People start saying more shit like.
“Whatever it doesn’t matter”, “Nobody cares about RDM”
“Report it if your mad” Well I’d like to report it, but tell me who did it.
“Stfu null and Russian”. Etc. etc.

So next round I figured… Ok so nobody cares about rdm?.....
I screamed on the mic about how I’ve been killed as t for no reason every fucking time the entire night. I asked again and again who it was that spammed the button. One person said on the mic “I’m not telling you”. The rest just stayed quiet.
“OMG you guys, null is about to go on a rampage” someone said.
So I put 2 and 2 together and figured people on this server figure RDM really isn’t a big deal and I tried to kill everyone who I knew for sure was upstairs. I knew my karma was going to hit rock bottom. Then Toast killed me assuming I was T. I think he got mad about losing karma for killing me.
After that I didn’t hear one complaint. People were laughing about the situation. I even played for a while after that, never hearing one complaint about it. Never knowing about the report about me on the forums.
One thing I’d like to know is why Toast would report this, but not report… Or even tell me who it was that RDM’d all of us on the elevator. He was upstairs and could see who was doing it.

Then  Hotgreensoldier +1’s the thread saying “was having problems with this guy yesterday” Really Hotgreen? What problem was that? How about the one where you RDM’d me on the 7th? Remember that? It was when you exploded the barrel for no reason and I died. Is that what you’re speaking of?
I don’t know why Kahuna is involved; I don’t believe he was even in the server.
Then before I even knew the thread existed, it’s locked and I’m banned. It would be nice if other people who were present for these events would speak the truth.

Why the hell do people regularly get away with this kind of thing, But I get banned for 3 days for doing it ONE TIME. One time, mind you, when nobody cared. Well almost nobody, apparently Toast cared.

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
I really wish I would have recorded this. Maybe we would be able to figure out who killed everyone on the previous round. You would be able to see the attitudes people had toward the situation.

8. Link to sourceban page

Do what you will. It’s not my server. Repeat offenders aren’t getting caught here, it’s the first time offenders who get the punishments. I guess from now on, I’ll just have to record every round and start reporting every incident. Then again, people will probably just have attitudes with me if I did that.

If you want them. I have a demo of,
Chunky King glitching the elevator on purpose.
Paz RDMing (And LoneWolf sticking up for him and possibly ghosting with paz)
Xweapon rdming
Rhombicuboctahedron Trolling, blocking paths on purpose, baiting, spamming things like “YOUMAD” and “I’m ddosing the server”.
Peas going to unreachable places on the map after he was told not to.
And I’m not going to sit here watching the rest of them, just to finish this list.

Just let me know how this works. Do we report all this shit or not? Because until Toasts report of my one-time offense, I was under the impression that nobody cared.

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 08:26:27 PM »
Yes, I was name Siht Tsaot that time. I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing. Next round, I took my place at the "statue thingy" where I'm not seen obviously there. Then just saw you killed guy infront of me and I chased you. No, I was not mad that I killed you since I muted you that time, so I thought you were a traitor. As for other people, like Hotgreen, you wait for their opinion but YOU DID RDM. For me, Enjoy the ban :thumbsdown:

Thanks Cryptokid!


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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 08:34:53 PM »
Yes, I was name Siht Tsaot that time. I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing.... Enjoy the ban :thumbsdown:
How convenient, and wow you seem to be genuinely enjoying this.
Also I want to make it clear that I am not reporting russian for any sort of RDMing here. His suspicion was correct, and possibly solidified by the way I was talking. However the first guy that shot me had no reason to.

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2011, 08:35:31 PM »
I want to actually confirm that the events he described confirmed that situation. KGB is  :thumbsup: for this I was killed by that elevator spam as well and I was T too.
Also Null forgive me my friend for shooting you that other map you talk it went all how do you say? confusin ? I come in 4 guys shooting each other so I stood there confuse :-[ and just shot all the survived ones.

So definate  :thumbsup: for his appeal some people were trolling him and me, then when we try to find who they all kept saying "You Mad Bro?" or "STFU Russian and Null"

KGB approved  :dukenukem:

Offline Goat

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2011, 08:37:02 PM »
Toast your attitude toward him is a bit harsh.
As for the OP, TTT is a harsh land that will take and take from you until you have nothing to give.

