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ZS weapon ideas
.:~RND`=- serialkillerBR -=:
wow is difficult the get to kill 45 imagine 75!
--- Quote from: .:~RND`=- serialkillerBR -= on October 13, 2011, 03:43:46 PM ---wow is difficult the get to kill 45 imagine 75!
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Yeahhh no. Getting 45 kills and over is rather easy once you've played zs enough.
Please fix grammar
Dark Pacifist:
--- Quote from: Alkaline on September 16, 2011, 10:48:16 AM ---There was a old thread for the same topic.
Holy hand grenade of Akatosh.
20 kills.
Large blast radius that kills all zombies on the map including the asshole that threw it.
I am really serious and I really want to see this in game.
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You know what alkaline that's a great idea but how how about a disguised weapon that automatically kills the team of the person that picks it up?
I have rarely seen anyone get up to like 125. Maybe add different weapon options or a buy weapon type deal at beginning of rounds?
--- Quote from: infamybandit on November 20, 2011, 08:00:25 PM ---I have rarely seen anyone get up to like 125. Maybe add different weapon options or a buy weapon type deal at beginning of rounds?
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making it like being able to start with another gun every round if you get over 125 kills is something kinda unfair.
i belive a lot of our zs players like just vanilla gamemode.
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