I managed to skip one class back in freshman year about 5 years ago.
I was a sneaky little bitch and forged signatures and shit. I have this gift of almost perfect handwriting that looks like the font Verdana. And the ability to write in cursive that would be the exact replica of an admins handwriting.
(I ran a small business of forging peoples parents' signatures for their progress report/report card that was needed to be turned back in to the teacher but kids wouldnt want their parents to see it.. this eventually led to photoshopping their grades for a higher price.. wasn't my proudest moments.)Basically I didn't show up to class and stayed in the lunch room where proudly would be having lunch since I eat 30 minutes before him.
Then I would go to the healthroom and tell her I'm sick and what not and she'll write me a note to go back to class.
I tore out the part where she wrote the date (since the excuse note is literally just written on a torn notebook paper) and used that an as excuse slip if my teacher wondered why I wasnt showing up.
I used it everyday for a whole semester until I was put on the suspicious list and was called in the principals office one day.
He was fat and was eating a twinkie. Not even joking, and he looked at me and asked what kind of grades I made...
I said A's and B's... which was kind of a lie.. Let's just say they were not failing but they were not beautiful either.
He looked at me and said "You look too innocent to be skipping class. You look like a good girl. You're free to go. Just don't let me catch you again"
Fucking felt like a boss.