>found half ounce of grease chilling at bottom of fries
>turning "pizza" upside-down creates a small thunderstorm of oil
>"chicken patties" are made of raw mush, even though i hasnt eaten them...
>salads are made of... God knows why that head lettuce-like paper is blue and fuzzy
Right now that sounds delicious. I need something fattening and loaded with carbohydrates in order to keep me awake/alive.
Well I mean maybe we should swap schools. My school, being Environmentally Friendly and such, has straight-up "I just finished cooking that" food.
Fries? They aren't fried. They're baked.
And then sliced.
Full meals. Like... fucking... cuisine shit.
5 choices of salads. A BAKED POTATO. FRUITS. SUBMARINE SANDWICHES IN THOSE NEAT LITTLE OVENTHINGS THAT USUALLY HAVE PIZZA IN THEM. Rice, Chicken/Beef/fakechicken/fakebeef and fucking vegetablehs even.
Even Shrimp. Fucking, Shrimps.
The only possibly unhealthy thing there that I saw in the Cafe was
Diet Coke.
And in for some reason you're still hungry, you can come back. FOR MORE.
And still there are only 14 people on a long bus. Not even a short bus, no, the
Eco-friendly school has a bus made for 30+ people carry
14 people who live relatively close to eachother.