BTW, I don't think this is an apeal but more of telling us the story, since a 3 day ban will be expired by the time an admin replies

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2011, 08:40:05 PM »
Yes, I was name Siht Tsaot that time. I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing. Next round, I took my place at the "statue thingy" where I'm not seen obviously there. Then just saw you killed guy infront of me and I chased you. No, I was not mad that I killed you since I muted you that time, so I thought you were a traitor. As for other people, like Hotgreen, you wait for their opinion but YOU DID RDM. For me, Enjoy the ban :thumbsdown:

Toast I do not trust that you did not know of C4 my friend,   you were one of the people up stairs moving when me and Null were screaming C4. I saw you on elevator when it went back up  so you my friend are a  :troll: and after that you also said STFU russian and null.

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2011, 08:43:19 PM »

Toast I do not trust that you did not know of C4 my friend,   you were one of the people up stairs moving when me and Null were screaming C4. I saw you on elevator when it went back up  so you my friend are a  :troll: and after that you also said STFU russian and null.
Step 1: Go in disguise
Step 2: Catch him being a minge/troll
Step 3: Screenshot or demo
Step 4: Report him and get him demoted/banned
Step 5: Be hero of the motherland and drink lots of vodka my friend

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2011, 08:43:59 PM »
For me, null deserves a 1D ban, nothing more.

also toast should had tell null about him making a report... it is somewhere in the report section.

ALSOO that i am just reading the last reply, please try to not offend(like calling troll) other players because everytime there is a shitstorm there is someone that... well i don't really know how to explain that so just try to be nice because shitstorms aren't nice.

S[hes] Br[ok]en

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2011, 08:45:53 PM »
For me, null deserves a 1D ban, nothing more.

also toast should had tell null about him making a report... it is somewhere in the report section.

ALSOO that i am just reading the last reply, please try to not offend(like calling troll) other players because everytime there is a shitstorm there is someone that... well i don't really know how to explain that so just try to be nice because shitstorms aren't nice.

I men't that if he is being a troll then he should screenshot or demo, I wasn't calling him anything, just saying that if he were to minge/troll then Russian should screenshot it

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2011, 08:46:36 PM »
For me, null deserves a 1D ban, nothing more.

also toast should had tell null about him making a report... it is somewhere in the report section.

ALSOO that i am just reading the last reply, please try to not offend(like calling troll) other players because everytime there is a shitstorm there is someone that... well i don't really know how to explain that so just try to be nice because shitstorms aren't nice.

I am sorry my friend I did not know.

KGB approved  :dukenukem:

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2011, 08:48:10 PM »
I men't that if he is being a troll then he should screenshot or demo, I wasn't calling him anything, just saying that if he were to minge/troll then Russian should screenshot it

not your reply, russians reply.

to make it more obvious:

so you my friend are a  :troll: 

please try to not say this things

S[hes] Br[ok]en

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2011, 08:49:37 PM »

Toast I do not trust that you did not know of C4 my friend,   you were one of the people up stairs moving when me and Null were screaming C4. I saw you on elevator when it went back up  so you my friend are a  :troll: and after that you also said STFU russian and null.

Yes I did say that because who wouldn't get annoyed?

"I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing" I'm wearing only my left headphones while you guys were mic-spamming and my TV at high volume. How will I hear it?

>Anyway, I'm sorry for the "Enjoy the ban" gag. I only got that from a dude I forgot who.
>We do know that you did RDM and really deserves a ban.
>Now that your complaining that not only you had broken the rules, you report it.

Thanks Cryptokid!

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2011, 08:50:04 PM »
Step 1: Go in disguise
Step 2: Catch him being a minge/troll
Step 3: Screenshot or demo
Step 4: Report him and get him demoted/banned
Step 5: Be hero of the motherland and drink lots of vodka my friend

1. Aproved
2. Aproved
3. Aproved
4. Definate Aproved

5.  We go drink some vodka my friend join me  :dukenukem:

Offline Goat

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2011, 08:52:03 PM »
1. Aproved
2. Aproved
3. Aproved
4. Definate Aproved
5.  We go drink some vodka my friend join me  :dukenukem:
Yes, yes, yes.

ONTOPIC: I'm not saying the ban was unjustified but he was provoked to RDM

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2011, 08:52:12 PM »
Step 1: Go in disguise
Step 2: Catch him being a minge/troll
Step 3: Screenshot or demo
Step 4: Report him and get him demoted/banned
Step 5: Be hero of the motherland and drink lots of vodka my friend

Thanks Cryptokid!