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How to earn so much forum respect it flows out your ass! With pictures!

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--- Quote from: Jman on September 25, 2011, 07:46:57 PM ---Spoiler: Meanwhile in another thread with the bandwagon effect: (click to show/hide)
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Hey thats my thread :((

Well, if its unfunny then leave the others to have fun and laugh with it.

It's still true story.


--- Quote from: [Valor]iPounce on September 26, 2011, 10:49:16 PM ---Well, if its unfunny then leave the others to have fun and laugh with it.

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See, this is what I'm talking about people. I don't see how me expressing my suprise that you got like 8 +1's over something I thought was stupid is interfering in the slightest with anyone else "having fun and laughing with it". I don't really know how many times I'll have to repeat this before somebody gets it.


--- Quote from: Jman on September 26, 2011, 11:06:38 PM ---See, this is what I'm talking about people. I don't see how me expressing my suprise that you got like 8 +1's over something I thought was stupid is interfering in the slightest with anyone else "having fun and laughing with it". I don't really know how many times I'll have to repeat this before somebody gets it.

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Why do you care about that thread so much, I don't think it was worth to bring the thread in here.
People responded to you just as rude as you did. In my opinion, the bandwagon effect has its pros too, because in some cases some people might be afraid to say something against a popular and known member of the community unless they see someone who is also popular and known saying the same thing, so what I'm saying is that it might help people to voice their opinions more freely in certain situations.

And I didn't found that joke funny too by the way.

Stop trying to apply every little thing you hear into every single thing you read and turn everything into a bad situation/arguement...
Sure, some people jump on board and follow what other people do, what ever, this isn't new news, lets quit bitching. Just because someone has pointed it out to a particular situation, DOESN'T MEAN THAT'S THE INTENT FOR EVERYTHING. Just because you see a post that a lot of people like and +1, but you look at it and don't like it, doesn't mean that omg everyone's copying so and so bandwagon effect because it got a lot of +1 but I don't like that stop it they can't happen w.e. I'm sorry if I'm come across as rude, but it's really annoying when everything turns into this shit.

all of this over the internet?


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